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教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2007-05-04》 |
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◎國際專題:Duke MBA cheating scandal may reflect national trend杜克學子作弊 撼動美國杏壇 | |
◎杜克MBA叱吒職場,道德學分待重修Duke MBAs Fail Ethics Test | |
◎Duke's Image Faces More Polishing as Applications Sag醜聞接連新生減少,杜克大學求改善門面 |
國際專題:Duke MBA cheating scandal may reflect national trend杜克學子作弊 撼動美國杏壇 | |
策劃、編譯■唐澄暐、侯美如 | |
Duke University is trying to deal with a cheating scandal involving 34 first-year business graduate students in an era when national surveys have suggested that cheating is widespread among their peers. In a survey released last September by a Rutgers University professor, 56 percent of business graduate students admitted having cheated, compared with 54 percent in engineering, 48 percent in education and 45 percent in law school. More than 5,300 students at 54 universities were surveyed from 2002 to 2004. "This is self-reported evidence of cheating, so it's probably underestimated," said Donald McCabe, the professor who oversaw the survey. "I would say at many business schools it is a part of the culture. You want to talk rationalizations? I could give you thousands of them: 'Everybody else does it; it's the teachers' fault; you have to do it to get ahead.' " The 34 at Duke face steep penalties after university officials determined they collaborated on answers of an exam. Mike Hemmerich, an associate dean at Duke's Fuqua School of Business, said a professor noticed unusual consistencies in the answers of a take-home exam, which the students seeking a master's degree in business administration were supposed to do on their own. School officials declined to identify the course, the professor or the students. Nine of the students face expulsion, according to the ruling. Fifteen were suspended for a year and given a failing grade in the course, nine were given a failing grade in the course, and one got a failing grade on the exam. Four others were exonerated. They are likely to appeal and can attend classes while awaiting decisions. In general, fewer than 10 students a year at the business school are found guilty of cheating, said Hemmerich. Many of the country's leading business schools, including Duke's, have been emphasizing honesty and ethical conduct. At Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism, an accusation surfaced in December that some students cheated on an open-book, take-home exam on journalistic ethics. The school did not comment on the outcome of the case. http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/business/4763371.html 美國杜克大學正試圖處理這起牽涉34名MBA一年級生的校園醜聞,然而根據一項全國調查,作弊的行為在這一個圈子內極為盛行,並不限於杜克一所。 去年9月由羅特格斯大學的調查中指出,56%的商科研究院學生坦承有作過弊,而工科是54%、教育科是48%、法律則是45%。這項調查從2002年至2004年為止,共調查了54所大學的5千3百多位學生。 「這是自己招供的作弊,所以實際上的人數可能更多。」審視調查作業的教授唐納‧麥克柏表示。「我自己認為,這在許多商學院是文化的一部分。你希望我提出理由嗎?我可以提出不只一千個,如『大家都在作弊、這是老師的問題、為了名列前矛而不得不為』。」 34名學生被校方認定在帶回家的考試中,共同完成問題,而將面臨嚴苛的懲處。杜克大學富庫亞商學院的副院長麥克‧漢墨利奇表示,一位教授在一份帶回家的考試中發現了不尋常的一致性,然而,求取MBA碩士學位的學生理當自行完成測驗。 但校方拒絕公佈課程、教授及學生的姓名。而其中有9人面臨退學的處分。 另有15人將停學一年且該科不及格,9人僅該科不及格,1人該考試不及格,還有4人不受處分。全體都得向校方上訴,並可在結果確定前繼續上課。 漢墨利奇表示,一般來說每年商學院被判定有作弊的學生都不到10個。包括杜克大學在內的美國多數頂尖商學院都強調正直的品德與道德管理。12月,哥倫比亞大學的新聞研究所也曾發生在新聞倫理課的可回家看書考試中作弊遭舉發的事件,不過當時該校未做任何評論。 |
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杜克MBA叱吒職場,道德學分待重修Duke MBAs Fail Ethics Test | |
自踏進校園的第一天起,商學院學生與理論數字奮戰,同時習得商場上的企業道德,在歐美不少學校裡,他們還得嚴格遵守「榮譽規章」(honor code)的學術誠信,禁止一切學術作業上的剽竊;而在美國杜克大學富科商學院(Fuqua School of Business),學生甚至在申請入學前就必須詳讀簽署好一份這樣的榮譽規章。 然而,就在上個月27日,34名集體作弊的富科企管碩一學生卻讓素有「南方長春藤名校」之稱的杜克大學顏面盡失。原本是讓學生帶回家獨立查閱資料完成的期末考卷,卻有34人答案雷同,閱卷教授起疑調查之下,才爆出大事件,連校方都表示,這是杜克大學有史以來最大宗的集體作弊。「事關重大,學術誠信是本校文化的基石,如今卻出現這麼大的打擊。」行銷與傳播學院副院長漢默里奇(Mike Hemmerich)表示。 舞弊蔚為風氣 杜克大學醜聞震驚商學界,各校都擔心舞弊風氣將重回企管研究院。他們並非杞人憂天。根據《管院學習與教育》期刊去年9月發表的調查顯示,作弊風氣在MBA學生中似乎比其他研究院更盛行,上學年中,坦承曾經考試作弊的商學院學生就佔調查人數的56%,比起非商學院學生的47%平均高出許多。報導首席執筆作者、同時也在羅格斯商學院(Rutgers Business School)任教的麥可比(Donald McCabe)指出,杜克大學這次涉案人數已超過平均值,案情非同小可:「這雖然不是最嚴重的,但也是大宗案件之一。」 過去5年最大的舞弊事件之一,包括2002年維吉尼亞大學一門普通物理課學生利用網路剽竊文章繳交作業的醜聞,45名學生被退學、3名學生甚至被撤銷學位;2005年,因為涉及申請入學網站駭客事件,119名學子被哈佛商學院拒絕入學。杜克大學的案例,則是一門主修課上,多名學生的期末考卷和平時隨堂測驗答案有太多可疑的雷同。 嚴懲歪風 涉案學生隨即被移交學校司法委員會,準備接受處分。司法委員會成員包含3院教職員、3名學生、以及一名只在前兩方無法達成共識時才有投票權的學院院長。 38名受調查的學生中,37人被指控作弊、1人罪名為說謊,結果發現34名學生的確違反學校榮譽規章,予以懲罰:9人將面臨被開除學籍的結果、15人留級一年並該科不予及格、另外9名該科不予及格、最後一名則只有該項作業不及格的懲罰;以上懲處將在6月1日生效,屆時學生並有15天機會再上訴。而雖然根據聯邦隱私權保護規定,校方不得公佈事件學生及教師姓名,處分仍會在學生紀錄上保留3的月到3年不等的時間。 富科榮譽委員會主席費茲西蒙(Gavan Fitzsimons)在聽證會摘要中指出,司法委員會是經過數星期的「審慎思考」才作出裁決,「我衷心希望所有違反本校榮譽規章的人都能體會名譽與誠信有多麼寶貴,」摘要中寫道:「從我和那些孩子的互動中,我知道這次經驗將改變他們的人生。」 學術壓力 舞弊案判決在27日下午公佈,消息馬上竄流校園及網路聊天室。富科學生會會長史桂斯(Charles Scrase)感到相當意外:「我平常和他們共事,他們都是很有道德感、很出色的人,我們很訝異會發生這麼重大的作弊事件。」 追究其原因,本特利學院(Bentley College)企業道德中心執行長霍夫曼(W. Michael Hoffman)認為,商學院的學術競爭壓力迫使學生可能選擇歧路:「除非我和大家一起作弊、除非我違反道德,不然我無法與其他人並駕齊驅。」而事實是,能在畢業時交出最亮麗成績單的學生,的確往往能在企業裡得到最好的面試機會。正如富科一年級的漢達(Sonit Handa)所言:「杜克的MBA課程競爭激烈,而企業主只要求好成績,想出人頭地的壓力很大。」 而這樣的壓力自然不只限於杜克大學。許多學校因此為維護企業道德而多加用心:在亞利桑那州的雷鳥全球管理學院(Thunderbird School of Global Management),學生必須簽署一份「專業誓言」,類似醫學院生宣示拯救生命及遵守醫德的「希波克拉底宣言」(Hippocratic Oath);賓州則在去年成立師生榮譽委員會,協助校園匡正學術誠信。在在顯示各校打擊歪風的決心。 新穎機制 而最近期的大動作便是北卡羅萊納州肯南弗拉格勒商學院(Kenan-Flagler Business School),在今年1月肯南成立學生自治的榮譽法庭,專門監督調查校內的學術道德違反事件。根據身為法庭學生律師的二年級MBA學生摩洛(Dawn Morrow),這個法庭共有30到40位來自5個MBA課程的學生參與。 先前,各院違反榮譽規章案件都統一由研究院榮譽法庭審理,摩洛指出當時所有的學生都想在裡頭佔有一席之地,好確保榮譽規章的施行;而現在,學生也有了自我管理的平台,舞弊案件情形可望降低。 羅格斯商學院麥可比估計,目前全美約有50到100所大學院校擁有自己的榮譽規章,而如杜克這樣針對學術道德大規模規範的學校,違反案例似乎普遍較少;「不過,」他指出:「這並非萬全之道。」比起其他學院,商學院的學生更汲營於、也更迫切需要搶在同儕前頭,如果捨棄道德就能換取功成名就,「那就像個有幾會漏夜捲款的商人,」麥可比說:「這的確很吸引人,但我們還是期望他們能保持誠信。」 http://www.businessweek.com/bschools/content/apr2007/bs20070430_110466.htm?chan=top+news_top+news+index_businessweek+exclusives |
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Duke's Image Faces More Polishing as Applications Sag醜聞接連新生減少,杜克大學求改善門面 | |
May 2 (Bloomberg) -- Duke University alumni sometimes refer to the Durham, North Carolina, school as the Harvard of the South. It's not the magnet it used to be. Student and parent doubts are showing up in the admissions office. Applicants to Duke's freshman class fell 1.1 percent, the first drop in eight years. It was one of only two schools to sustain a decline among those ranked in the top 10 by U.S. News and World Report magazine. Ivy League colleges including Princeton University, meanwhile, had record applications. Fresh scandal erupted this week with Duke's disclosure that 34 students in its master's of business administration program were disciplined for cheating. The school already was tainted by last year's sexual assault accusations against three lacrosse players. Widespread news coverage reinforced an image of binge drinking, although ultimately all charges against the players were dropped. ``When we tell people our daughter is going to Duke, they say, `Keep her away from the lacrosse team,''' said Sheila Walden, mother of 17-year-old Brittne Walden, a senior at Jonesboro High School in Jonesboro, Georgia, south of Atlanta. ``Instead of getting congratulations, we hear about the lacrosse team. It's a joke.'' Duke dropped off the top 10 ``dream schools'' list in surveys of both students and parents this year by Princeton Review Inc., which sells test-preparation services. Tarnished Image ``Duke's stellar reputation has been tarnished,'' said Christopher Simpson, chief executive officer of SimpsonScarborough, an education marketing firm in Washington. University officials say the school will weather the storm and they expect enrollment to rebound. ``Duke has continued to do what has made it a world-class university: enrolled wonderful students; supported talented and dedicated teachers; established new and vital programs; and conducted renowned research and patient care,'' said John F. Burness, Duke's senior vice president for public affairs and government relations. A recent campus study documented a ``culture of excess,'' showing that Duke students spent more time binge drinking and less time studying than those enrolled at other schools. North Carolina law prohibits consumption of alcoholic beverages until age 21, yet 37 Duke freshmen were sent to the hospital last year for alcohol-related illnesses. In the cheating scandal at the Fuqua School of Business, nine students face expulsion and 15 face a one-year suspension. The students, who weren't identified, may appeal. ``Both of these incidents happening at an institution as prestigious as Duke is an extra blow,'' said Ferrel Guillory, director of the Program on Public Life at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Staying on Course The school's image has slipped among some students, said Terry Griffin, director of college counseling at Montgomery Bell Academy, a boys' day school in Nashville, Tennessee. ``Kids get the whole work-hard, play-hard mentality, but academics have to come first,'' said Griffin, a guidance counselor for 25 years. President Richard Brodhead canceled the remainder of last year's lacrosse season and accepted the resignation of coach Mike Pressler. The allegations stemmed from an off-campus party in March 2006. An exotic dancer said she'd been raped by three players, who she said were drunk and made racial slurs. Charges against the players, Reade Seligmann, David Evans and Collin Finnerty, were dismissed last month after the state attorney general took over the case from the Durham County district attorney. Brodhead was criticized by some alumni, who said he had acted hastily and without evidence. Alcohol Abuse The committee that Brodhead commissioned to study campus culture found rampant alcohol abuse. It cited surveys showing that 20 percent of Duke students studied at least 20 hours a week, compared with 29 percent at comparable institutions, while 14 percent spent 11 or more hours a week partying, compared with 9 percent of peers. Duke's applicants fell by 217 from last year's record 19,387. Anxiety among high school students visiting campus amid a media frenzy probably contributed, students said. ``There was so much negativity on campus,'' said Victoria Evans, 22, a Duke senior from Herndon, Virginia. Supporters rallied around Duke, and giving is on track to top last year's record of $341.9 million. Alumni include Morgan Stanley Chief Executive Officer John J. Mack, General Motors Corp. CEO Rick Wagoner and philanthropist Melinda French Gates. Atlanta attorney John C. Yates made a six-figure donation this year to establish a scholarship at Duke's law school, more than his usual contributions of five-figure sums. ``We wanted to show our long-term commitment,'' said Yates, 50, who heads the technology practice at Morris, Manning & Martin LLP. Breaking Up Fraternities Brodhead, who declined to be interviewed, is studying the culture committee's recommendation that fraternity members no longer be allowed to live together in blocks of dormitory rooms. ``We're moving ahead,'' said Larry Moneta, vice president of student affairs. ``The focus now is on how do we create the right kind of culture.'' The other U.S. News Top 10 school whose applicant pool shrank was Yale University. Some high school seniors scratched Duke off their lists. ``Duke is known as a party school, and I am really not a party type of person,'' said 17-year-old Elizabeth Peele of Pikeville, North Carolina, who visited the campus. ``A lot of parents and students are concerned.'' She decided to attend Emory University. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601103&sid=avhJfrMmo2yo&refer=us 由於接連的事件,導致學生和家長對傳統名校杜克大學的懷疑日漸增加,結果展現在註冊部門。杜克大學的今年新生減少了1.1%,是8年來首度下降。這是美國新聞和世界報導雜誌評選的美國十大名校中,唯一學生減少的。 該校在去年就因為一起最後獲判無罪的性攻擊控訴案件而讓校譽蒙塵。當時,3名曲棍球隊員飲酒並找脫衣舞孃助興,卻遭指控性侵害但獲判無罪,不過當時過份渲染的媒體消息已塑造了該校飲酒作樂的不良形象。 「當我們告訴別人說女兒要上杜克大學的時候,他們都說『離曲棍球隊遠一點』。」喬治亞州瓊斯柏洛的謝拉‧沃頓比說。「我們並沒有得到別人的恭賀,反而都在講曲棍球隊。簡直是個笑話。」 根據考試服務公司「普林斯頓預測」的調查,杜克已經掉出學生與家長的心目中的「夢想十大學校」。 「杜克閃爍的名聲已經蒙塵。」教育投資機構「辛普森史卡博羅」的總裁克里斯多福‧辛普森表示。 校方則表示,該校將渡過風雨,入學人數將會谷底反彈。「杜克將持續努力維持世界級學校的水準,吸收最好的學生,支援優秀認真的教師,建立新的生動課程,並進行高水準的研究和貼心的照顧。」杜克大學公關部資深副部長約翰‧奔尼斯表示。 最近的校園研究證明了一種校內「無節制的文化」,顯示杜克大學的學生和他校相比,過量飲酒的時間較多,學習的時間較少。北卡羅來納禁止21歲以下的人飲酒,然而去年杜克大學因酒精相關疾病入院的新鮮人就有37人。 加上這次的作弊事件,「這兩件事發生在像杜克這樣的名校,更是額外的打擊。」北卡羅來納大學的「公共生活課程」主任費羅爾‧吉洛禮表示。 杜克大學校長理查‧布羅得赫在事發之後,取消了去年曲棍球季剩下的賽程,並接受了教練麥克‧普雷斯勒的辭呈,儘管上個月3名學生都獲不起訴,對此,有人批評布羅得赫的處分在缺乏證據的情況下過於草率。 受校長委任成立,研究杜克大學校園文化的委員會發現,濫飲文化在校園風行。委員會引用研究指出,每週至少學習20小時的學生佔20%,但其他可以比較的學校平均為29%。該校14%的學生每週在派對上花去11小時以上,其它學校則為9%。 杜克大學今年的學生比去年的1萬9,387人少了217人。學生表示,可能因為媒體一陣子的狂熱報導,今年來參觀校園的高中生普遍瀰漫著焦慮。「校園裡的負面氣氛相當強。」22歲的學生維多利亞‧艾文斯表示。 不過,杜克大學的支持者也在此時伸出援手,今年獲得的經費超過了去年的3億4,190萬。其校友包括摩根史坦利總裁約翰‧馬克、通用總裁瑞克‧瓦格納和比爾蓋茲的妻子馬琳達‧法蘭奇‧蓋茲。亞特蘭大的律師約翰‧葉慈也捐出6位數款在法學院設立獎學金,遠超過平常的5位數捐款。「我們想展現我們的長程託付。」 目前仍拒絕訪問的校長布羅得赫,正在研究委員會的建議,其中提到,兄弟會成員不應再繼續同住在成堆的宿舍中。「我們持續向前邁進」,學生事務部副主任表示。「現在要專注的是如何建立正面的文化。」 然而許多高中生已經把杜克從他們的名單中刪除。「杜克一直是間派對大學,而我實在不是派對路線的人。」參觀該校的17歲學生伊莉莎白‧皮雷表示。「許多家長和學生都在擔心。」 |
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