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教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2007-05-11》 |
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◎國際專題:小型融資 從亞洲燒向非洲Microfinance spreading to Africa from Asia | |
◎FEATURE-Loan officer hunts for client in Congo alleys非洲大陸的小額信貸 從基層建設國家 |
國際專題:小型融資 從亞洲燒向非洲Microfinance spreading to Africa from Asia | |
策劃、編譯■唐澄暐、侯美如 | |
Selling vegetables at a stall in a filthy open-air market in Nairobi, Fatma Amina barely makes enough to feed her four children, let alone give them an education that would lift the family out of poverty. The Kenyan government receives millions of dollars in aid to fight poverty, but little of it is available to small traders like Amina unless they can put up collateral. "I hear of donors but where are they?" Amina said. But that situation may be changing as African countries follow the lead of Asia, where tens of millions of people have obtained small loans thanks to an explosion of microfinance operations. Kenya's new Microfinance Act, signed into law late last year, provides a legal framework regulating lenders, known in the industry as microfinance institutions (MFIs). "It makes business sense for the government to have a clear policy because this is the fastest growing sector of the economy," said Winnie Kathurima, a general manager at Equity Bank, which won an international award in 2005 for its role in providing loans to micro-entrepreneurs. Microfinance has been around for decades, but has mushroomed in recent years, especially in Asia where nearly 100 million people have access to microcredit, according to the Microcredit Summit Campaign, which hopes to bring microcredit services to 175 million of the world's poorest families by the end of 2015. In Africa, the poorest continent, the campaign's figures show only 7 million people had access to microcredit at the end of 2005. Germany will press rich nations at a G8 summit in June to create a microcredit fund for African entrepreneurs as a way to help the continent's poorest, International Development Minister Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul said in February. "There's a long way to go. It may look daunting, but there is such a huge potential for growth and that's the region where we are most likely to see the biggest growth," said the Microcredit Summit Campaign's research director, Anna Awimbo. "There's a huge demand and what's really required is for governments to create a conducive environment for the establishment of MFIs -- demand will not be a problem," she said. Some governments have already made progress. Kenya's partners in the East African Community, Tanzania and Uganda, have also brought in new laws governing the industry, which Awimbo said should allow microlenders who meet certain standards to offer savings accounts, thereby giving them access to more money to lend. Microfinance shot into the headlines last year when Bangladeshi economist Mohammad Yunus and the Grameen Bank he founded picked up the Nobel Peace Prize for their grassroots drive to end world poverty through microlending. Because of the higher unit costs, microcredit interest rates are higher than normal bank rates, often around 15-35 percent. Yunus's Grameen Foundation, which promotes access to microcredit, says that is preferable to paying loan sharks or money lenders rates of 120-300 percent a year. Operators in Africa may have to adapt the Asian model to the conditions on the continent. "One obvious difference is the population density. (In Asia) you did have population density, which gives economies of scale. I would say that is one of the biggest barriers in Africa," said Sam Daley-Harris, director of the Microcredit Summit Campaign. "It's much easier for one bank worker to reach 400 clients who are jam-packed in villages next door to each other than to reach 400 clients spread out in rural areas, which is why so much microfinance in Africa is urban," he said. "Uganda is probably the most saturated microfinance country thus far, and still the reach to the rural areas is not strong." Some operators are looking at using pre-paid phone credit and Africa's rapidly expanding mobile networks to transfer money and make repayments, reducing the need for credit agents to travel from village to village collecting tiny amounts of cash. Better communications and credit monitoring will also help. Kenya's new law, for example, encourages lenders to pool information on borrowers' credit history, drastically reducing the risk of default, said Jean-Philippe Prosper, senior manager for Eastern Africa at the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the private sector arm of the World Bank. "Banks are presently unwilling to lend to small enterprises due primarily to lack of good information," he said. "International experience suggests that the use of credit information allows banks to reduce loan processing time and cost by 25 percent or more and lower default rates by 40-80 percent." Such cost-saving measures could be crucial to future growth. Grameen Foundation President and CEO Alex Counts said some African countries had already demonstrated ways to nurture microfinance, such as Morocco, where new regulation and government backing had triggered an explosion of microcredit. "Within six years microfinance outreach went from 10,000 to more than half a million," Counts said. "If this kind of growth happens in the most populous countries, then things will start to change very quickly, and if it's done correctly the G8 fund could be a big part of that," he said. http://www.reuters.com/article/latestCrisis/idUSL26303322 肯亞首都奈洛比的法特馬‧阿米納在不怎麼乾淨的傳統市場賣菜,足以養活一家4個小孩,並讓他們受教育,脫離貧窮。 肯亞政府已收到上百萬美元的援助款項來打擊貧窮,但像阿米納這樣的小販,卻很少有機會能夠拿到錢,除非他們有足夠價值的抵押品。「我是有聽說捐錢的實情,可是錢都去哪了?」 但現在事情也許有所轉變。現在,非洲國家跟隨著亞洲的腳步,小額融資雨後春筍般出現,有千萬人藉此獲得了小額貸款。肯亞去年實施新的「小額融資法案」,為貸方建立了規範的法律架構。「由於這裡是經濟成長最快速的區域,這讓企業感覺到政府有了清楚的政策。」公平銀行的總經理維尼‧卡速利馬表示。該銀行在2005年因為提供小企業融資而獲得國際獎項。 小額融資已存在數十年,但近幾年更如雨後春筍般於出現,尤其在亞洲更有上億人能夠參予小額信貸。「小額信貸高峰運動」希望在2015年之前,為全世界1億7千5百萬個最貧困家庭提供服務,而在最貧窮的非洲大陸,該運動估計只有7百萬人在2005年前曾接觸過小額信貸。德國聯邦國際發展部長Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeu在l2月表示,6月的8大工業國高峰會中,德國也將催促富有國家創立非洲小額信貸基金,以協助非洲大陸的貧窮人口。 「仍然有很長的一條路要走。也許會令人氣餒,但仍有很大的成長空間,而非洲正是我們期待看見有最大成長空間的地方。」小額信貸高峰運動的研究主任安娜‧阿文柏表示。「需求相當龐大,故亟需政府創造促進小額融資制度的環境。」 有些政府已經有所進展。肯亞在東非共同體的夥伴坦尚尼亞和烏干達也引進了管理產業的新法,阿文柏表示,這些新法將提供達到一定標準的小額貸款人儲蓄帳戶,以讓他們能夠得到更高的貸款。 去年由於孟加拉的尤努斯因格拉敏銀行獲得諾貝爾和平獎而讓小額貸款聲名大噪。由於其單位成本較高,小額貸款的利率也比一般銀行來得高,約在15%到35%之間。尤努斯的格拉敏基金會表示,不管怎樣這都比付給高利貸一年120%至300%的利息要好。 而非洲的經營者恐怕也不能直接將亞洲的經驗套在非洲的環境上。「一個最明顯的差異是人口密度。亞洲的人口密度使其產生經濟規模,然而我認為這是非洲最大的屏障。」小額貸款高峰運動的主任山姆‧達雷‧哈里斯表示。「要在一個爆滿的村莊找到4百個客戶,比起在非洲的農業地帶找到4百個客戶要輕鬆多了,這也就是為何非洲的小額融資多半集中於城鎮。烏干達是目前小額融資最飽和的地方,然而其依舊無法深入農業地區。」 有些經營者試著使用預付電話融資,同時整個非洲快速成長的行動通訊金融網路,也降低了融資業務員必須一村一村慢慢收集小錢的必要。 通訊與貸款監控的進步也對小額融資的發展有所幫助。世界銀行的私營部門,東非國際金融公司的高階經理尚‧飛利浦‧普羅斯波表示,以肯亞的新法來說,新法鼓勵貸方流通貸款人的信用紀錄,大量降低了呆帳的風險。「由於缺乏信貸資訊,銀行暫時仍不願意貸款給小型企業。國際的經驗告訴我們,信用資訊能讓銀行降低貸款作業時間,並降低40%至80%的拖欠率,及25%的成本。」 這樣的成本降低,對於未來的成長十分關鍵。格拉敏基金會主席兼執行長艾利克斯‧康特表示,有些非洲國家已經展現了培養小額融資的方法,例如在摩洛哥,新的規定加上政府的支援,已經讓小額融資在當地蓬勃發展。「6年內小額融資從1萬增加到50萬。如果這樣的成長在人口極多的國家發生,改變將會非常急速,如果能夠確實執行的話,8大工業國的基金也將會佔其中的一大部分。」 |
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FEATURE-Loan officer hunts for client in Congo alleys非洲大陸的小額信貸 從基層建設國家 | |
「這可不簡單。」貸款業務主任卡坦伯(Eric Katembo)一邊說著,一邊熟練地穿過甘貝拉市集狹窄泥濘的暗街小巷,「如果你不熟悉這裡,你真的會迷路。在現在這個時間算可以,再過幾個小時,你可能會動彈不得。」 早上8點,卡坦伯穿梭剛果首都金夏沙市集,只為了和一位客戶見面。在德國職信銀行旗下工作近一年的他,負責開發首都區傳統市場顧客,但拐過幾個彎之後,卡坦伯也迷失了方向:「有時你得打電話要顧客來找你,除此之外沒有其他辦法。」他說著,一邊開始拿起手機撥打號碼。 電話線的另一頭是在市場工作的慕雷瑪,28歲的她擁有自己的小攤子,專賣二手衣,「我是從鄰居那裡知道這個銀行的。」她說著,背後一個女人正幫忙卸下好幾大袋新進的衣貨,「我想,向銀行借貸應該可以增加店內庫存。」 卡坦伯問了她些問題,一邊寫下數字─買進一袋衣服成本多少?賣出一袋能賺多少?一週能賣幾袋?屆時,他將以這些數據評估慕雷瑪是否符合借貸條件。「你將會親眼見證生活的改善,一開始你可能只是個擁有一台車的計程車司機,接下來你將可以多買兩台。」卡坦伯信心滿滿地向這位將來可能合作的顧客打包票。 政經轉捩點 1960年自比利時手中獨立以來,剛果民主共和國終於在去年年底舉行建國40餘年來首度的民選總統大選,這項劃時代之舉,正象徵著剛果的轉變。然而,35歲就得以坐上總統大位的卡比拉並不幸運,他從選舉中繼承的,卻是一個千瘡百孔的老邁國家。 政府長年的不當經營,加上自1998年起蹂躪剛果6餘年、以飢荒疾病殘殺4百萬人口、使百萬人流離失所的內戰,剛果經濟與基礎建設已殘破不堪;即使擁有全球3分之1的鈷礦及10%各類鑽石、黃金、石油、銅等礦藏、甚至以非洲第3大面積國家之姿坐擁一半的非洲大陸森林,剛果至今仍名列全世界最貧窮的國家之一。 雖然如此,有些專家仍抱持希望,表示通往新未來之路,其關鍵或許在於「向過去求助」。聯合國經濟學者穆可可點出─那便是在這個國家東部施行已久的微型借貸。 過去在莫布杜總統30多年的專制下,雖然數量很少、但的確已有幾間銀行開始為剛果平民提供微型貸款。只不過,隨著剛果經濟危機在90年代初期加劇,通貨膨脹率在1994年甚至高攀至9,800%,資金管理戶頭消失殆盡,微利貸款於是與當時的薩伊貨幣一同瓦解崩壞。 根據德國職信銀行剛果區主管梅森伯提供數據,2003年市場調查顯示,剛果這個規模形同一個人口6千萬西歐國家的地區,舉國上下,銀行及各分行加起來卻只有約50間,且其中幾乎沒有一家願意對低收入戶提供微利借貸。「所有銀行都只想發財,」正如梅森伯所言,當時的銀行渴求的是存款、而非放款。 那時,職信銀行偕同華盛頓組織「FINCA International」(國際社會援助基金會)對剛果伸出援手,試圖再引進微型借貸,從最草根、最基礎的層面開始扭轉經濟,刺激剛果國內發展與經濟重建。 再小的借貸 都意義重大 「以前根本沒什麼方法可以向銀行借到錢,完全不可能。」和丈夫一同開業,專門出租樂器的珊西指出,對於連創業成本都沒有的窮鄉下人,銀行根本不可能願意借款。但現在,珊西夫婦剛償還她們第一筆美金5百元的貸款,她們的店面擴充,4個孩子也順利就學,珊西甚至計畫再向銀行借筆更大的款項。 「我們評估,微型借貸是最能呼應人民需要的機制。」聯合國穆可可表示。而為了協助職信銀拓展在剛果、安哥拉、迦納、莫三比克及獅子山等非洲國家營業,微軟巨頭名下的蓋茲基金會也在今年1月補助9百萬美元、並以後償貸款方式借出2千萬。 梅森伯表示,職信銀放款下限是150美元,目前每筆借出款項,有過半都不超過1千元;而曾有以小額信貸贏得諾貝爾和平獎殊榮的尤努斯坐鎮董事會的FINCA,則更不遺餘力推動鄉村借貸,連40美金這般小規模的借貸都願意接受。 小額信貸 開發大遠景 「金融服務的取得與否,是促進這個國家所有發展的關鍵。」FINCA鄉間區主管葛瑪路波指出:「中產階級在這裡並不存在。如果沒有微型借貸推動下層的人們往上,這個國家將不會有任何發展。中央銀行在推動方面幫助很大,他們了解小額借貸正是發展核心的重要。」 在非洲,想和職信銀行或FINCA借款甚至不需保人及其餘證明,只需口頭承諾就能完成交易,這點方便了無數想經營小本生意卻苦無資金的窮人,也讓職信銀和FINCA得以在極短的時間獲得大成功。「以顧客數量來比,我們已是剛果最大的銀行,而我們只花了8個月就達到這個目標。」職信銀梅森伯表示:「但我們並不引此為傲,因為我們的成功反面,正代表著這個國家金融機構的弱點。」 葛瑪路波指出,2003年時,FINCA只帶著從「美國國際開發援助署」(USAID)取得的110萬基金就來到非洲,現在,它有將近1萬9千8百名客戶,出借款項高達350萬,存款戶頭也有140萬個。「只要穩定下來,金融部門絕對會在這裡蓬勃發展,」葛瑪路波對遠景充滿希望:「此刻,職信銀和我們正在建設這個國家的銀行機制,而我們還能接受更多競爭,這裡的市場還有很多空間待開發。」http://www.reuters.com/article/latestCrisis/idUSL26408864 |
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