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教育專題 ◎ 2007-06-08
教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2007-06-08》

  ◎國際專題:年輕人發聲!小八大峰會德國舉行 Young people debate G8 issues at Junior 8 Summit in Germany 
  ◎考驗道德良知 G8峰會登場 

國際專題:年輕人發聲!小八大峰會德國舉行 Young people debate G8 issues at Junior 8 Summit in Germany策劃、編譯■唐澄暐、陳玫伶







Young people from Group of 8 (G8) industrialized nations and from the developing world are meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin today as part of the Junior 8 Summit, an international youth conference with an agenda that mirrors that of the G8 Summit commencing tomorrow in Heiligendamm, Germany.

In addition to their meeting with Chancellor Merkel today, J8 representatives will also hold a press conference with UNICEF Goodwill ambassador Sir Roger Moore in Berlin.

The Junior 8 Summit is a joint initiative sponsored and spearheaded by UNICEF and the Morgan Stanley International Foundation (MSIF). It aims to strengthen the voice of children and young people and enhance their ability to influence decisions at the G8. In addition to direct interaction with world leaders at the G8, the J8 program empowers young people to discuss key global issues and to advocate for urgent solutions and actions by G8 leaders, by fostering a global youth movement around issues on the international agenda.

In preparation for their meeting with G8 leaders, 64 young people from G8 countries and ten children from developing countries gathered last Sunday in Wismar, Germany, for a week-long forum to debate four key issues: Prospects for economic development in Africa, HIV/AIDS, climate change and energy efficiency, and new global challenges - among them intellectual property rights and corporate social responsibility. On 7 June, eight of the young people will have the chance to voice their concerns directly to G8 leaders when they meet them face-to-face in a live televised conference.

The German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who invited Junior 8 participants to her office in Berlin prior to her departure for Heiligendamm, applauded their participation and input.

"The G8 has set out an ambitious agenda for the upcoming summit in Heiligendamm," Chancellor Merkel said. "We want to address questions around world economics, achieve better climate protection, and further deepen our partnership with Africa. I am looking forward to discuss these issues particularly with young people and to learn about their ideas and wishes for the future. These discussions are an important part of our preparations for the summit."

Speaking from New York, UNICEF Executive Director Ann M. Veneman said, "Issues being discussed at the G8 directly impact on the lives of children and young people. UNICEF applauds the G8 for taking the time to listen to the voices of youth. And we congratulate the J8 participants for giving serious thought to the kind of world they wish to inherit."

Morgan Stanley Chairman and Chief Executive Officer John J. Mack commented: "The Junior 8 teams are an outstanding example of the commitment of today's young people to dealing with the most significant social, environmental and economic issues. Morgan Stanley is proud to be a co-founder and sponsor of the J8, which gives today's youth a much-needed voice on the global policy stage. It is critical that these students' progressive views be shared with the world they are inheriting", he concluded.

Too often the issues central to the G8 are not considered children's issues. However, a closer look at startling statistics on HIV/AIDS, poverty and global climate change shows that these topics are all too real for the world's children.

For example:

‧ Around 2.3 million children under 15 have been infected with HIV and 15 million children have been orphaned by AIDS. Of those requiring pediatric treatment, only 10 per cent have access to such treatment, and only 11 per cent of HIV-positive pregnant women have access to services to prevent-mother-to child transmission.

‧ Every three seconds a child dies as a result of poverty, and 300 million people are still suffering from hunger. Around 5.5 million children die from malnutrition every year.

‧ According to Save the Children, in the next decade, up to 175 million children are likely to be affected every year by natural disasters brought about by climate change. By 2010, 50 million people will be 'environmentally displaced,' most of whom will be women and children.

考驗道德良知 G8峰會登場



捐款減少 危機浮現

今年,G8 高峰會會議提出報告,2006年的援助款是10年來的首次下滑,援助非洲國家的款項僅比2004年多出2%。英方的G8會議協調人代表傑伊爵士,也是英國首相的私人助理,表示援助款下滑現象是非常危險的徵兆,雖然他的言論頗具官方色彩,但他所提出的警告仍是事實。下滑的原因是因為2006年的景氣較2005年復甦,傑伊爵士引述的數據並不包括2006年取消的債務金額,兩年之後,G8所訂定的目標期限到期,結果將令人大失所望。據樂施會的報告評比,G8國家當中英國勉強堪稱模範,英國國內編列的預算裡頭,援助款支出額已比10年前超過3倍,與去年比較也成長了13%,其中不包括取消窮國的債務。再看其他國家,法國今年僅增加1.4%,德國降低了1%,加拿大、日本與美國也是下降的趨勢,義大利則是明顯地大幅下滑了30%。

那麼,今年呢?會議結果會有重大改變嗎?G8會前會的商議結果,加拿大與義大利已經準備提出,遵守決議有執行上的困難。德國總理梅克爾在上週五聲明德國的援助支出預算在2008年將達7億5千萬美元,距離這目標還有3億。美國方面,布希總統意外地表示,5年期總金額15億美元的國家元首緊急援助計畫(President's Emergency Plan For Aids Relief, PEPFAR),自2009年開始,要把預算提升為30億美元。

而真正的需求是什麼呢?傑伊爵士指出今年G8高峰會議將針對健康與教育議題做特別討論。意思是說富有的國家必須支持聯合國的快速教育初始方案(UN Education Fast Track Initiative),英國已經聲明接續10年內要投注8.5億美元支持聯合國執行該項計畫,也同時填補9月即將到期的全球對抗對抗愛滋、肺結核與瘧疾基金(Global Fund to Fight Aids),並且允諾支持非洲國家政策發展教育與愛滋病治療方案。


援助非洲 其實很簡單

今年G8會議是英國首相布萊爾下台之前的最後一次國際會議。出席過4次G8會議、17次歐盟會議的傑伊爵士,其實是在隱射布希缺席本次會議,使得英相布萊爾和會議主席梅克爾相當難堪。會議公報上已有部分議案總結出與國際貿易有關的決議,然而與非洲有關的貿易案仍要等到6月中旬才會知曉,也正好在布希總統快速審議授權(fast-track authority)送交國會審查定案之前的敏感時刻。

G8期待的完美決議是所有與會領導者增加4億美元的貿易援助(aid for trade),並且依據原廠製造法則(Rules of Origin),完全認同非洲國家製造的產品。協商仍再進行當中,儘管困難度很高,就在去年會議召開之前,傑伊爵士說他和美國協商代表仍在電話交談,結果還是不明朗。今年也是,與會領導者總要座在餐桌上了才知道要餐盤中放什麼菜。


