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教育專題 ◎ 2007-06-15
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  ◎謀殺修女 首度有大地主被定罪 

巴西最大的人民運動團體──無地勞工運動組織(葡萄牙文為 Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra,MST)在首都巴西利亞市中心聚集了超過一萬人示威,抗議總統魯拉的農業政策。集會活動已經長達一週,MST正在商討如何對總統施壓,說服他加速貧農的土地分配措施。



「即使是人民選出來的政府,依舊背棄了人民和農民!許多基層農民不滿意現在的政策,他們希望可以加快改革速度。」 MST成員之一的艾莉莎穿著拉丁民族英雄切‧格瓦拉的T恤,向記者說明。







More than 10,000 activists from Brazil's biggest landless peasant group set up camp in downtown Brasilia on Monday to protest President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva's agricultural policies.

During its week-long gathering in the capital, the Landless Rural Workers' Movement, or MST, will discuss how to pressure the Lula government to speed up the distribution of land to the poor.

Many think the former union leader has abandoned their cause to back big farm business, including Brazil's latest export hit -- ethanol derived from sugar cane.

"Even in this peoples' government, the large landowners are gaining power, displacing peasants and small farmers," said Eliazar da Silva, an MST member from southern Parana state.

"There is discontent at the grass-roots level and talk of stepping up the confrontation," said da Silva, who wore a Lenin-style beard and Che Guevara T-shirt.

The MST, probably the world's largest land reform group, says it has settled more than 350,000 families during its 23-year existence. Currently 150,000 families occupy land they want the government to expropriate and redistribute.

Brazil's powerful farm lobby says the MST scares off investments by challenging the right to private property.


At the sprawling sea of tents pitched on the parking lot around the city's football stadium, there was no doubt of the overwhelming sentiment toward big business.

"By uniting the countryside, the city and the bourgeoisie won't resist," read a placard on a tent housing the delegation from central Minas Gerais state.

The gathering was a cross between a refugee camp and a rock festival.

Street vendors were selling everything from "natural Viagra" to polyester bras and grilled chicken kebabs. At a makeshift bar under a tree, Cachaca, or sugar-cane schnapps, helped wash down the red dust whirled up by buses arriving from all over the country.

Delegates from some of the poorer regions were crowded on small foam mattresses under circus-like tents. In a corner, pots large enough to fit a grown pig produced industrial quantities of rice and beans.

Representatives from more successful MST settlements came with their own vehicle, tent and cold beer. But the frustration with slow progress in land reform was the same.

"Lula let us down," said Celestino Persch, co-founder of an MST-run dairy cooperative in southern Santa Catarina state with monthly sales of $3.1 million.

The MST is looking to step up its protests against foreign investment in the booming ethanol industry, Vanderlei Martini, an MST national coordinator told Reuters.

"Our number one enemy is foreign capital, our number two enemy are the large landowners -- they're joining forces in the agro-fuels business and that means it's a target," Martini said.



就在巴西聯邦警力展開行動的幾個小時後,要求終止干預CIPLA的國內與國際行動立刻就展開了。魯拉政府很快就收到許多抗議、呼籲訊息,而接受轟炸的也包括了負責本次行動的司法部長Tarso Genro、要求干涉CIPLA的社會保險部長Luis Marinho,以及勞工與雇用部長Carlos Lupi。

根據美國舊金山灣區獨立媒體中心(indybay)表示,Carlos Lupi聲稱他反對這項干預計畫,他的部門將努力促使警方撤離,並想辦法讓社會保險部放棄計畫。6月5日,魯拉政府仍未對本議題表達確定立場,而干涉行動持續進行,如今有10名受雇的武裝警衛控制廠內一切。







On May 31, at 7:00 am, 150 police armed to the teeth invaded Cipla, a factory controlled by the workers, and "installed" an administrator appointed by the federal judge at the request of the INSS (Social Security). The management elected by the workers along with other selected workers were expelled or prevented from entering the plant. Armed terror has been imposed in the factory. One of the first measures taken by the administrator was to cover with a black canvas the plaque at the entrance of the factory which said: "CIPLA, company controlled by the workers."

A marvelous national and international compaign demanding the end of the intervention at Cipla was launched just a few hours after the Federal Police carried out their war operations. Messages began to arrive to the Lula government and the Minister of Justice, Tarso Genro, who is responsible for the Federal Police and Luis Marinho, Minister of Social Security, from whose ministry the request for the intervention in Cipla came. Messages were also sent to the Minister of Labour and Employment, Carlos Lupi. This strong and immediate reaction gave us the strength and energy to organize the resistance against these riduculous events.

Hours after the invasion, on May 31, while in contact with the Minister of Labour, Carlos Lupi, we were told that he was against the intervention and that his ministry would work to get the police to withdraw and the INSS to withdraw its intervention request. Today, June 5, the Lula government has not expressed a concrete attitude on these issues and the intervention continues, now with dozens of contracted armed men controlling everything inside the factory.

A climate of terror has been established in the factory. And as in the times of the dictatorship, a "black list" has been drawn up triggering the political persecution of the main activists. All of this is taking place in the presence and with the active support of the president/gangster of the plastics union in Joinville, who abandoned the CUT and is known as an agent of the bosses and an enemy of the factory occupations. This fake trade unionist has dedicated himself to the hunting of activists in the factory along with helping the police to draw up this "black list".

Now, a despicable slander campaign is being carried out against the members of the Factory Committee on the part of the administrator and his subordinates in order to demoralize the workers and prevent any resistance. The administrator has asked the judge to charge more than 40 workers with being members of a "gang", "obstruction of justice", and "disturbing social order and peace", amongst other terrible things. The judge has gone with the prevailing wave today in Brasil in criminalizing social movements.

However, less than 24 hours after the invasion, a meeting was held with more than 100 attending, establishing the Committee for the End of the Intervention in CIPLA, formed by the CUT (United Workers' Organisation), the MST (Landless Peasants Movement), CDH (Centre for Human Rights), shop stewards, councilors, parties and dozens of political and popular organizations and associations. The MST, a long-time ally, invited us to speak in their National Congress which will bring together more that 16,000 delegates on June 12-15 in Brasilia. The CUT published our press releases on their web site. The National Chemistry Confederation of the CUT -CNQ- which organizes the plastic, oil, chemical, paper and rubber sectors, has invited us to speak at their congress and guaranteed their support. Federal deputies have spoken on the subject. Factories occupied by workers have called us and are organizing campaigns in Argentina, Venezuela, Bolivia, Uruguay, Paraguay and other countries.

The solidarity campaign has spread throughout the world with pressure on the embassies in many countries (which is very important) and with thousands of messages to the ministers in the Lula government, and to the federal judge responsible for the police/military intervention in Cipla. The solidarity we have received from the population in Joinville has also been impressive and reassuring. At this time we are preparing a national day of action at Cipla on June 13, demanding an end to the intervention. Other events are being organized in other countries at Brazilian embassies on June 12.

Against this immense campaign, Judge Oziel has sent an automatic reply by email attempting to justify his unjustifiable acts. The objective of this military/judicial intervention is to close Cipla and liquidate the national movement of occupied factories, which is so formly united with the whole of the working class movement. Our central demand has always been "Nationalisation of Occupied Factories" (social and public operation of factories) under the democratic control of the workers. However, for the bosses and their lackies, the practical demonstration of the fact that the capitalists are unnecessary and that the workers can manage and control the factories without these parasites, is intolerable. If this can be done in the factories why not throughout all of society?

The intervention was carried out to end all this. As Judge Oziel says in his decision:

"Fifth, and probably the most important negative effect of the social cost of the attitude of the company: by using the argument that all is allowed in the defence of the one thousand jobs, it is legitimising the most gross lack of respect for the law and throwing away the whole basis of the rule of law. Imagine if this becomes fashionable?."

From our point of view, gross lack of respect is not respecting the workers and treating them as the slaves of capital. Gross lack of respect is seeing men and women humiliated by the power and interests of the ruling class. Gross lack of respect is seeing working people not able to feed their families while the rich get richer. Gross lack of respect is seeing the judges and others acting in the service of the ruling class and using all possible police/military force to invade a factory and terrorise the workers.

Further below we will respond to this gross lack of respect sent by way of automatic email by Judge Oziel. However, it is not possible to forget that the request for intervention was carried out by the INSS, the Lula government's Minister of Social Security, who we, along with all the workers of Cipla helped to elect on two occasions. This is also gross lack of respect and shameful.

謀殺修女 首度有大地主被定罪
在美國出生、巴西長大的73歲修女桃樂茜‧史坦(Dorothy Stang),是聲援貧者與爭取人權的人權鬥士,2005年2月,當她回阿那布的家中時,被近距離射擊6槍身亡。根據官方調查,兇手先是發了1槍使修女倒地,接著又補了5發子彈,顯示犯罪經過計畫,警方於是提起公訴罪。日前,本案嫌犯、當地富有地主莫拉(Vitalmiro Bastos de Moura),被陪審團判定有罪。





史坦修女的哥哥大衛(David Stang),之前是Maryknoll宣教團的團員表示:「我只希望因為替亞瑪遜地區貧民發聲而受害的人可以獲得應有的正義。」



According to a story posed on the Ekklesia UK website ( grassroots Christian communities and land activists have expressed disappointment that Pope Benedict chose not to highlight the case, which they say shows the church working with the poor rather than lecturing them, during his recent visit.

"The 73-year old American-born nun lived in the country for more than 20 years in the region and had become legendary as a defender of the poor and landless," said the story. "In February 2005, she was shot six times at point-blank range on a muddy track five hours' drive from her home in Anapu, a sprawling settlement of 30,000 at the edge of the rain forest.

"According to the official investigation, the last five bullets hit her when she was already on the ground - showing that the crime was premeditated with malice, declared the prosecutor.

"There have been hundreds on killings in Brazil over land disputes in recent years as ranchers have seized land and evicted thousands of peasants to make way for cattle rearing. However this has lead to only a few convictions from around 800 murders.

"Last week civil rights, labor and eco-campaigners welcomed the conviction. They point out that it is the first time a large landowner in the region has been found guilty of a serious crime of this kind, even though many others are alleged to have taken place.

"Hundreds of people camped in the plaza outside the court while jurors heard the case against Vitalmiro Bastos de Moura. There was jubilation when it was announced that Moura had been sentenced to the maximum prison term of 30 years."

Sr. Jane Dwyer, who lived with Sr. Dorothy in Anapu for almost a decade, was quoted as saying, "Maybe all these people will finally have some peace."

Sr. Dorothy's brother, aged 69, a former Maryknoll missionary, declared : "I just hope this opens up the door to justice in so many other cases of violence against the poor farmers of the Amazon."

The Stang family said that they were also disappointed that Pope Benedict XVI had not mentioned Sr. Dorothy during his much-publicized visit to Brazil."

"It would have shown the world the plight of some of the most vulnerable people in this land", a spokeswoman said.
