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教育專題 ◎ 2007-06-27
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教育論壇:主管機關尤應堅持教育專業 從教育局基本學力檢測結果報告談起








從事教育工作30餘年,從來沒有像本學年度教授大二「英語修辭學」這麼艱辛與難忘。艱辛的是如何引導學生體驗生疏的修辭學之廣泛內涵與功能,從而將其基本語言學範疇應用於人際之間的英語口語表達,與實際的英文寫作上。難忘的是對實用「英語文說寫能力」薄弱的現代大學生,如何能輔導他(她)們的潛能獲得開發、茁壯,然後英語文可學以致用;這種期待不但是巨大的挑戰,而且近乎「Mission Impossible」(不可能任務)。奇妙的是:「英語修辭學」的巨大挑戰與多元功能,竟然產生了意想不到的「心靈捕手」效應,讓班上的同學們不但藉由各種創新性的學習活動而開啟了原已封閉的英語文潛能之門,同時也在言談舉止間變得理性成熟,人際關係也因而慢慢地改善了。這種「英語修辭學」課程產生的良性作用,令人十分欣慰。


為了化「Mission Impossible」為「Mission Accomplished」(任務達成),身為人師的筆者必須運用現代資訊科技(information technology)所提供的特殊功能,耐心且審慎地配合教本,另外設計出32套知性兼感性的PowerPoint教材,藉以引發學生們的學習動機。在這同時,筆者配合課程內容與綱要(syllabus),要求學生們依循教材的內容,進行口述與寫作的歷練。一連串的「修辭學導向」聽、說、讀、寫活動,雖然讓學生們忙得沒時間蹺課或偷懶,卻也讓筆者因時間與精力所限,經常陷入「天人交戰」的苦境。更重要的是如何誠懇地說服現代大學生,反思自身的英語文水準,以及國家當前所面臨的空前困境,從而警覺將來的新世代不被國際世界所邊緣化的命運。有鑑於此,同學們必須咬緊牙根,以現代社會倫理為依歸,展現大學生的特質,耐心地透過修辭學的洗禮,逐步奠定英語文能力的紮實基礎。當「世界是平的」時,現代大學生必須聽從哈佛大學前校長James B. Conant所呼籲的:「要能明辨是非、肯定自我、審慎抉擇。」

在整個師生共同為修辭學「掙扎」的過程中,筆者不斷同步對學生灌輸「英語文能力」(English proficiency)的培養,和當代「倫理教養」(ethics and character education)的核心價值。在這同時,筆者以個人的人生經驗與觀察,套用在教本上的內涵。而廣泛閱讀精選的古今文章,則是英語文能力培養與倫理教養的配套。



As you have learned from this year, RHETORIC is defined as "the art of speaking and writing effectively." Bearing this concept in mind, you should have learned to become a better writer and speaker after working hard for two semesters. Please describe and analyze the process and result of your learning of English through this course. Follow strictly the pattern (format) indicated as follows:

ˇ Title

ˇ Topic Sentence, or Theme Paragraph

ˇ Main Body (Supports)

ˇ Conclusion


從以下5篇代表性的學生短文原作中,可看出英語修辭學帶給同學們的歷練與最後所獲得的bitter sweetness(苦澀的甘飴)。



My Experience of Taking Taking This Challenging Course of Rhetoric

Last year, I took a challenging course of rhetoric which was designed by Professor Li. After taking this course, every Monday became as a nightmare for me.

At the first, I really hated to come to this class. I thought this course was too challenging for me. Professor Li always asked us to answer some questions. I was always afried (SP?) that Professor Li would asked me to answer the questions, because I scared to speak English in the public and I afried (SP?) of making mistakes. It's so embarrssing. (SP?)

But, after this the first semester (SP?), my opinion was totally changed. Every week, Professor Li would prepare great PPT for the class. Through the PPT, I had learned a lot of things and saw many beautiful pictures. In the class, Professor Li taught us how to use the correctly phrases and vocabulary in our writing and speaking. Also, he encouraged us to speak and write effectively. I really learned a lot from Professor Li's teaching.

In short, I leaned a lot of (lessons) rhetoric knowledge form this class. For example, I learned how to speak and write effectively. As Professor Li said: "It's not the beginning of the end, it's the end of the beginning." Although, this course is coming to end, but I will keep practicing my English ability in my daily life.

針對這一層次的同學,筆者特別小心地按照Ken Hyland教授講求仔細修改,及提供綜合建議的寫作評閱的原則,在文章後誠摯地寫著:

Congratulations for presenting your good conclusion. Do not be afraid of making grammatical mistakes in your writing. Be confident, and keep practicing.



一位來自單親家庭,天性聰穎,但精神不濟、喜愛蹺課的同學,經過筆者與之多次懇談後,開始啟發了她在修辭學的興趣,並發揮她的寫作潛能。下面這一篇短文,充分地展現她的英文寫作能力,並讓人感受到她未來的無限潛力。她的閱讀範圍很廣。自訂的題目取自筆者常引用的哈佛大學教授Samuel P. Huntington 及Lawrence E. Harrison所編的重要文獻:《Culture Matters》。

Rhetoric Really Matters!

With the increase (acceleration?) of globalization, leaning English is a must. And the most important task (for mastering the English language) is to learn Rhetoric well!

Rhetoric used to be an objective term which was absolutely foreign to me. I didn't give it much thought until I took the Rhetoric class this semester. In the very beginning, I was totally not interested in this course at all, and I didn't even care about my own learning. Nevertheless, the more Rhetoric class I took, the more information I got under the influence of Rhetoric patterns.

Instead of being called just a common text, Rhetoric is no less than an art -- the art of speaking and writing effectively. During this semester, undoubtedly, Rhetoric did polish my writing and speaking skills. In addition, it let me see how far I can go and helped me make up my mind to let English become my sharp (weapon) tool and lifelong career.

Rhetoric plays an extremely important role in learning English. As a matter of course, learning Rhetoric well is an important task for us!




What I Have Learned in the Rhetoric Class

Rhetoric class is not only informative but also (active) dynamic in nature.

Professor Li has worked hard and prepared us informative PowerPoint. I learned many beautiful sentences from it, such as "My heart leaps up when I behold a rainbow in the sky" by William Wordsworth, and "Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more." Of William Shakespeare. Besides, Professor Li also showed us fantastic pictures. For example, a picture of a handsome pose from of Mr. Wang Chien-ming on the New York Times. All of the PowerPoint slides make impressed us, and they made the rhetoric class alive.

It was a good experience to have a group discussion (group dynamics) in the Rhetoric class. Five members of us were brain-storming together for accomplishment after trying to organize and accomplish our paper. What's more, it was a wonderful chance for us to practice speaking out and demonstrating our presentation in front of the class. I learned to be brave, have confidence in myself, and be a good listener.

Leaning Rhetoric is not like "mission impossible." As long as we attend to classes on time, paying attention in class, and following the steps form of Professor Li, we could (Tense) enjoy the Rhetoric class very much.

Last but not least, as Professor Li reminded us: "Enter to learn, Leave to serve." We should keep these words in mind forever so as to chart a new course of our life in the 21st century.




A Good Learning Experience from Rhetoric

The course of rhetoric is a helpful and interesting subject for me.

From this course, I really learn a lot, I learn how to speak and write effectively. For example, Professor Li always gives us many opportunities to speak English in the class. Besides, he often teaches us how to pronounce correctly by adjusting our false inaccurate pronunciation. It's really a helpful experience for me.

Moreover, in this semester Professor Li also makes use of a unique activity to help us learn English through rhetoric. He asked us to discuss a topic with our classmates in a group. To be honest, we had no idea about how to start the topic at first. However, after brainstorming, we had many ideas to share them with the teacher and classmates. It's truly an interesting experience.

After taking this course for two semesters, I think I have learned a lot. I have become (brave) confident when (making) delivering an oral presentation in front of the class. And I also have more confidence than before. Hence, I still want like to thank you Professor Li, for working so hard to teach us. And rhetoric is really a helpful and interesting course for me.

在筆者所教的英語修辭學課上,沒有來自任何明星高中的學生。然而,這些「後來居上」的好學生在經過一年的英語修辭學,外加英文寫作的同步歷練後,他(她)們的成就不亞於筆者在台大外文系,與台師大英語系所教過的大多數學生。下列這位左營高中畢業的好學生,先是在第二學期就已將筆者指定的作業,再三修改、討論後,刊載於今(2007)年3月27日的《Taipei Times》(台北時報)上。見報的第三天,又獲得熱烈的讀者迴響。屏東教育大學的文學教授Chaim Melamed特地引用這位同學的內容於其論述中。下面的這篇短文,也驗證了她更上一層樓的心路歷程。

It is Worth of Working Hard

Learning to become a better writer and speaker is no more longer a mission impossible for me after taking the whole year of Rhetoric class.

The useful materials prepared by Prof. Li were the main power (driving force) to help me make progress on English. I caught the ideas through the Powerpoints, and contrasted them with my text book. I read all the wonderful articles and underlined the beautiful words as well as fluent sentences. Then I made some practices of writing English composition or a summary of a book. All the students were even asked to make a discussion in English.

Through these training and practicing, I've become more sensitive about English. I was able to choose the proper words while writing articles. It was getting quicker for to catch the point while reading. Besides, Prof. Li asked us to go up the stage and (made) deliver an impromptu speech. It The series of practices really enhanced my speaking skill and organization ability. Gradually, I found out the magical power of Rhetoric class.

Once I thought that there would be less help for me to learn Rhetoric. It even made me feel bored and frustrated. However, when I look back on the period of my learning, and what I have gained now, I am extremely satisfied (and gratified). I am so glad that I have passed all the challenges which help me become knowledgeable. It makes me I have come to realize that as long as we are willing to learn, we will be able to absorb all the scopes knowledge to help fulfill our dreams.

在全球各國積極提昇21世紀的高等教育品質,培養專業人才,與規劃國際競爭力的過程中,「英語文能力」(English proficiency)和「倫理教養」(ethics and character education)是不可缺乏的核心課程。筆者發現英語修辭學課程就是歷練這種現代核心課程的有效途徑之一。英語修辭學已經成為這批大學生的「心靈捕手」。



