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教育專題 ◎ 2007-07-20
教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2007-07-20》


台 灣走過解嚴20年,享受到如今民主政治自由的果實,也見證了自由所帶來的亂象。但是在世界其他地方,還是有一些國家的國民還在與惡法苦苦戰鬥。本期國際專題想帶大家到東南亞的菲律賓與馬來西亞,看看這兩個曾經是殖民地的國家如何面對惡法。









Malaysia frees 4 former Jemaah Islamiah suspects

KUALA LUMPUR, June 22 (Reuters) - Malaysia has freed four people held without trial under a tough security law for five years over suspected ties to the Jemaah Islamiah militant network, a rights group said on Friday.

The Malaysia-based GMI group, which has been campaigning against the security law, said the authorities did not say why the four had been released.

The government has said in the past it would release detainees if they no longer posed a threat.

Malaysia has used the Internal Security Act, a legacy of its counter-insurgency campaign against the communists during British colonial times, to lock up dozens of suspected Islamic militants since Sept. 11, 2001.

The rights group welcomed the release of the four who had been in custody since early 2002, but said there were scores of others still under detention without trial.

"The GMI is annoyed by the selective releases of the ISA detainees," the group, known by its Malay acronym GMI, said in a statement.

A spokesman at Malaysia's Internal Security Ministry said he had no immediate comment on the release of the men, earlier believed to be linked with the Jemaah Islamiah.

JI is an Indonesia-based militant group fighting for creation of an Islamic superstate across parts of southeast Asia.

Asian and Western authorities blame the group for a series of attacks including the 2002 bombings that killed more than 200 people on Indonesia's resort island of Bali.

Last October, Malaysia released 17 suspected militants held under the security law as a gesture to mark the end of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan.




陳仁義遭警方逮捕疑是與網際網路上一篇指責國內安全部次長佐哈裏(Mohd Johari Baharum)受賄以釋放3名遭警方以緊急法令逮捕的黑幫頭目的文章有關,該篇文章的題目為《最有權力卻最貪污的副部長》,裏面還列出了3個經典案例,指佐哈裏濫用權力且收取了馬幣550萬元(約新台幣5,257萬3,295元) 的賄款。

國際特赦組織馬來西亞分會譴責警方逮捕及拘留陳仁義的「先逮捕後調查」作風,侵犯了陳仁義的人身自由,而且員警總部無法說明陳仁義遭警方逮捕及扣留的6小時內的情況,形同「強迫失蹤」(enforced disappearance)。

根據《聯合國保護人人免於強迫失蹤宣言》(The United Nations Declaration on the Protection of all Persons from Enforced Disappearance)第一條款說明,強迫失蹤導致一個人無法受到法律保護,而且也可能對他和家人造成嚴重傷害;這違反了國際法律保證及承認一個人在法律前所能享有的權利。




前國民醒覺運動主席詹德拉穆紮法(Chandra Muzaffar)說,每當我們批評政府對「法治」所採取的錯誤態度時,政府領導人往往會為他們的立場辯護,說:為了國家穩定,有必要利用《1960年內安法令》、《1948年煽動法令》、《1984年印刷機與出版法令》等法律限制基本人權。



在上週五,數百名人士示威抗議新通過的《人類安全法》(Human Security Act,又稱反恐法)允許政府在未經審訊的情況下,可以把涉嫌涉及恐怖活動的人士扣留在監獄短至3天,或者長達40年。

















New anti-terror law raises hackles in Philippines

MANILA, July 13 (Reuters) - The Philippine government, already under fire for a poor human rights record, is coming in for more criticism as it implements a new anti-terror law many fear could be used against political opponents.

Hundreds of people held a protest on Friday against the Human Security Act that allows detention of suspects without charge for up to three days and provides for up to 40 years in jail for anyone convicted of terrorism.

The law comes into force on Sunday.

"I pray that the Lord would enlighten the people concerned and Jonas would be found and that the Human Security Act would not be implemented," said Edita Burgos, whose activist son has been missing for over two months.

Jonas Burgos, a member of a left-wing farmers' group in the northern Philippines, is widely believed to have been picked up by a military "black squad" on April 28, and has not been heard of since.

Black squads is the term used for armed men in civilian clothes or masked men on motorcycles who have been seen picking up left-wing activists or firing at them.

The military has denied it has anything to do with the missing 37-year-old Burgos.

"I believe my son is still alive and I pray that I recover him alive," his mother told Reuters.

"The pain is really unbearable. If it were not for our faith, then I guess we would really break down. Thank God for our faith and thank God for you people out there."

A local human rights group has said about 200 students, trade union and peasant leaders have disappeared since President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo came to power in 2001. More than 800 left-wing activists have been killed during the same period.

A U.N. special rapporteur on extrajudicial killings said in February the military was responsible for many of the deaths.

The military has denied the allegations and has blamed Maoist rebels for most of the killings, calling it an internal war.


Arroyo signed the anti-terror legislation into law in March, but postponed its implementation until two months after congressional elections on May 14 to assure the president's political opponents it would not be used against them.

While the legislation was languishing in Congress for 11 years, the Philippines was criticised by the United States and other Western governments as the weak link in the global fight against terrorism.

The country is fighting Islamic militants in the south and communist rebels across the country.

Since 2000, more than 350 Filipinos have died in about 120 bombings blamed on Muslim militants, mostly in the south. The communist rebels do not target civilians but have been known to carry out land mine attacks against security forces.

Besides detention without charges and harsh jail sentences, the law allows security forces to investigate bank accounts of suspected terrorists or organisations used as financial conduits.

Electronic surveillance is also allowed but only after court approval.

"There's nothing to fear if you are not planning anything illegal," said Ricardo Blancaflor, defence undersecretary and the spokesman for the government's anti-terror task force.

He said there were enough safeguards to prevent security forces from abusing the law, adding some law enforcement agencies were complaining it was too restrictive and could work against them.

One safeguard allows anyone wrongfully detained to receive 500,000 pesos ($10,800) compensation for each day in custody.

Nevertheless, the law is coming in for severe criticism.

About 500 left-wing activists marched in Manila on Friday and held a protest rally, demanding lawmakers repeal the act and stop its implementation.

"It's a bill that will trample on the rights of the people," said left-wing leader Carol Araullo. "It will be used by the government against its enemies, its political enemies. It is tantamount to undeclared martial law."

Senator Mar Roxas, a former ally of Arroyo, said: "The government already suffers from highly negative public perceptions in regard to its human rights record.

"To push the limits further would only breed more fear and anger among the people. Better to err on the side of human rights than to breed tyranny."





