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教育專題 ◎ 2007-08-10
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  ◎歐洲建造清真寺面對反對聲浪European mosque plans face protests 
  ◎穆斯林在美國日益壯大Muslims gaining strength in United States 

歐洲建造清真寺面對反對聲浪European mosque plans face protests
歐洲伊斯蘭教發言人塔爾克‧拉瑪登(Tariq Ramadan)表示:「與日俱增明顯存在的穆斯林已經給歐洲各大都市帶來了立即的問題。」他曾與瑞士右派團體爭辯清真寺尖塔存在的必要性。
必卡爾‧傲伯(Bekir Alboga)是科隆以土耳其族裔為主的土耳其族伊斯蘭事務聯盟(DITIB)成員,他認為反對建造清真寺者都忽略了以下一點。他表示:「穆斯林想要建造清真寺,是希望可以找到一處能夠自在禱告的地方,像是回到家的感覺一樣,他們希望自己的宗教可以和他們所認同的社區和平共處。」
柏林洪堡大學伊斯蘭研究學者瑞米史‧賓華斯(Riem Spielhaus)提出歐洲近來氣氛緊張的原因:「搭建一座清真寺所帶來的反應可以回溯社會變遷痕跡,無論這些變化是好是不好,穆斯林歸屬何方,或是伊斯蘭信仰的優劣與否,都應該重新被提出來討論。」但是,史賓華斯表示,令人遺憾的是,原本的討論焦點往往變成討論恐怖攻擊、女性在信仰中的角色地位,甚至是清真寺的停車位。
倫敦反對蓋清真寺的地方委員會是由基督教團體領導的,他們擔心若設立了一處可以容納1萬2千人的清真寺,該地區將變為單一信仰地帶,鄰近地區的信仰進而被漠視為小眾。他們也以2005年7月在倫敦發生的清真寺自殺炸彈客事件,指控欲建造清真寺的伊斯蘭團體(Tablighi Jamaat)會危害這個城市的安全。
德國科隆土耳其族伊斯蘭事務聯盟計畫建造一座鄂圖曼式清真寺,其規模會比德國最大的哥德式大教堂還要宏偉,他們因此被課稅。「我有很不舒服的感覺。」科隆的羅馬天主教領袖、樞機主教約阿希姆‧邁斯納(Joachim Meisner)說道:「一座清真寺會改變市區的樣貌,從歷史角度來看,伊斯蘭移住民帶來的影響會使德國文化,或是歐洲文化出現斷裂。」
歐洲的穆斯林族群屬法國最多,有近5百萬人,國內清真寺的歷史也最悠久,許多城市首長還提供低價土地給他們興建清真寺。右派組織國家共和運動 (National Republican Movement),今年出乎意料地贏得巴黎市郊和馬賽兩件補助案,1/4補助對象為穆斯林。
馬賽市長讓-克勞德‧戈丹(Jean-Claude Gaudin)被攻擊支持興建一座天主教的清真寺,經過10年抗戰,他取得了較高利率的補助金,他告訴市議會:「每個人都有在教堂或清真寺禱告的權力。」馬賽多數的穆斯林現在已經能夠到鄰近的清真寺進行信仰禱告活動。
Petitions in London, protests in Cologne, a court case in Marseille and a violent clash in Berlin -- Muslims in Europe are meeting resistance to plans for mosques that befit Islam's status as the continent's second religion.
Across Europe, Muslims who have long prayed in garages and old factories now face skepticism and concern for wanting to build stately mosques to give proud testimony to the faith and solidity of their Islamic communities.
Some critics reject them as signs of "Islamisation". Others say minarets would scar their city's skyline. Given the role some mosques have played as centers for terrorists, others see Muslim houses of worship as potential security threats.
"The increasingly visible presence of Muslims has prompted questions in all European societies," Tariq Ramadan, one of Europe's leading Muslim spokesmen, argued when far-right groups proposed this year to ban minarets in his native Switzerland.
The issue hit the headlines in Britain in late July when a petition against a "mega-mosque" next to the 2012 London Olympics site was posted on Prime Minister Gordon Brown's Web site. It attracted more than 275,000 signatures before it was taken down.
In Germany last month, there were anti-mosque protests in Cologne and Berlin and a local council voted against one in Munich. A French far-right group vowed to sue the city of Marseille for a second time for helping build a "grand mosque".
Bekir Alboga of the Turkish Islamic Union (DITIB) in Cologne said critics who see these new mosques as signs of separatism or of an Islamic colonization of Europe miss the point.
"The desire of Muslims to build a house of worship means they want to feel at home and live in harmony with their religion in a society they have accepted as theirs," he said.
Major mosque projects need years of planning. In the process, Muslim leaders and city officials get to know each other better and most mayors end up supporting them as projects that help integrate the new minority.
But neighborhood groups and far-right activists, sometimes joined by Christian leaders, have recently spoken out against them as it became clear they would soon have a mosque next door.
The tensions arise because houses of worship have a high symbolic value in Europe, where the cathedral or church is usually the centre of town, said Riem Spielhaus, an expert on Islam in Europe at Berlin's Humboldt University.
"A mosque symbolically retraces the changes that have been made in society," she said. "It reopens the debate on whether these changes are good, whether Muslims should live here, even whether Islam is a good religion."
But this is rarely discussed openly, she said. Disputes about mosques tend to focus on other issues, such as terrorism, the role of women or the availability of parking spots.
Critics of the London mosque, led by a local councilor from a Christian group, argue a large mosque with room for 12,000 worshipers will turn the integrated neighborhood into a "one-faith zone" driving out followers of other faiths.
They also charge that Tablighi Jamaat (TJ), the Islamic missionaries building the mosque, are a security risk because "shoe-bomber" Richard Reid and two suicide bombers in the July 2005 London attacks followed the publicity-shy movement.
In Cologne, DITIB's plan for a modern Ottoman-style mosque has met charges it will be too big for a city housing one of the most imposing Gothic cathedrals in the Christian world.
"I have a queasy feeling," Catholic Cardinal Joachim Meisner said. "A mosque would give the city a different panorama. Given our history, there is a shock that Muslim immigration has brought a cultural rupture in our German and European culture."
A mosque project in Pankow, an eastern Berlin area with few Muslims, sparked violent clashes last month between supporters and opponents. Neo-Nazi groups have joined the protests and a truck was torched at the construction site in March.
France, whose five million-strong Muslim minority is Europe's largest, has a longer history of mosques in its cities and many mayors provide land at low cost for them.
A far-right political party, the National Republican Movement (MNR), unexpectedly won two court cases this year against these subsidies in the Paris suburb of Montreuil and in Marseille, where a quarter of the population is Muslim.
Mayor Jean-Claude Gaudin of Marseille was so set on seeing a "cathedral mosque" built after decades of debate that he quickly got approval for a new contract at slightly higher rates.
"Everyone has a right to a significant house of worship," he told the city council. Most Marseille Muslims now pray in neighborhood mosques too small for their congregations.
In Switzerland, two right-wing parties have launched a petition for a referendum to ban minarets on mosques there.
Italy's anti-immigration Northern League called last month for all mosques there to be closed for security checks. In December 2006, protesters left a severed pig's head outside a mosque being built in the Tuscan town of Colle di Val d'Elsa.
Concern about Islam has deep roots in some countries. In Greece, which lived for four centuries under Ottoman Turkish rule, Muslims only got their first purpose-built mosque in Athens in June. Plans for a larger one are still on hold.
In Spain, a bastion of Islamic culture for eight centuries until 1492, Catholic leaders nervously turned down a request from Muslims to pray in Cordoba Cathedral, originally a mosque.
A local Muslim group wants to build a half-scale replica of the mosque for its own use, but has not yet submitted its plan.

穆斯林在美國日益壯大Muslims gaining strength in United States
Muslims are steadily improving their position in U.S. society, contrary to the media image of a community besieged by suspicions of links to militants, a leading U.S. Muslim cleric said on Sunday.
Yahya Hendi, a prayer leader who teaches at Georgetown University, said the Sept. 11 attacks on U.S. cities in 2001 had spurred Americans to know more about Islam and Muslims to affirm their U.S. identity.
"I think the future is bright, because of our wisdom in dealing with the reality," Hendi, a Palestinian by birth, told a gathering of Saudi academics on a visit to Saudi Arabia.
"There are serious efforts being made among the second and third generation to become part of the political establishment. The challenge we face is in the media and from some Christian extremists who don't want an Islamic presence in America."
Hendi said U.S. Muslims, whose number he put at 7 to 9 million, were working on "nationalising" Islam as part of the fabric of U.S. society, including cutting funding links to Muslim countries.
"Last year we elected the first Muslim to Congress and I expect that by 2015 there will be three or four as well as at least 30 mayors," he said, adding there were now 400 Muslim lawyers in the United States compared to nine before Sept. 11.
The Sept. 11 attacks, when 19 Arab Muslims killed about 3,000 people in New York and Washington, led to strict security measures in the United States that some rights groups say often unfairly target Arabs and Muslims.
Hendi, who met President George W. Bush days after Sept. 11, 2001, said Muslims had thrown off a tendency to shun political action such as voting and running in elections because it was considered akin to surrendering to U.S. culture.
He said he did not feel there was general animosity towards Muslims in American society, and that he encouraged Muslims to join intelligence bodies like the CIA and FBI.
Islam has some 17,000 converts a year, but that was behind converts to Buddhism and Evangelical Christianity, he said.
Hendi also told his Saudi audience that he did not believe in judging Muslims and non-Muslims over practices such as wearing the hijab head cover or praying five times a day.
Saudi Arabia, home to Islam's holiest sites and 15 of the 9/11 attackers, practises a strict form of Sunni Islam that gives clerics wide power to ensure that rites are followed to the letter. Many Saudi clerics denounce Shi'ites as heretics.
"I deal with a woman whether she wears a hijab or not, that's my position. Maybe some of you will disagree," he said.
"There is no need for labels -- 'you're an infidel, Muslim, Islamist, you'll go to heaven'. I deal with citizens whoever they are and God



