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教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2007-08-24》 |
本期內容 | |
◎國際專題:東歐的彩虹天空下 | |
◎暴力與禁令下的東歐同志驕傲日 | |
◎匈牙利人考驗東歐同性戀禁忌 |
國際專題:東歐的彩虹天空下 | |
策劃、編譯■陳銳嬪、陳玫伶 | |
多數霸權一直在世界上各個角落上演,所以我們有強國對弱國的欺壓、跨國企業對落後國家的壓榨、白人對有色人種的歧視、異性戀者對同性戀者的害怕、良家婦女對性工作者的敵意。 這個世界本就多元,但是卻學不會尊重少數,這期就讓我們打開心窗,對同性戀作進一步的瞭解吧!期許這個專題可以讓大家更寬容地對待與你不一樣的少數。 |
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暴力與禁令下的東歐同志驕傲日 | |
歐洲對於同性戀行為的態度雖然日漸開放,但是從東歐幾個國家在同志驕傲日(Gay Pride)舉辦活動時,仍可見民眾敵視的眼光。酷兒們遊行時候,在活動中被暴力相向,或是被民眾制止的事件頻傳。以下為一些案例。 匈牙利:7月初,布達佩斯舉行同性戀大遊行時,約有2百名極右派群眾在旁抗議同性戀行為,向遊行群眾丟擲雞蛋,諷刺的是,現場只有一名警力維持秩序。 拉脫維亞:今年6月初,拉脫維亞和來自其他歐洲國家的同性戀者舉辦同性戀大遊行的場地,用了嚴密的圍籬保護遊行隊伍;去年,當地政府禁止了同志驕傲大遊行和幾場反同性戀陣營試圖搗亂的活動;前年,數千名民眾試圖用人牆抵抗進行中的遊行。 立陶宛:5月申請第一次於首都維爾紐斯舉辦的同性戀活動被拒絕;同月份,考納斯市的巴士司機在歐盟和當地政府支持的活動中,集體拒載同性戀的支持者。 波蘭:總統萊赫‧卡欽斯基(Lech Kaczyinski)當年還是華沙市長時,曾經禁止兩個同性戀遊行活動;而去年,法院宣告某個城市禁止同性戀活動屬違法行為之後,華沙市政府才不情願地讓酷兒舉辦同性戀活動。 羅馬尼亞:6月時,在首都布加勒斯特約有5百名同性戀擁護者,以示威遊行的方式呼籲不應歧視同性戀,並敦促政府儘快立法同意同性結婚。過程中,大批警察逮捕了數百名試圖阻止同性戀遊行的示威者。 俄羅斯:莫斯科市長尤里‧盧日科(Yuri Luzhkov)直言同性戀遊行是「撒旦」,並駁回6月的同志驕傲日遊行申請,歐洲議會成員和極端主義者皆參與該遊行活動。其實去年,一場偷偷舉行的同性戀遊行被警察制止,過程中有基督教激進份子和新納粹主義者對遊行者施暴。 (路透社) Eastern European countries decriminalized homosexuality as they took the road to democracy but gay people are often viewed with hostility. Here are some recent instances where gay pride events in eastern Europe have been banned or disrupted by violence. HUNGARY: -- People at the Budapest Gay Pride parade earlier this month were pelted with eggs and only a heavy police presence prevented more violence as about 200 mostly far-right demonstrators protested against it. LATVIA: -- Gay men and women from Latvia and other European nations held a parade under tight security in a fenced park in early June. In 2006, officials banned a Gay Pride march and anti-gay protesters targeted participants at other events. -- In 2005, thousands tried to physically block the path of the parade. LITHUANIA: -- Permission was refused for the first gay pride event in Vilnius in May. The same month, bus drivers in the city of Kaunas refused to drive vehicles carrying adverts promoting tolerance towards homosexual men and women -- a campaign sponsored by the European Union and the Lithuanian government. POLAND: -- Polish President Lech Kaczyinski banned two gay pride marches when he was mayor of Warsaw. Authorities in Warsaw reluctantly allowed a march to go ahead in 2006 after Polish courts ruled such bans in other cities were illegal. ROMANIA: -- Police detained dozens of protesters in June 2007 as hundreds tried to break up a gay rights march in the capital, Bucharest. About 500 gay activists marched through the city to demonstrate against discrimination and to call for the legalization of same-sex marriages. RUSSIA: -- Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov called gay marches "satanic" and refused permission for a parade but a Gay Pride march went ahead in June with reduced numbers. Several activists, including a member of the European Parliament, were beaten by ultra-nationalists before police intervened. -- In 2006, a gay march went ahead despite a ban. Activists were detained by police, abused by militant Christians and attacked by neo-Nazis. REUTERS |
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匈牙利人考驗東歐同性戀禁忌 | |
「我是賈柏‧塞特伊,一個忠誠的東歐匈牙利市民、公務員、政府職員,以及同性戀。」 身為高級政府政治官員的塞特伊,揣想了數個可以在東歐這個後共產國家公開出櫃的場合,最後選擇了7月初的同志驕傲日前兩日,認為這是最具挑戰性的。 匈牙利政府人力資源部國務秘書塞特伊冒著被敵視的危險公開出櫃,因為他想要凸顯出東歐長期以來對少數(並不止是對同性戀)的不寬容。 被共產黨政權統治數10年之後,同性戀不是被禁止,就是消失在人們的視線中,所以此刻,大多數東歐人還是很難接受同性戀。缺少對同性戀的容忍甚至造成某些地區出現高漲的民族主義。 塞特伊告訴路透社:「我花了這麼長的時間才出櫃,我想很大的一部分原因是因為,在1990年的時候我22歲。」他抱怨1989年崩潰的匈牙利共產黨政權,因為共產黨讓很多同性戀者無法公開坦承性向。「我22歲前,一直覺得自己是異類。」 東歐目前只有捷克和斯洛維尼亞在法律上承認同性婚姻,沒有一個前共產主義國家允許同性婚姻,更沒有法律條文來保護少數性向的這群人免於歧視。 塞特伊說:「這是這個區域的嚴重議題。」他之前長時間待在紐約和阿根廷的布宜諾斯艾利斯,直到去年才回到家鄉接下政府職務。「我一向和少數打交道,無論是少數族群、猶太人議題或者是同性戀議題。」 在他公開談話的兩日後,一年一度布達佩斯同志驕傲日的參與者就被蛋洗,雖然現場聚集了約2百名反對同性戀的極右派示威者,但是只有一隊重裝軍警到場防止突發的暴力事件。 28歲的心理系畢業生安德斯‧佤孔伊說:「我並不害怕,因為有警察在,很多警察。但是當警察離去,這群人在距離我3步的地方對著我喊『髒東西』,那時候我真的害怕了。」 罪孽 國際男女同性戀聯合會歐洲區的公共專員朱利‧拉夫利寇表示:「不止政治精英,而是整個社會嚴重區少對同性戀者的瞭解。」 雖然剛在今年加入歐盟的鄰國羅馬尼亞已經在法律層面上承認同性戀,但是很多人接受的還是充滿權威的東正教觀點,認為同性戀是一種罪孽、一種疾病。羅馬尼亞在共產黨獨裁者尼古拉‧希奧塞古統治期間,於1968年立法禁止同性戀,在這期間,數百人被捕入獄。 在今年6月,數百名示威者企圖破壞布達佩斯的同性戀遊行,警方扣留了數10名示威者。在羅馬天主教盛行的克羅埃西亞,只有少數同性戀者勇敢出櫃,大多數同性戀者依舊過著雙面生活。 波蘭最近受到歐盟議會議員的火力抨擊,因為它最近正式決議,在27個省推行同性戀有罪的條例。保守的民族主義政黨波蘭家庭聯盟,最近在國會中提出動議,建議開除那些在學校宣揚「同性戀生活方式」的教師,並要立法禁止在學校宣傳同性戀。 當波蘭總理卡欽斯基被問到,如果有政府官員出櫃時,他會作何反應,他說:「只要他不是來自我的政營,我就會很高興。」他也是波蘭的教育部長。 還有很長的路要走 在同性戀婚姻平權的路上,匈牙利還有很長的路要走。根據歐盟去年進行的民意調查顯示,52%的捷克人認為歐洲應該允許同性戀婚姻,但是只有18%的匈牙利人如此認為。 在接下來的抗議歧視活動中,兩名匈牙利女同性戀者於7月14日,在布達佩斯的多瑙河舉行非正式的結婚儀式。 匈牙利聯合政府的其中一員,自由民主黨已經提出動議,希望可以找出折衷方案,讓國會同意讓同性戀婚姻註冊,就像捷克一樣。 塞特伊指出:「紐約的同志驕傲日遊行讓我眼界大開,那是一個屬於成千上萬人的嘉年華會,一家人會一起出席這個活動,而大人會教導小孩,什麼是寬容。」他說,不再討論同性戀議題當然是他所樂見的,但是當情況需要時,他還是會繼續討論。 (路透社) "I am Gabor Szetey. A faithful Hungarian-European. Citizen, public official, member of the government. And gay." Of all the arenas in which a senior government politician could come out, Szetey's choice -- two days before a Gay Pride march earlier this month in post-communist eastern Europe -- was one of the most defiant. Hungary's Secretary of State for Human Resources risked hostility because he wanted to highlight persistent intolerance, not just of gay people, but also of other minorities, in eastern Europe. After decades under communist rule when homosexuality was banned or simply out of sight, most east Europeans still find it hard to accept. The lack of tolerance has been coupled with a surge in nationalism in some parts of the region. "I think my coming out took so long partly because I was 22 in 1990," Szetey told Reuters. He blamed the communist regime -- which collapsed in 1989 in Hungary -- for the fact many still keep their homosexuality secret. "Until I turned 22, I thought I was an alien." Only the Czech Republic and Slovenia have legalized registered same-sex partnerships, none of the former communist states allow same-sex marriages, and some have no laws protecting sexual minorities from discrimination. "This is a very serious issue for this region," said Szetey, who lived in New York and Buenos Aires before coming home and taking the government post last year. "Dealing with all minorities, be it ethnic minorities ... or the whole Jewish issue, or the gay issue." Two days after his speech, participants of the annual Budapest Gay Pride parade were pelted with eggs and only a heavy police presence prevented violence as about 200 mostly far-right demonstrators protested against it. "I was not afraid because the police were there, lots of police, but when they disappeared and three steps from me these people shouted 'dirty faggot', well that was scary," said Andras Varkonyi, 28, a psychology graduate. SIN "There is still quite a serious lack of understanding not only in the political elite but also in general society," said Juris Lavrikovs, communications officer of the European section of the International Lesbian and Gay Association. Although homosexuality is now legal in neighboring Romania, which joined the EU this year, many people accept the powerful Orthodox church's view of homosexuality as a sin and a disease. Thousands were jailed in Romania during the rule of communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu after a 1968 ban. In June police detained dozens of protesters as hundreds tried to break up a gay rights march in Bucharest. In strongly Roman Catholic Croatia, only few homosexuals have come out and most still lead a double life. Poland has come under fire from EU lawmakers, who singled it out in a resolution condemning homophobia in the 27-nation bloc. The nationalist League of Polish Families party, a junior coalition partner in the cabinet, has proposed a law to sack teachers who promote a "homosexual lifestyle" and wants a law banning "homosexual propaganda" in schools. When asked how he would react if someone in the government came out as gay Roman Giertych, Poland's deputy prime minister, leader of the party and minister of education told Reuters: "I would react with joy, on the condition that the person was not in my party." LONG WAY TO GO Hungary still has far to go in giving gay relationships equal rights: a Eurobarometer survey showed last year that while 52 percent of Czechs agreed that same-sex marriages should be allowed in Europe, in Hungary this number was only 18 percent. In a further protest at discrimination, two Hungarian lesbian women on July 14 held an unofficial marriage ceremony by the Danube river in Budapest. The junior Hungarian coalition party, the liberal Free Democrats, has proposed a bill to allow same-sex marriages which may lead to a compromise by allowing registered same-sex partnerships, as in the Czech Republic. "I really opened up in New York where Gay Pride meant that several hundreds of thousands of people marched: it was a carnival, a huge party where families joined with their kids to have fun and educate their kids about tolerance," Szetey said. "I will be the happiest if I don't have to speak about this issue any more. If I have to, I will." REUTERS |
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