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教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2008-04-10》 |
本期內容 | |
◎國際專題:生產:生死一線間 | |
◎不入院不麻醉 荷蘭人選擇在家生產 | |
◎從在家生產轉到病房 嬰兒風險增加 |
國際專題:生產:生死一線間 | |
策劃、編譯■陳銳嬪、陳玫伶 | |
女人懷胎10月,到孩子呱呱墜地,是一段辛苦的過程。 但是在發展中國家與已開發國家的婦女,卻面臨了不一樣的生產過程。 在已開發國家,自然生產是選擇性問題;但是在發展中國家,自然生產卻是不得不的選擇。 發展中國家,婦女難產而死的原因包括高血壓、敗毒病、大量出血與流產。 去年由世界衛生組織、聯合國兒童基金會、聯合國人口基金和世界銀行聯合進行的一份重要報告預計, 在2005年,有大約2萬2千名衣索比亞婦女因為「生產過程或者處理過程」而死亡。 婦女為了生產所歷經的痛苦與危險,非局外人所能瞭解, 確保每個孕婦與嬰兒都能健康安全,前路依舊漫長。 |
(回目錄) |
不入院不麻醉 荷蘭人選擇在家生產 | |
(路透社) | |
當艾瑪被外派到荷蘭期間發現自己懷孕時,她花了大部分的時間,想避開傳統的荷蘭式生產方法──在家生產,而且沒有無痛分娩。 但是當艾瑪生下活潑的兒子後,她接受了荷蘭衛生體系信條之一──產後一週,由婦產科護士在家照顧,她負責的範圍非常全面,從換尿布、清潔到煮飯,無所不包。 在荷蘭人的哲學裡,認為新生兒的誕生是按照自然法則發生的,因此,除非有併發症,產婦不應該特地到醫院由醫生接生,應該由助產士在家裡輔助生產過程。 荷蘭有30%的婦女在家生產,這數據是西方國家中最高的,而僅僅10%的產婦在生產的時候可以獲得麻醉,剖腹生產的婦女更是稀少。 相形之下,美國有1/3的新生兒經由剖腹生產,英國則有20%,在家分娩的個案少之又少。美國幾個州的法令甚至認定,助產士在家協助生產是違法行為。 艾瑪吃驚地發現,荷蘭人相信分娩的痛楚可以幫助母親和新生兒的關係發展地更緊密。根據附近所有醫院的麻醉法政策來看,發現醫院並不保證會提供任何麻醉藥物。 當艾瑪被勸告要在手頭邊準備醫療用品,包括紗布和剪肚臍帶的鉗子,她感覺在家生產的可能性越來越高。此外,用來抬高床架,讓助產士在助產過程得以更順利的金屬支架也開始送到家裡來了。 艾瑪的預產期落在5月1日,她擔心地開玩笑說,她可能會在勞動節分娩(編按:英文「勞工」與「分娩」都是labour)。然後她發現,她可能無法在當天的緊急狀況下到醫院,因為4月30日是荷蘭的國定假日,人們往往會通宵狂歡。 艾瑪的荷蘭鄰居自動請纓,願意在需要的時候用小船載她。但是艾瑪決定,在最不可預測的情況下,她寧願選擇住在醫院附近。 醫院vs.住家? 因為併發症發作,在家生產不在考慮之列,艾瑪在4月27日在醫院催生,這是一間有使用麻醉藥的醫院。 在生產的經驗中,艾瑪印象最深刻的記憶是對著那當記者的丈夫大喊,要他拿開筆記型電腦。他們的兒子奧斯卡在晚上9點27分出生,重達4公斤。 艾瑪在產前準備班的認識的婦女,很多都有荷蘭式的生產經驗:沒有一個被給予麻醉藥;也有一名在家生產的婦女,在產前一小時一直打電話給助產士,但是孩子卻在一個小時內出生。 艾瑪承認,她已經受到荷蘭人的洗腦,開始對自己因為沒有自然生產,無法好好應用已經學習數月的瑜珈與呼吸練習,感到遺憾。 但是現在常被問到的問題是,這個國家的生產哲學是否會增加分娩時的危險。 「在家生產是荷蘭人獨特的傳統,但是這並不是一個最終目標。最重要的是生產後媽媽和寶寶都要健康。」馬斯垂克一名婦產科學教授尼赫斯在最近如此寫道。 他建議婦女生產應該集中在30到50家的婦幼醫院,那裡有婦產科醫師、麻醉科醫師和相關醫事人員輪班工作。 婦產科醫師也正在討論新的生產方針,認為產婦有權力到醫院做無痛分娩。目前,產婦常被拒絕使用無痛分娩,是因為是麻醉科醫師沒有輪值夜班,或是被認為生產過程中麻醉是非必要的。 艾瑪的產前課程分娩助理員布萊恩表示,她想要在助產的時候更容易獲得麻醉劑,但是總的來說,她依然捍衛荷蘭的生產哲學。 她說:「讓我們的荷蘭式生產體系消失和把生產等同疾病是可恥的。我覺得,把生產視為一種自然過程是好的。」 負責產後照護的婦產科護士,是荷蘭生產體系中獲得普遍支持的其中一個要素。英國保守黨黨魁卡麥隆就對這項政策印象深刻,直呼要效法荷蘭的作法。 艾瑪的婦產科護士──麥妮,在她從醫院回到家的數小時後就抵達她家,並開始準備晚餐,教導艾瑪和配偶應該如何包裹奧斯卡,讓他安睡。 接下來一週,麥妮每天為艾瑪和奧斯卡做例常健康檢查,協助艾瑪哺餵母乳,並教導她和配偶如何替嬰兒洗澡和安撫他入睡。麥妮教導她很多實用的知識,例如要怎樣預防嬰兒猝死與黃疸病的發生。 婦產科護士給艾瑪信心,覺得在家被照顧比在醫院好。如果艾瑪決定生另外一名小孩,她將會採取荷蘭式的生產法。 When I discovered I was expecting a baby during my posting to the Netherlands, I spent much of my pregnancy trying to work out how to avoid a traditional Dutch birth -- at home and with no pain relief. But since the arrival of my bouncing baby son, I have become a convert to at least one aspect of the Dutch health system -- home care for a week after birth by a maternity nurse who does everything from nappy-changing to cleaning and cooking. The Dutch philosophy is that childbirth is a natural physical process that should not be medicalised unless there are complications, and should primarily be handled by midwives at home rather than by doctors in a hospital. The Netherlands has the highest rate of home births in the western world at 30 percent, only 10 percent of women in labour are given pain relief and caesareans are relatively rare. In contrast, about a third of babies are born by caesarean in the United States and about 20 percent in Britain, while only a tiny fraction of women have home births. Midwives who assist home births can even be prosecuted in some U.S. states. Stunned that the Dutch believe labour pains are important for helping develop the mother-baby bond, I researched the anaesthesia policy at all the nearby hospitals only to discover that there was no guarantee of drugs at any of them. The prospect of a home birth became all the more real when I was advised to have medical supplies on hand -- including swabs and an umbilical cord clamp -- and when metal stands were delivered to raise our bed to help the midwife during delivery. With my due date set for May 1, I nervously joked I might be in labour on Labour day. Then I realised I might not be able to get to hospital in an emergency because of the partying throngs celebrating the April 30 Dutch national holiday. A Dutch neighbour offered to have his boat at the ready to ferry me from our canal-side home if necessary, but I decided to make contingency plans to stay near the hospital instead. HOSPITAL VS HOME? As it turned out, complications meant a home birth was out of the question and I was induced in hospital on April 27 with an opiate-based pain relief available at the touch of a button. Delirious for much of the experience, my most abiding memory is screaming at my journalist partner to put away his notebook just before baby Oscar arrived at 9.27 p.m., weighing 4 kgs. Most of the women from my birth preparation class had a more Dutch experience: none were offered pain relief and one laboured at home for hours despite repeated calls to the midwife, who turned up less than an hour before the arrival of baby Kaya. I must admit the Dutch brainwashing left me a bit disappointed I didn't have a chance to put my months of yoga practice and breathing exercises to good use in a natural birth. But questions are now being asked about whether the country's philosophy increases risks during birth. "Giving birth at home, a unique Dutch tradition, should not be a goal in itself. What really matters is a good result of the pregnancy for mother and child," Jan Nijhuis, Maastricht professor of obstetrics and gynaecology, wrote recently. He argued that births should be centralised in about 30 to 50 maternity hospitals, staffed around the clock by gynaecologists, anaesthetists and other specialists. Gynaecologists are also considering a new guideline that would give pregnant women the right to pain relief in hospitals, something they are currently often denied because anaesthetists are not on duty at night or because it is not seen as medically necessary during labour. Petra de Bruin, the birth assistant or doula who ran my prenatal class, says she would like it to be easier to get pain relief, but defends the Netherlands' overall philosophy. "It would be a shame to lose our Dutch system and treat birth in a medical way as if it is a disease. I think it is good to think of it as a natural process," she said. One element of the Dutch system is universally supported -- the 'kraamzorg' or maternity nurse who offers after-birth care. David Cameron, leader of Britain's opposition Conservatives, is so impressed he wants to introduce similar nurses there. Mine turned up just a few hours after we got home from hospital and set to work making dinner and teaching me and my partner how to swaddle Oscar to help him sleep. For the next week, she did daily health checks on both of us, helped me breastfeed, and taught us how to bathe the baby and put him to sleep -- on his back by the window to prevent cot death and jaundice -- among dozens of other practical tips. It was great to be cared for at home rather than in hospital and the nurse gave me such confidence. Perhaps, if I decide to have another baby, I'll go Dutch. REUTERS |
(回目錄) |
從在家生產轉到病房 嬰兒風險增加 | |
(BBC) | |
研究顯示,當選擇在家生產的母親被轉到醫院時,嬰兒可能會面對嚴重的風險。 根據BBC報導,一項針對在家生產達10年的研究,在BJOG期刊上指出,在家生產的死亡率是很低的,但是當在家生產的母親被轉到醫院時,小孩的死亡率卻提高為平均死亡率的8倍。 在家生產的擁護者指出,該研究並沒有考慮到婦女在醫院發生的問題。而在1萬752個個案中,只有65名嬰兒死亡。 目前少於2%的產婦選擇在家生產,但是英國政府承諾,在2009年前任何母親都可以選擇此方案。 一個來自全國婦女與兒童健康聯合中心(National Collaborating Centre for Women's and Children's Health)的隊伍檢視了1994年到2003年之間,在英國與威爾斯的在家生產數據。 他們把在家生產分成3部分:計畫性的在家生產、無計畫的在家生產(母親打算到醫院生產,但是在無法預知的情況下在家生產)和「轉診組」(母親原本打算在家生產,最後卻在醫院分娩)。 母親有計畫性在家生產的嬰兒平均死亡率是最低的,比那些在醫院出生、由助產士協助的嬰兒死亡率還低。 該研究的作者指出,只面對少數風險的婦女才會選擇在家生產,她們屬於自我選擇組。 但是當這一組婦女出現懷孕併發症的時候,必須轉到醫院,她失去嬰兒的風險比全國的平均高上8倍,比在家生產高上12倍。 平均來說,大約15%選擇在家生產的婦女會轉到醫院,新手媽媽來的數據明顯偏高,而那些生育過的母親則明顯偏低。 BJOG編輯菲力‧思帖教授指出:「本質上,那些選擇在家生產的母親不是有個成功滿意的分娩經驗,就是有一次糟透了的經驗。這不像妳在醫院生產所看到的灰色地帶。」 「婦女要在哪裡以及怎樣生產的選擇應該給予尊重,但是重要的是,不能隱瞞可能的風險,要讓她們可以在資訊充足下做選擇。」 雖然如此,該研究作者也承認,實際的轉診數據是引用不同的研究,難免會有不協調的地方。 「轉診」並不單單形容婦女在分娩的時候趕到醫院去,也包括那些在原來決定要在家生產,最後改在醫院生小孩的婦女。 轉診的原因也不清楚,可能性的原因通常從改變心意、想要更有效的麻醉效果到嚴重的併發症都有。 實際的死亡數字其實很小。在11年的研究中,在1萬752個研究個案中,只有65名嬰兒因為母親轉診到醫院而死亡。 專家強調,英國的分娩過程依然非常安全。 想要讓全國婦女可以選擇在家生產的全國分娩信託(The National Childbirth Trust)指出,這個研究應該看那些母親因為懷孕併發症而死在醫院的嬰兒數據。 全國分娩信託的政策主任瑪莉‧紐本指出:「這個研究充滿謬誤。」 助產士皇家學院(The Royal College of Midwives)歡迎這樣的研究,但是認為這不該是決定性的結果。 達維表示:「轉診代表不可預期或者明顯的併發症發生了。這不管在那裡分娩──家裡、分娩中心或者醫院──結果都一樣。」 衛生部發言人表示:「我們歡迎這篇文章,我們將把這個研究發現,加入我們承諾的安全分娩地點細節中。」 參考來源:http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/7324555.stm |
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