Adopt a ‘green’ way of life 採取綠生活方式
Art made of recycled materials 以回收物為材的藝術品
Auctions to benefit an environmental project將拍賣所得贊助環境計畫
Award presentations for environmental competitions 頒獎給環保競賽
Awareness campaigns 覺醒運動
Bicycle parades/races 單車遊行/競賽
Broadcast of public service announcements (TV and Radio) 利用公益廣告宣導(電視與廣播)
Buy a fuel-efficient car 購買燃料效率高的車
Calculate your carbon footprint 計算你/妳的碳足跡
Carpools 選擇共乘
Celebrity support 名人贊助
Clean-up campaigns 淨化活動
Competitions (banner, drawing, essay, painting, poster, poetry) 競賽(布條旗幟、圖畫、散文、繪畫、海報、詩)
Conferences on the environment 環境論壇
Debates on environment issues 環境議題辯論
Dedicate your blog to World Environment Day on 5 June 6月5日當天在你的部落格中紀念
Distribute leaflets, brochures and posters 散發傳單、手冊和海報
Donate to an environmental cause 捐獻給環境事業
Environmental education programmes in schools 校園環境教育計畫
Excursions to nature sites 到自然景點郊遊
Exhibitions (drawings, posters, photos, paintings) 展覽(圖畫、海報、攝影、繪畫)
Fairs 博覽會(園遊會)
Festivals 慶祝活動
Film festivals on the environment 環境影展
Give a gift membership of an environmental organization 成為環境機構的贊助會員
Guidelines to community-based environmental activities 社區本位環境活動指南