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教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2008-07-17》 |
本期內容 | |
◎國際專題:G8的成績單 | |
◎G8 回顧審慎但重要的決定 | |
◎G8達成了怎樣的氣候變遷成果? |
國際專題:G8的成績單 | |
策劃、編譯■陳銳嬪、陳玫伶 | |
八大工業國組織(G8)高峰會上週在日本北海道落幕了。 這是全球極具爭議的峰會之一。 G8被認為是資本主義富國為了自己的利益而搞的小團體, 所以峰會主辦期間, 總會看到反資本主義者以及環保人士前往抗議。 雖然今年G8峰會承諾要在2050年之前減少50%碳排放量, 但是輿論對此並不看好。 而G8是否會言行一致,且讓我們拭目以待吧! |
(回目錄) |
G8 回顧審慎但重要的決定 | |
(路透社) | |
如果說今年的G8高峰會達成了什麼,那就是讓兩個老生常談的問題再次受到關注,例如全球暖化就是一個非常複雜的議題,八國集團無法單獨解決它。 預期G8可以神奇地解決此次高峰會的主要議題──如何控制溫室氣體排放,是不切實際的。雖然科學家指出,溫室氣體使地球加溫到危險的高水平。 所以,可以斷言的是,2009年的高峰會還是會重新探討今年討論了3天的氣候變遷議題。今年的G8高峰會在日本北方翠綠島嶼北海道舉行,並於上週三圓滿落幕。 明年在義大利舉行的G8高峰會,一年比一年更接近將於2009年12月在哥本哈根舉行的聯合國會議,協議者希望,與會者將會同意用替代協定取代即將在2012年屆滿到期的京都議定書。 這並不是說,這次高峰會是浪費時間的。G8的主要任務是傳送強大的政治信號——不要簽署協議。所以日本的納稅人必須等到哥本哈根會議才會知道,他們的政府花費了6百億日圓(約5億6千萬美元)主辦這個高峰會,是否達到效果。 日本首相福田康夫表示:「16個領袖所表達的強大政治意願,是促成聯合國協議繼續下去的巨大推動力。」 說得沒錯,G8承諾在2050年之前減少溫室氣體排放量50%,並不符合綠色運動者的目標。然而,他們是不會滿足的。 說得沒錯,G8領袖並沒有為這個過渡期設定一個期限,好讓人們相信他們是認真的。 另外一點是,其他8個主要污染國也受邀參加最後一天的會談,也就是日本首相福田康夫所提到的16國,但是他們也沒有簽署2050年碳減半協議。 但是政治是可能的藝術,分析家指出,這個世紀中期的目標可以得到美國總統布希支持,已經表示這個峰會的主辦者獲得了實際的成功。 南非環境部長范‧史寇威克指出:「你不能說這是個問題,這個會談的挑戰與國際政治的現實是,有時我們必須在最小公約數下合作。而美國是G8最小的公約數。」 擴大成員的時機 華盛頓改變意見,以及G8同意必須設立世紀中期減碳目標,讓哥本哈根會議大綱的雛形出現。 富有國家將負責減少大部分的碳污染,而發展中國家則不會做太多野心勃勃的承諾,他們將會獲得西方大量的經濟與技術援助以完成目標。 哥本哈根共識的輪廓並不是減少必須要克服的政治荊棘。 就算在一黨執政的國家,領袖也不想做可能會危及成長的承諾。 中國國家主席胡錦濤指出:「中國目前主要的任務是發展經濟,讓人民生活得更好。」中國依賴煤礦供應超過70%的能源。 比較窮的國家最關心的是,如果被迫管控污染,他們脫離貧窮之路更漫長。 在上週三與中國國家主席胡錦濤一起會談的印度總理曼莫漢表示:「身為發展中國家,必要的加速成長和考慮不均衡的氣候變遷對我們的影響,前者對我們更為急迫。」 對任何國家來說,捨棄今天的發展來換取不確定的明日利益是困難的。當超過一百個國家都參與時,這個任務幾乎是不可能的:在長達7年的時間內,見證世界貿易組織如何在紛亂中,試圖達到新一輪的降低關稅與評估開放市場的共識。 這樣的吸引力使一些集團當起開路先鋒:至少35國貿易部長將於7月21日在日內瓦開會,希望突破世界貿易組織會談的僵局。而上週三在G8峰會上主辦的主要經濟體會議,讓全球80%的溫室氣體排放國齊聚一堂。 G8還沒有消亡。 在聯合國安全理事會上沒有常任席位的日本,非常珍惜當上G8主辦國的機會。 日本外務省發言人兒玉和夫表示:「我們看不到擴大招收G8會員的必要,我們相信現有的規模與模式已經很好,足以討論所有的議題。」 美國也再次聲明,在現階段它反對德國總理梅克爾所提議的重組G8提議。 「說不定在未來的2、5或者15年內,我們會成為更大的組織。」她說。 法國前財政部長卡恩現在領導國際貨幣基金組織,他說這個在1975年就開始的組織重新改組,只是時間的問題而已。 他說:「我相信,在不久的將來,G8將會擴大,雖然我不知道是在何時。」 If this year's G8 summit achieved anything, it was to reinforce two truisms: the problems of the age, such as global warming, are extraordinarily complex and the Group of Eight alone cannot resolve them. Viewed in that light, it was always unrealistic to expect the G8 to pull a rabbit out of the hat and miraculously settle the summit's main issue -- how to curb greenhouse gas emissions that scientists say are warming the planet to dangerously high levels. As such, it's a good bet that the 2009 meeting will rehash the same arguments on climate change that dominated the three days of talks that ended on Wednesday on the verdant northern Japanese island of Hokkaido. That is especially the case as the next G8 summit, in Italy, will be a year closer to the December 2009 U.N. conference in Copenhagen that, negotiators hope, will agree on a pact to replace the Kyoto Protocol that expires in 2012. Why show your hand before you have to? But that does not mean this summit was a waste of time. The main job of the G8 is to send out strong political signals, not to sign deals. So Japan's taxpayers will have to wait for Copenhagen to see whether the 60 billion yen ($560 million) their government stumped up to stage the summit was well spent. "An expression of strong political will from 16 leaders -- this will surely be a strong force to push U.N. negotiations forward," Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda said. True, the G8's commitment to work towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 50 percent by 2050 fell short of what green activists wanted. But they were never going to be satisfied. True, G8 leaders did not set numerical interim goals that would convince voters they might be serious about meeting targets decades hence when they will be out of office and in the grave. And true, eight other big polluters invited to the last day of the talks -- adding up to the 16 to which Fukuda referred -- did not sign up for the aspirational 2050 goal. But politics is the art of the possible, and analysts said getting U.S. President George W. Bush to back the mid-century target marked a tangible success for the summit host. "You can say it's a problem, a challenge or a reality of the international political landscape that we have that these talks have to sometimes work on the lowest common denominator. And the lowest common denominator in the G8 is the United States," said Marthinus van Schalkwyk, South Africa's environment minister. TIME FOR A BIGGER G8? With Washington having budged and with the G8 agreeing that they need to set ambitious mid-term goals for emission cuts, the outline of a deal in Copenhagen is taking shape. Rich countries would shoulder most of the burden of cutting carbon pollution, while developing countries would make less ambitious commitments and would get a lot of financial and technological aid from the West to help them meet their goals. Sketching the contours of a Copenhagen consensus is not to minimise the political obstacles that will have to be overcome. Even in one-party states, leaders are loathe to make promises that might imperil growth. "China's central task now is to develop the economy and make life better for the people," said President Hu Jintao of China, which relies on coal for more than 70 percent of its energy. Poorer countries have genuine concerns that they will take longer to escape poverty if they are forced to curb pollution. "The imperative for our accelerated growth is even more urgent when we consider the disproportionate impact of climate change on us as a developing country," said Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who joined Hu at Wednesday's talks. Trading off growth today for uncertain benefits tomorrow is hard enough for any one country. When more than 100 nations are involved, the task is next to impossible: witness the seven long years of haggling in the World Trade Organisation (WTO) to try to agree a new round of tariff cuts and market-opening measures. Hence the attractiveness of a reasonably representative spearhead group to do the main horse-trading: 35 or so trade ministers will meet in Geneva on July 21 to seek a breakthrough in the WTO talks, while Wednesday's "Major Economies Meeting" brought together countries that account for 80 percent of the world's greenhouse gas emissions. The G8 is not about to wither away. Japan, for one, without a permanent seat on the U.N. Security Council, treasures the prestige of being at the top table. "We don't see any need to expand the G8 membership," Foreign Ministry spokesman Kazuo Kodama said. "We believe that the current size and format are meaningful enough to discuss all these issues." The United States also restated its opposition to revamping the G8 as did German Chancellor Angela Merkel -- for now. "I can't say whether in two, five or 15 years we'll be together in a bigger group," she said. Dominique Strauss-Kahn, a former French finance minister who now heads the International Monetary Fund, said an overhaul of a group that first met in 1975 was only a question of time. "I have no doubt that, I don't know when but in the near future, G8 will be extended," he said. REUTERS |
(回目錄) |
G8達成了怎樣的氣候變遷成果? | |
參考來源 /英國《衛報》 | |
今年的G8高峰會,對氣候變遷議題帶來了怎樣的進展?乍看之下,它充滿希望:最富有且製造最多污染的G8高峰會領袖,都在討論2050年之前減低50%的碳排放量的決議。 毫無疑議,要降低的碳排放量真的很多。發展中國家為了讓人民脫離貧困,通常會燃燒煤炭以節省能源成本,而環境也會因而受到污染。因此,減碳這個重責大任落在G8工業國的身上了。分攤總排放量的結果,英國必須在40年內要降低95%的碳排放量,真是難以相信的挑戰。 輿論批評上週的G8工業國高峰會的用字遣詞不適當,與會領導者說他們將「尋找」(seek)方法,以「考慮」(consider)並「採納」(adopt)降低50%碳排放量的目標。事實上,這個保證也是環保人士長久以來呼籲的目標。 我們試圖朝著聯合國氣候變遷綱要公約的遠景邁進,考慮並接受聯合國氣候變遷綱要公約的協商,即在2050年達到降低50%碳排放量的目標。 聯合國氣候變遷綱要公約是全球氣候協定的正式聲明,中國和印度等發展中國家在此獲得發言權。此外,G8工業國和美國都表明他們將會針對此公約,採取適當的行動。 大多數人的疑惑是,哪一年適合作為降低50%碳排放量的基準年?是否需要訂定短程目標、應該要多久達到短程目標,皆須定奪。不過至少這是個起始點。 而起始點從何時開始還是一片迷濛,聯合國氣候變遷綱要公約此刻正在努力實踐1997年的京都議定書,在之後關鍵的20年內限制排放量。其中一段模糊帶是該決議缺乏一個長程目標,或一個願景,以加速各國執行進度。 所以,G8工業國高峰會是否已有結論?答案是還沒有。去年,G8國家也曾經承諾會「慎重考慮」在2050年前減少50%的碳排放量。而去年12月,在印尼峇里島召開的聯合國氣候變遷綱要公約第13次締約國大會中,美國更聲明訂定長遠目標言之過早。 上個月,聯合國氣候變遷綱要公約在德國波昂召開了一次會議,討論長遠目標的空間有限;即便到現在剛結束的G8工業國高峰會,也是一樣的窘態。 英國表示,美國已經改變,但是這一切還取決於今年12月在波蘭召開的聯合國氣候變遷綱要公約第14次締約國大會,如果美國繼續拖延長期目標進程,我們就可以知道G8今年發表的聲明只是誇誇其談。 一旦聯合國氣候變遷綱要公約建立了共識與願景,這些國家就必須遵照短期目標降低碳排放量。G8的2050年目標並沒有做出如此的要求,是一個比較安全的政治版圖。美國當然明白這點,而發展中國家與環保團體也對此心知肚明,所以他們並不情願遵守它。對抗氣候變遷,全球還有很長的路要走。 http://blogs.guardian.co.uk/environment/2008/07/so_what_did_the_g8_achieve_on.html |
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