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教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2008-08-21》 |
本期內容 | |
◎國際專題:喬俄戰爭始末與未來 | |
◎喬治亞作為能源運輸線 | |
◎喬俄戰爭問與答 |
國際專題:喬俄戰爭始末與未來 | |
策劃、編譯■陳銳嬪 | |
8月8日當運動員在京奧開幕儀式上準備競技時,另外一個戰場也在高加索山上演。 喬治亞與俄羅斯之戰,有著錯綜複雜的關係,更有著背後勢力的角力。 這場戰爭,是否可以在俄羅斯協議停火之後落幕,還是未知數。且讓我們期望,這場戰火,不會禍延太多無辜的人民吧! |
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喬治亞作為能源運輸線 | |
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俄羅斯軍隊於8月7日進入喬治亞,很快地讓大家把焦點放在喬治亞作為運送石油和天然氣到歐洲的主要運輸站,以及裡海(位於前蘇聯與伊朗之間的內海)的能源缺少替代運輸線這件事上。 輸送管問題 有兩個主要的能源輸送管過境喬治亞,那就是巴庫-特比利西-傑伊漢(BTC)的石油輸送管,以及巴庫-特比利西-依斯陸(BTE)的天然氣輸送管。 BTC日產85萬桶石油,也是首條運送大量裡海石油出去、卻不必經過俄羅斯的輸送管。在2007年開始營運的BTE,最後將有可能運送2百億立方公尺的天然氣。這兩個輸送管的建立,是為了要運送天然氣與石油到歐洲,減少歐洲對俄羅斯的依賴。俄羅斯曾經停止對烏克蘭的天然氣供應,影響往歐洲聯盟的貨運。 喬治亞也有運送石油的鐵路系統。這個鐵路從特比利西開始到黑海的波季與巴統站,離土耳其的邊界非常近。 這個月的衝突將使俄羅斯加速採取激烈手段,重奪對之前對人造衛星以及能源輸送環節的控制。 這顯示,俄羅斯不止可以控制在喬治亞的BTC和BTE輸送管,也包括一些地方,如爭議地區阿柏克茲亞的蘇呼米,和最近較小輸送管被中止的蘇普撒。 環球透視預測機構的石油分析員西門‧沃戴爾指出:「這不是說你不會得到天然氣,這只是讓俄羅斯在談判價錢的時候更有權力。」 伊朗,不太可能的替代 雖然現在從喬治亞運送到歐洲的能源量還很少,但是作為俄羅斯的替代選擇,喬治亞的地位是非常重要的。另外,歐洲的選擇其實有限。 另外一條從裡海到歐洲,又可避開俄羅斯的路線,是穿過伊朗。對很多國家來說,這個選擇其實代表沒有替代路線。 身為石油輸出國家組織一員的伊朗,是在俄羅斯之後,全球第2大天然氣儲備國。但是伊朗因為受到美國與聯合國的制裁,使伊朗沒有足夠的資金可以進行石油與天然氣探勘,所以雖有大量的天然氣蘊藏量,出口卻很少。 但是在風險上,連結伊朗與裡海,或者從巴庫經過伊朗並透過土耳其到歐洲的新天然氣與石油輸送管,將會是有效的替代路線。 位於莫斯科的新歐亞基金會主席庫爾圖諾夫表示:「你可以使用在伊朗東部的總站,但是美國的制裁和政治不穩定、害怕美國會攻擊伊朗,以及其他不確定性,使這個可能性變得困難。」 建議中從伊朗北部到亞美尼亞的天然氣輸送管,可以連接到土耳其,把伊朗的天然氣送到歐洲。沃戴爾表示:「在政治上,因為美國與伊朗的關係,這是很難達到的。」 哈薩克的天然氣 哈薩克擁有續俄羅斯之後,中亞第2大被證實的石油與天然氣蘊藏量,但是從薩克運送天然氣到歐洲,卻因地理問題而困難重重。 這樣的輸送管必須在穿過裡海後,必須經過亞塞拜然到土耳其;或者經過烏茲別克斯坦、土庫曼和伊朗,最後才到土耳其。 另外一條建議中的輸送管,把哈薩克的天然氣透過土庫曼送到伊朗,也被中斷。 「你有可能到東方去,例如到哈薩克,但是成本將是天文數字。」沃戴爾說。 上個月,哈薩克參與泛中亞輸送管的建築工程,把裡海的天然氣運送到對能源需求殷切的中國。 但是從中國那裡購買哈薩克的天然氣,然後帶到歐洲,也是一大問題。 沃戴爾指出:「如果只是在中國的西部與中部興建輸送管,你只是受到中國控制你的天然氣。」 (路透社) The entry of Russian troops into Georgia on August 7 has brought into sharp focus its status as a key transit point for oil and gas supplies into Europe and the lack of alternative routes for Caspian supplies. THE PIPELINE POINT Two major energy pipelines transit Georgia -- the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline (BTC) and the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum gas pipeline (BTE). The BTC has a capacity of 850,000 barrels a day and is the first pipeline to carry large volumes of Caspian oil without crossing Russia. The BTE, opened in 2007, will eventually be able to carry 20 billion cubic meters of gas. Both pipelines were built to deliver gas and oil to Europe in order to reduce the continent's dependence on Russia, which has in the past shut off gas to Ukraine, with knock-on effects for shipments to the European Union. Georgia also has a rail network for transporting oil. The railway line runs from Tbilisi to the Black Sea ports of Poti and Batumi and to just short of the Turkish border. This month's fighting has raised the prospect of an extreme scenario of Russia reasserting control over its former satellites and their energy transit links. In Georgia, that could mean Russia not only controlled the BTC and BTE pipelines, but also ports such as Sukhumi in the disputed region of Abkhazia, and Supsa, where smaller gas pipelines terminate. "It is not that you're not going to get the gas, it's just that it would give Russia more power in negotiation of prices," said Simon Wardell, oil analyst at Global Insight. IRAN, AN UNLIKELY ALTERNATIVE While the amount of energy flowing through Georgia to Europe is relatively limited now, it is hugely important for the European Union as an alternative to Russia, especially when there are few other options. The only other route from the Caspian to western Europe that could avoid Russia can run through Iran, which, for many, is no alternative at all. Iran, an OPEC oil producer, sits on top of the world's second biggest gas reserves after Russia, but is subject to U.S. and United Nations sanctions. This affects its ability to invest adequately in oil and gas exploration. In spite of its huge reserves, Iran is a small net importer of gas. But for the security risks, a new pipeline connecting Iranian Caspian gas and oil, or a pipeline from Baku transiting Iran, to Europe via Turkey, would be an effective alternative. "You can use terminals in the east of Iran, but U.S. sanctions and political instability, the fear of U.S. strikes against Iran and other uncertainties make it difficult," said Andrei Kortunov, President of the New Eurasia Foundation in Moscow. A proposed gas pipeline running from northern Iran to Armenia could be linked to Turkey, delivering Iranian gas to Europe. "Politically that's been extremely difficult because of relations between the U.S. and Iran," Wardell said. KAZAKH GAS? Kazakhstan holds the second largest proven oil and gas reserves in Central Asia, after Russia, but delivering this gas to Europe would be fraught with difficulty because of the geographical distance involved. Such a line would have to either bypass Azerbaijan, after cutting across the Caspian, to get to Turkey, or bypass Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Iran, before reaching Turkey. Another proposed pipeline, linking Kazakhstan's gas to Iran via Turkmenistan could also be tapped. "Potentially you could go east, to Kazakhstan in particular, but you've got a very serious cost issue," Wardell said. Last month, Kazakhstan joined a pan-Central Asian pipeline construction project linking Caspian gas reserves to energy-hungry China. But buying Kazakh gas from China, to bring back to Europe, is also problematic. "If you're just building a pipeline into western and central China, you're at the mercy of China for your gas," Wardell said. REUTERS |
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喬俄戰爭問與答 | |
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南歐希夏的地位? 自從蘇聯解體後,南歐希夏在90年代脫離喬治亞宣告獨立,但是沒有一個國家承認南歐希夏的國家地位。 喬治亞總統薩卡希維利曾經表示,要讓分離地區南歐希夏與阿柏克茲亞回到喬治亞的全權控制。 為什麼要脫離喬治亞? 南歐希夏人源自蘇聯平原頓河南部,在13世紀時候,因為蒙古人入侵而被迫遷移到高加索山脈,與喬治亞為鄰。南歐希夏其實想加入源自同一種族的北歐希夏──俄羅斯境內獨立自治共和國。 在南歐希夏,喬治亞人屬於少數民族,人口數少於1/3。喬治亞拒絕承認南歐希夏這名稱,而選擇用它的舊名茨欣瓦利來稱呼它。茨欣瓦利也是南歐希夏的首府。 什麼事情引發此次危機? 喬治亞總統薩卡希維利在2004年的選舉就引發了此次衝突的開端。那時他與南歐希夏對話,願意讓它在喬治亞境內自治,但是南歐希夏在2006年進行了一項非正式的公投,要求完全的獨立。 在2008年4月,北大西洋公約組織(北約)表示允許喬治亞在特定條件下加入,激怒了俄羅斯。俄羅斯非常反對北約向東擴展。數週後,俄羅斯馬上加強與喬治亞分離地區南歐希夏與阿柏克茲亞的聯繫。 今年7月,俄羅斯承認它的戰鬥機飛過南歐希夏到喬治亞。自此,俄羅斯與喬治亞就不時發生衝突。 衝突如何升級? 在數場開火戰後,喬治亞於8月7日進軍攻擊南歐希夏。8月8日,喬治亞已經控制了南歐希夏首府茨欣瓦利。俄羅斯馬上派數千軍隊前往南歐希夏,並對在南歐希夏的喬治亞軍隊與喬治亞發動攻擊,不消一日,俄羅斯又控制了茨欣瓦利。 為什麼俄羅斯會涉入? 俄羅斯表示,它的角色是南歐希夏的和平保衛者,但是喬治亞控訴俄羅斯提供武器給南歐希夏。 俄羅斯的理由是,它要保衛在南歐希夏的俄羅斯國民。南歐希夏7萬名人口,其中一半持有俄羅斯護照。 參考來源/http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7549736.stm |
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