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教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2008-11-27》 |
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◎國際專題:美國的人權污點 關達那摩監獄 | |
◎待過關達那摩 獲釋後日子難過 | |
◎關閉關達那摩監獄 勢在必行 |
國際專題:美國的人權污點 關達那摩監獄 | |
策劃、編譯■陳銳嬪 | |
一般人把美國視為人權國家的模範,但是美國的人權紀錄卻不是完美無暇的, 設在古巴的關達那摩監獄,就是美國人權最大的污點。 未經審訊就把嫌疑犯長期扣留,是關達那摩監獄最為人詬病的地方; 而錯誤逮捕、無辜扣留或者在監獄內被虐待的個案數量,也不在少數。 新美國要改變,就從關閉關達那摩監獄開始吧! |
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待過關達那摩 獲釋後日子難過 | |
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不久前發布的報告指出,未經審訊被囚禁在關達那摩監獄的囚犯,獲釋回家後,發現被污名化或被朋友迴避,大家都視他為恐怖份子、或變成美國的間諜。 這個由人權倡議團體撰寫的報告呼籲,美國總統當選人歐巴馬成立一個獨立、無黨派的委員會,調查被美國扣留在阿富汗、伊拉克和古巴關達那摩監獄囚犯的狀況。 「我們無法迴避這個國家黑暗的一面,關閉關達那麼監獄只是把問題掃到地毯下。」報告共同作者艾利克‧史多爾指出,他也是柏克萊加州大學人權中心主任。 「新政府必須調查什麼出了錯,誰應該為此負責。」 柏克萊加州大學人權中心和憲法權利中心的作者,訪問了50位美國政府官員、軍事專家和前守衛和問訊者,以及9個國家的62名前關達那摩監獄囚犯。 3分之2的前囚犯表示,他們有心理和精神問題。報告作者認為這不難理解,因為他們長期被囚禁在一個隔離的空間。 只有6名前囚犯有固定的工作,很多人表示,雇主不會僱用一個曾經在關在關達那摩監獄的人。 「美國政府釋放我們,並不表示會幫我們洗清罪名。我們在別人眼中,依然是個恐怖份子。」一位華裔穆斯林表示,他與另外7名關達那摩前囚犯,2006年在阿爾巴尼亞定居。 《關達那摩與其餘波》報告指出,這群人還在努力學習阿爾巴尼亞語,並且已經放棄了和家人團聚的希望。 美國在911攻擊事件後,把在古巴關達那摩海軍基地的一部分用作扣留營,拘押蓋達組織和塔利班嫌疑犯。從關達那摩監獄開始設置至今,美國已經釋放了520位被扣留者。目前,還有約250人尚被扣留在那裡。 不要誤判 報告指出,雖然並未有任何公開聲明,承認部份人是遭誤捕然後送進關達那摩監獄,但是情報報告和前指揮官皆指出,早至2002年9月,當時6百名扣留犯當中,有3分之1到一半的人,和恐怖活動沒有關係。 最惡名昭彰的囚犯,如涉嫌策劃911攻擊事件的被告、峇里島夜店爆炸案被告,和在非洲攻擊美國大使館的被告,直到2006年才被移送到關達那摩監獄,之前他們都被關在美國中央情報局的秘密監獄。 很多前囚犯表示,他們失去了家園和生意,或者是家人在他們入獄期間,因為沒有人維持生計而債台高築。 一名前囚犯回家的時候,發現妻子已經辦好離婚手續並且已經再婚;另外一位前囚犯則發現,他的父親被謀殺,而父親的分居妻子則帶著孩子搬離。 該報告指出:「兩名阿富汗前囚犯回應指出,關達那摩監獄內性虐待的傳言,已經使他們被污名化,讓他們很難找到結婚伴侶。其中一個被指控是美國的間諜,使他還害怕自己會成為塔利班的目標。」 「我不是禽獸」 其他人表示,他們曾經接過死亡恐嚇。 那些過得比較好的前囚犯,通常來自阿富汗緊密團結的小鄉村,一些人表示,當他們回到家時,除了有歡迎儀式等著他們外,當地的警察也參加了這個歡迎儀式。 該報告引述一位阿富汗牧羊人的話:「當我走在街上遇到別人時,他們通常對我說:『我感到很抱歉……。』每個人都知道我是無辜的,我沒有參與任何政治活動。」 55位獲釋者提起審訊期間的情形時,31人說曾被辱罵,24人說一切還好。 大多數被扣留者對美國有「強烈的反感」,但是他們說,他們是針對美國政府,不是美國人。 3分之1的人表示,他們被送到美國的監獄,是因為賞金的原因。很多人把在關達那摩的時光視為對穆斯林信仰的考驗。 一些人則表示,只是希望美國公眾嘹解,他們是無辜的。 其中一位說:「我只是要告訴他們,我並不是如他們告訴所告訴我的,是一頭未開化的禽獸。」 Former Guantanamo prisoners released after years of detention without charge went home to find themselves stigmatized and shunned, viewed either as terrorists or U.S. spies, according to a report released on Wednesday. The report by human rights advocates urged U.S. President-elect Barack Obama to form an independent, nonpartisan commission with subpoena powers to investigate the treatment of U.S. detainees in Afghanistan, Iraq and the Guantanamo Bay U.S. Navy base in Cuba. "We cannot sweep this dark chapter in our nation's history under the rug by simply closing the Guantanamo prison camp," said study co-author Eric Stover, director of the University of California at Berkeley's Human Rights Center. "The new administration must investigate what went wrong and who should be held accountable." The authors at the center and at the Center for Constitutional Rights interviewed 50 U.S. government officials, military experts and former guards and interrogators, as well as 62 former Guantanamo prisoners in nine nations. Two-thirds of the former captives said they had psychological and emotional problems, which the authors called consistent with being held in extreme isolation for extended periods. Only six had regular jobs, with many saying employers would not hire anyone who had been held at Guantanamo. "It doesn't matter that they cleared my name by releasing me. We still have this big hat on our heads that we were terrorists," said a Chinese Muslim former prisoner, one of eight who were settled in Albania in 2006. That group was still struggling to learn Albanian and had abandoned hope of ever being reunited with their families, said the report titled "Guantanamo and Its Aftermath." NO MISTAKES The United States has released 520 men from Guantanamo since it opened the detention camp for suspected al Qaeda and Taliban captives after the September 11 attacks. Currently about 250 are being held. It has not publicly acknowledged that any were there by mistake, although intelligence reports and a former camp commander had said as early as September 2002 that one-third to one-half of the 600 captives there at the time had no connection to terrorism, the report noted. The most notorious prisoners who are accused of plotting the September 11 attacks, the Bali nightclub bombings and attacks on U.S. embassies in Africa were not taken to Guantanamo until 2006, when they were transferred from secret CIA prisons. Many of the former prisoners said they had lost their homes and businesses or that their families had piled up debts in their absence because there was no one to support them. One returned to find his wife had divorced him and remarried, another to learn his father had been murdered and his estranged wife had taken their children and moved away. "Two Afghan respondents said that rumors of sexual abuse at Guantanamo had stigmatized them and made it difficult to find a marriage partner. One of these was also accused of being an American spy and as a result was fearful of becoming a Taliban target," the report said. 'I AM NOT A BEAST' Others said they had received death threats. Those who fared best seemed to be Afghans from tightly knit villages, where several said they were greeted when they came home with celebrations that even some local police attended. "When I'm walking on the streets and I meet some people, they usually say to me, 'We're sorry for you...' Everyone knows that I'm innocent, that I'm not involved in any political activities," the report quoted an Afghan shepherd as saying. Among the 55 freed captives who discussed their interrogations, 31 said they were abusive and 24 said they had no problems. The majority held "distinctly negative views of the United States" but many said that was directed at the U.S. government, not the American people. One-third said they ended up in U.S. custody after being sold for bounties. Many viewed their time at Guantanamo as a test of their Muslim faith. Others said they only wanted the American public to recognize that they were innocent. "I just want to tell them that I am not this savage beast, what they were told I am," one said. REUTERS |
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關閉關達那摩監獄 勢在必行 | |
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美國聯邦法院上週四宣判,5名被關在關達那摩監獄將近7年的阿爾及利亞人,必須被釋放,使布希政府面對挫敗。 美國最高法院於今年6月下了歷史的判決,裁決關達那摩的囚犯有合法權力挑戰對他們的長期囚禁。 美國總統當選人歐巴馬承諾,當他在明年1月正式上任後,將會關閉關達那摩監獄。同時,華盛頓的法官目前正在逐件處理兩百名關達那摩扣留犯的起訴。 此為一些關達那摩監獄和歐巴馬形勢的實情: □布希政府曾經重複地表示,他們要關閉備受爭議的關達那摩監獄,但是沒有更進一步的計畫。他們的結論是,在今年選舉織熱的時刻要關閉關達那摩監獄,有立法協商的困難度。 □歐巴馬表示,關閉關達那摩後,美國的民事法庭以及傳統的軍事法庭足以處理扣留審訊案。毆巴馬的考量沒有美國總統布希和國會所提議的單獨系統。 □歐巴馬表示:「我重複的指出,我打算關閉關達那摩監獄,而我將會遵守。我已經重複指出,美國沒有刑求,而我要確保我們不會對別人刑求。」 □2001年9月11日攻擊事件,導致約3千名紐約、華盛頓和賓州民眾死亡。在911事件後,以美軍為首的軍隊侵入阿富汗要根除蓋達組織和塔利班,而關達那摩監獄是國外恐怖嫌疑犯的扣留所。 □美國在關達那摩監獄扣留了大約255人,但是大約5百人已釋放或者移送其他政府。 □檢察官打算對6個懸而未決的案件求處死刑,這其中包括5名策劃911攻擊事件的男子,和一名策劃2000年葉門美國軍艦爆炸案、造成17名美軍人死亡的嫌犯。 |
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