■ 農藥一路發20056期 (2001/7/10) 主編: 方麗萍 www.ag168.com 主題: 安萬特宣佈與拜耳商討被收購事宜 今天安萬特及先靈正式公佈, 跟著這數星期該公司只與拜耳繼續商討安萬特農 業科技被收購事宜. 安萬特持股76%, 先靈則24%. 在2000年11月安萬特已決 定將其農業科技部門獨立, 並於2001年底完成. 繼而在衡量其股價, 今決定將該 部門賣出. 因拜耳在競標中出價最高, 且鑑於財務及社會方面的考量, 拜耳是最 有合作可能的伙伴. 安萬特農業科技是一以農作物保護為主的公司, 專於研發 及市場革新以合乎現在農業所需. 2000年之營業額為40億, 員工共15,300人, 分 佈於120個國家. 該公司於7月10日之公佈原文如下: -------------------------------------- Aventis SA Press Release 07-10-2001 Aventis CropScience negotiations to be continued exclusively with Bayer AG Aventis considers trade sale as most value-enhancing option Strasbourg, France - Aventis and Schering AG agreed and announced today that for the weeks to come the negotiation process concerning the potential divestment of Aventis CropScience will be continued exclusively with Bayer AG. Aventis holds a 76 percent interest in the crop protection and production business, while Schering AG, Berlin, holds 24 percent. In November 2000, Aventis announced its intention to divest Aventis CropScience by the end of 2001 in order to focus on its pharmaceutical business. After reviewing different divestment options, Aventis has now decided on a trade sale, which it considers the most value-enhancing option. After analyzing first bids from several companies, Bayer has emerged as the most-promising partner - financially and socially. The decision to continue the negotiations exclusively with Bayer AG does not constitute any legally binding agreement between the involved companies. As the negotiations evolve, all legally required information and consultation procedures with the relevant employee representative bodies as well as with the relevant corporate governance bodies and external authorities will be adhered to. The implementation of any disposition of CropScience by Aventis is subject to negotiation and execution of a definitive agreement and receipt of all applicable regulatory approvals. Aventis CropScience is a major crop protection and crop production company focusing on researching, developing and marketing innovative solutions that meet the needs of today's farming: healthy crops, increased yields, improved crop and food quality. With ? 4 billion sales in 2000, Aventis CropScience employs about 15,300 people in more than 120 countries world- wide. Aventis (NYSE: AVE) is dedicated to improving life through the discovery and development of innovative products. In 2000, Aventis generated group sales of ? 22.3 billion and employed around 92,500 people in its Pharma and Agriculture businesses. Aventis was launched in December 1999 through the merger of Hoechst AG of Germany and Rhone-Poulenc SA of France. Corporate headquarters are in Strasbourg, France. For more information, please visit: www.aventis.com Statements in this news release other than historical information are forward-looking statements subject to risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially depending on factors such as the availability of resources, the timing and effects of regulatory actions, the strength of competition, the outcome of litigation and the effectiveness of patent protection. Additional information regarding risks and uncertainties is set forth in the current Annual Report on Form 20-F of Aventis on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission. ■ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 方麗萍 電話: (0919278319) / 訂報e-mail: rdai@ms1.hinet.net / 網站: www.ag168.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ 您所收看的是[台灣農業電子報] 這是農友們專屬的傳播媒體,歡迎提供在地的農業消息... 系統服務員:高雄區農業改良場 推廣中心 助理研究員 鄭文吉 聯絡地址:屏東市民生路農事巷一號 聯絡電話:(08) 7229461~4 傳真:(08) 7225577 E - mail:jwj@mail.kdais.gov.tw 快樂農家 WWW:http://farmer.iyard.org 台灣農業電子報訂閱方式: 1. E-mail farmer-request@mlist.iyard.org, 2. 標題寫上subscribe 寄出就行了 3. 若要取消訂閱, 將標題改成 unsubscribe 寄出就行了 或到 http://mlist.iyard.org/wws/info/farmer 網頁訂閱 亦可由易達網 http://www.edirect168.com 訂閱 目前台灣農業電子報亦代為放送下列三種農業電子報: 1.宜蘭技術學院 有機農業電子報 2.農業試驗所 農業電子報 3.方麗萍博士 農藥一路發電子報 歡迎加入牛津大學發起的全球抗癌計劃 詳情請見http://farmer.iyard.org/ud/ud.txt 軟體安裝說明請見http://farmer.iyard.org/ud/ud.htm 歡迎加入台灣農業團隊Taiwan Agricultural Team 讓世人看看台灣農業界人士的實力 請至http://members.ud.com/services/teams/team.htm?id=78F05648-9533-4C9A-A407- 0303B1E5119B |