東北角上的深澳支線,沿著海岸線綿延往前,背山臨海,擁有絕色風景。 Nestled between mountains and sea, the Shen’ao Line hugs Taiwan’s Northeast Coast as it navigates the area’s beautiful scenery.
nestle 依偎,貼靠(+to/against) The small valley is nestled between two ranges of jagged mountains.
2019年中秋,十三層遺址重新點燈,讓沉睡了32年的龐大建築重新甦醒,也讓許多人驀然發覺,曩昔荒廢的礦業遺跡,在時光洪流刷洗以後,竟是另一種珍貴的文化資產。 During the 2019 Mid-Autumn Festival, the installation of new exterior lighting awakened the 13-tiered smelter ruins from 32 years of slumber. The event made many people realize that this time-worn relic of the mining industry was in fact a valuable cultural asset.
time-worn 陳舊的,老朽的 Unlike the passage of our daily lives, seasonal festivals do not become timeworn.
東北角上的深澳支線,沿著海岸線綿延往前,背山臨海,擁有絕色風景。 Nestled between mountains and sea, the Shen’ao Line hugs Taiwan’s Northeast Coast as it navigates the area’s beautiful scenery.
nestle 依偎,貼靠(+to/against) The small valley is nestled between two ranges of jagged mountains.
2019年中秋,十三層遺址重新點燈,讓沉睡了32年的龐大建築重新甦醒,也讓許多人驀然發覺,曩昔荒廢的礦業遺跡,在時光洪流刷洗以後,竟是另一種珍貴的文化資產。 During the 2019 Mid-Autumn Festival, the installation of new exterior lighting awakened the 13-tiered smelter ruins from 32 years of slumber. The event made many people realize that this time-worn relic of the mining industry was in fact a valuable cultural asset.
time-worn 陳舊的,老朽的 Unlike the passage of our daily lives, seasonal festivals do not become timeworn.
東北角上的深澳支線,沿著海岸線綿延往前,背山臨海,擁有絕色風景。 Nestled between mountains and sea, the Shen’ao Line hugs Taiwan’s Northeast Coast as it navigates the area’s beautiful scenery.
nestle 依偎,貼靠(+to/against) The small valley is nestled between two ranges of jagged mountains.
2019年中秋,十三層遺址重新點燈,讓沉睡了32年的龐大建築重新甦醒,也讓許多人驀然發覺,曩昔荒廢的礦業遺跡,在時光洪流刷洗以後,竟是另一種珍貴的文化資產。 During the 2019 Mid-Autumn Festival, the installation of new exterior lighting awakened the 13-tiered smelter ruins from 32 years of slumber. The event made many people realize that this time-worn relic of the mining industry was in fact a valuable cultural asset.
time-worn 陳舊的,老朽的 Unlike the passage of our daily lives, seasonal festivals do not become timeworn.