1. 因著各樣緣由,產業落入沉寂,而在近十年,環境依舊艱難=. However, for any number of reasons, the industry has more recently been in the doldrums, with the environment particularly difficult in the past decade.
doldrums 意志消沉,蕭條時期 The Covid-19 pandemic has put the economy in the doldrums.
2. 「打從初始,《CCC》就不是從漫畫產業為核心出發,會涉入產業這麼深,完全是無心插柳。」《CCC創作集》主編溫淳雅Wen Chun-ya表示 “From the beginning, the CCC has not been built around the comics industry. In fact, getting so deeply involved with the industry has been a completely serendipitous outcome of the work,” says CCC editor Wen Chun-ya.
serendipitous 機緣湊巧的; 意外的 The incidents resulted from serendipitous blunders.
閱讀光華,不斷電! 自由‧快速‧輕閱讀
光華網站已全面改為雲端閱讀版, 適用各式數位載具, 精彩內容隨時取讀,方便快速。
1. 因著各樣緣由,產業落入沉寂,而在近十年,環境依舊艱難=. However, for any number of reasons, the industry has more recently been in the doldrums, with the environment particularly difficult in the past decade.
doldrums 意志消沉,蕭條時期 The Covid-19 pandemic has put the economy in the doldrums.
2. 「打從初始,《CCC》就不是從漫畫產業為核心出發,會涉入產業這麼深,完全是無心插柳。」《CCC創作集》主編溫淳雅Wen Chun-ya表示 “From the beginning, the CCC has not been built around the comics industry. In fact, getting so deeply involved with the industry has been a completely serendipitous outcome of the work,” says CCC editor Wen Chun-ya.
serendipitous 機緣湊巧的; 意外的 The incidents resulted from serendipitous blunders.
1. 因著各樣緣由,產業落入沉寂,而在近十年,環境依舊艱難=. However, for any number of reasons, the industry has more recently been in the doldrums, with the environment particularly difficult in the past decade.
doldrums 意志消沉,蕭條時期 The Covid-19 pandemic has put the economy in the doldrums.
2. 「打從初始,《CCC》就不是從漫畫產業為核心出發,會涉入產業這麼深,完全是無心插柳。」《CCC創作集》主編溫淳雅Wen Chun-ya表示 “From the beginning, the CCC has not been built around the comics industry. In fact, getting so deeply involved with the industry has been a completely serendipitous outcome of the work,” says CCC editor Wen Chun-ya.
serendipitous 機緣湊巧的; 意外的 The incidents resulted from serendipitous blunders.
閱讀光華,不斷電! 自由‧快速‧輕閱讀
光華網站已全面改為雲端閱讀版, 適用各式數位載具, 精彩內容隨時取讀,方便快速。
1. 因著各樣緣由,產業落入沉寂,而在近十年,環境依舊艱難=. However, for any number of reasons, the industry has more recently been in the doldrums, with the environment particularly difficult in the past decade.
doldrums 意志消沉,蕭條時期 The Covid-19 pandemic has put the economy in the doldrums.
2. 「打從初始,《CCC》就不是從漫畫產業為核心出發,會涉入產業這麼深,完全是無心插柳。」《CCC創作集》主編溫淳雅Wen Chun-ya表示 “From the beginning, the CCC has not been built around the comics industry. In fact, getting so deeply involved with the industry has been a completely serendipitous outcome of the work,” says CCC editor Wen Chun-ya.
serendipitous 機緣湊巧的; 意外的 The incidents resulted from serendipitous blunders.
1. 因著各樣緣由,產業落入沉寂,而在近十年,環境依舊艱難=. However, for any number of reasons, the industry has more recently been in the doldrums, with the environment particularly difficult in the past decade.
doldrums 意志消沉,蕭條時期 The Covid-19 pandemic has put the economy in the doldrums.
2. 「打從初始,《CCC》就不是從漫畫產業為核心出發,會涉入產業這麼深,完全是無心插柳。」《CCC創作集》主編溫淳雅Wen Chun-ya表示 “From the beginning, the CCC has not been built around the comics industry. In fact, getting so deeply involved with the industry has been a completely serendipitous outcome of the work,” says CCC editor Wen Chun-ya.
serendipitous 機緣湊巧的; 意外的 The incidents resulted from serendipitous blunders.
閱讀光華,不斷電! 自由‧快速‧輕閱讀
光華網站已全面改為雲端閱讀版, 適用各式數位載具, 精彩內容隨時取讀,方便快速。
1. 因著各樣緣由,產業落入沉寂,而在近十年,環境依舊艱難=. However, for any number of reasons, the industry has more recently been in the doldrums, with the environment particularly difficult in the past decade.
doldrums 意志消沉,蕭條時期 The Covid-19 pandemic has put the economy in the doldrums.
2. 「打從初始,《CCC》就不是從漫畫產業為核心出發,會涉入產業這麼深,完全是無心插柳。」《CCC創作集》主編溫淳雅Wen Chun-ya表示 “From the beginning, the CCC has not been built around the comics industry. In fact, getting so deeply involved with the industry has been a completely serendipitous outcome of the work,” says CCC editor Wen Chun-ya.
serendipitous 機緣湊巧的; 意外的 The incidents resulted from serendipitous blunders.