除了傳教,白冷會在濟弱扶貧上同樣不遺餘力。 Besides missionary work, the Bethlehem Mission Society (BMS) has spared no effort to help the poor and the disadvantaged.
spare no effort 不遺餘力 The government spared no effort to increase literacy rates, particularly in rural areas.
但憑著優良的設計,與教友的口碑相傳,加上驚人創作力,讓傅義在台灣41年之間,留下了大量的教堂、民宅作品,光是東岸地區就有40餘座。拜訪這些作品,就足以串聯成一條「朝聖之路」。 But thanks to his outstanding designs, astounding creativity, and word-of-mouth recommendations by parishioners, during his 41 years in Taiwan Felder was able to complete a large number of churches and houses, including more than 40 along the East Coast alone. Visiting these sites is like making a religious pilgrimage.
parishioner 教區會友 These clergy live simple, disciplined lives, holding mass, praying, and giving pastoral care to their parishioners.
閱讀光華,不斷電! 自由‧快速‧輕閱讀
光華網站已全面改為雲端閱讀版, 適用各式數位載具, 精彩內容隨時取讀,方便快速。
除了傳教,白冷會在濟弱扶貧上同樣不遺餘力。 Besides missionary work, the Bethlehem Mission Society (BMS) has spared no effort to help the poor and the disadvantaged.
spare no effort 不遺餘力 The government spared no effort to increase literacy rates, particularly in rural areas.
但憑著優良的設計,與教友的口碑相傳,加上驚人創作力,讓傅義在台灣41年之間,留下了大量的教堂、民宅作品,光是東岸地區就有40餘座。拜訪這些作品,就足以串聯成一條「朝聖之路」。 But thanks to his outstanding designs, astounding creativity, and word-of-mouth recommendations by parishioners, during his 41 years in Taiwan Felder was able to complete a large number of churches and houses, including more than 40 along the East Coast alone. Visiting these sites is like making a religious pilgrimage.
parishioner 教區會友 These clergy live simple, disciplined lives, holding mass, praying, and giving pastoral care to their parishioners.
除了傳教,白冷會在濟弱扶貧上同樣不遺餘力。 Besides missionary work, the Bethlehem Mission Society (BMS) has spared no effort to help the poor and the disadvantaged.
spare no effort 不遺餘力 The government spared no effort to increase literacy rates, particularly in rural areas.
但憑著優良的設計,與教友的口碑相傳,加上驚人創作力,讓傅義在台灣41年之間,留下了大量的教堂、民宅作品,光是東岸地區就有40餘座。拜訪這些作品,就足以串聯成一條「朝聖之路」。 But thanks to his outstanding designs, astounding creativity, and word-of-mouth recommendations by parishioners, during his 41 years in Taiwan Felder was able to complete a large number of churches and houses, including more than 40 along the East Coast alone. Visiting these sites is like making a religious pilgrimage.
parishioner 教區會友 These clergy live simple, disciplined lives, holding mass, praying, and giving pastoral care to their parishioners.
閱讀光華,不斷電! 自由‧快速‧輕閱讀
光華網站已全面改為雲端閱讀版, 適用各式數位載具, 精彩內容隨時取讀,方便快速。
除了傳教,白冷會在濟弱扶貧上同樣不遺餘力。 Besides missionary work, the Bethlehem Mission Society (BMS) has spared no effort to help the poor and the disadvantaged.
spare no effort 不遺餘力 The government spared no effort to increase literacy rates, particularly in rural areas.
但憑著優良的設計,與教友的口碑相傳,加上驚人創作力,讓傅義在台灣41年之間,留下了大量的教堂、民宅作品,光是東岸地區就有40餘座。拜訪這些作品,就足以串聯成一條「朝聖之路」。 But thanks to his outstanding designs, astounding creativity, and word-of-mouth recommendations by parishioners, during his 41 years in Taiwan Felder was able to complete a large number of churches and houses, including more than 40 along the East Coast alone. Visiting these sites is like making a religious pilgrimage.
parishioner 教區會友 These clergy live simple, disciplined lives, holding mass, praying, and giving pastoral care to their parishioners.
除了傳教,白冷會在濟弱扶貧上同樣不遺餘力。 Besides missionary work, the Bethlehem Mission Society (BMS) has spared no effort to help the poor and the disadvantaged.
spare no effort 不遺餘力 The government spared no effort to increase literacy rates, particularly in rural areas.
但憑著優良的設計,與教友的口碑相傳,加上驚人創作力,讓傅義在台灣41年之間,留下了大量的教堂、民宅作品,光是東岸地區就有40餘座。拜訪這些作品,就足以串聯成一條「朝聖之路」。 But thanks to his outstanding designs, astounding creativity, and word-of-mouth recommendations by parishioners, during his 41 years in Taiwan Felder was able to complete a large number of churches and houses, including more than 40 along the East Coast alone. Visiting these sites is like making a religious pilgrimage.
parishioner 教區會友 These clergy live simple, disciplined lives, holding mass, praying, and giving pastoral care to their parishioners.
閱讀光華,不斷電! 自由‧快速‧輕閱讀
光華網站已全面改為雲端閱讀版, 適用各式數位載具, 精彩內容隨時取讀,方便快速。
除了傳教,白冷會在濟弱扶貧上同樣不遺餘力。 Besides missionary work, the Bethlehem Mission Society (BMS) has spared no effort to help the poor and the disadvantaged.
spare no effort 不遺餘力 The government spared no effort to increase literacy rates, particularly in rural areas.
但憑著優良的設計,與教友的口碑相傳,加上驚人創作力,讓傅義在台灣41年之間,留下了大量的教堂、民宅作品,光是東岸地區就有40餘座。拜訪這些作品,就足以串聯成一條「朝聖之路」。 But thanks to his outstanding designs, astounding creativity, and word-of-mouth recommendations by parishioners, during his 41 years in Taiwan Felder was able to complete a large number of churches and houses, including more than 40 along the East Coast alone. Visiting these sites is like making a religious pilgrimage.
parishioner 教區會友 These clergy live simple, disciplined lives, holding mass, praying, and giving pastoral care to their parishioners.