他以「請水」儀式為例,海邊綿延五公里的數百組陣頭,此起彼落的衝進海裡,聲勢浩大。 He mentions the “Invitation upon the Sea” ritual that starts off the Wangye Welcoming Ceremony: it’s mind-boggling to witness that moment when hundreds of parading groups, stretching along the shore for five kilometers, dash into the sea one after another.
mind-boggling 令人大吃一驚的 The data about depression are even more mind-boggling .
令人懊惱的是,他只能眼看遶境隊伍漸漸遠去。不久後,他看到正前方三太子的神轎正準備回宮,而左邊巷子有個坐輪椅的婆婆,便直覺地衝到婆婆旁邊。 To his chagrin, the procession gradually vanished into the distance. Not long afterwards, he saw the Third Prince’s palanquin returning. Not long afterwards, he saw the Third Prince’s palanquin returning. In a lane to his left he spotted an old lady in a wheelchair, and instinct told him that he should dash over.
chagrin 懊惱;悔恨;苦惱 Tears of anger and chagrin stung my eyes.
他以「請水」儀式為例,海邊綿延五公里的數百組陣頭,此起彼落的衝進海裡,聲勢浩大。 He mentions the “Invitation upon the Sea” ritual that starts off the Wangye Welcoming Ceremony: it’s mind-boggling to witness that moment when hundreds of parading groups, stretching along the shore for five kilometers, dash into the sea one after another.
mind-boggling 令人大吃一驚的 The data about depression are even more mind-boggling .
令人懊惱的是,他只能眼看遶境隊伍漸漸遠去。不久後,他看到正前方三太子的神轎正準備回宮,而左邊巷子有個坐輪椅的婆婆,便直覺地衝到婆婆旁邊。 To his chagrin, the procession gradually vanished into the distance. Not long afterwards, he saw the Third Prince’s palanquin returning. Not long afterwards, he saw the Third Prince’s palanquin returning. In a lane to his left he spotted an old lady in a wheelchair, and instinct told him that he should dash over.
chagrin 懊惱;悔恨;苦惱 Tears of anger and chagrin stung my eyes.
他以「請水」儀式為例,海邊綿延五公里的數百組陣頭,此起彼落的衝進海裡,聲勢浩大。 He mentions the “Invitation upon the Sea” ritual that starts off the Wangye Welcoming Ceremony: it’s mind-boggling to witness that moment when hundreds of parading groups, stretching along the shore for five kilometers, dash into the sea one after another.
mind-boggling 令人大吃一驚的 The data about depression are even more mind-boggling .
令人懊惱的是,他只能眼看遶境隊伍漸漸遠去。不久後,他看到正前方三太子的神轎正準備回宮,而左邊巷子有個坐輪椅的婆婆,便直覺地衝到婆婆旁邊。 To his chagrin, the procession gradually vanished into the distance. Not long afterwards, he saw the Third Prince’s palanquin returning. Not long afterwards, he saw the Third Prince’s palanquin returning. In a lane to his left he spotted an old lady in a wheelchair, and instinct told him that he should dash over.
chagrin 懊惱;悔恨;苦惱 Tears of anger and chagrin stung my eyes.