1.外交,就如結交朋友,在展現優點之餘,也需要尋求共同的語彙。 Engaging in diplomacy is a lot like nurturing friendships. Apart from putting one’s best foot forward and making friendly overtures, it also requires a common vocabulary.
◎overture n.主動的表示,提議
There were no romantic overtures to our discussions.
2.這些原創樂曲,呼應著謝十的創作初衷。 These original compositions reflect Hsieh Shih’s unwavering creative intentions.
◎unwavering adj.不動搖的;堅定的
Our coach has an unwavering confidence about winning the championship.
1.外交,就如結交朋友,在展現優點之餘,也需要尋求共同的語彙。 Engaging in diplomacy is a lot like nurturing friendships. Apart from putting one’s best foot forward and making friendly overtures, it also requires a common vocabulary.
◎overture n.主動的表示,提議
There were no romantic overtures to our discussions.
2.這些原創樂曲,呼應著謝十的創作初衷。 These original compositions reflect Hsieh Shih’s unwavering creative intentions.
◎unwavering adj.不動搖的;堅定的
Our coach has an unwavering confidence about winning the championship.
1.外交,就如結交朋友,在展現優點之餘,也需要尋求共同的語彙。 Engaging in diplomacy is a lot like nurturing friendships. Apart from putting one’s best foot forward and making friendly overtures, it also requires a common vocabulary.
◎overture n.主動的表示,提議
There were no romantic overtures to our discussions.
2.這些原創樂曲,呼應著謝十的創作初衷。 These original compositions reflect Hsieh Shih’s unwavering creative intentions.
◎unwavering adj.不動搖的;堅定的
Our coach has an unwavering confidence about winning the championship.