就台灣人來看,還頗能有心領神會的靈犀相通。 It’s a milieu that Taiwanese can identify with.
milieu 【法】周圍環境(尤指社會及文化方面);出身背景 The area provides a social milieu that reinforces that awareness.
這一文化遙相呼應的鄰國,如今是台灣重要的經貿夥伴,台灣第二大的海外投資地。 With its historically rooted cultural resonance with Taiwan, Vietnam has become an important economic and trading partner and is the second-largest destination for ROC overseas investment.
resonance 共鳴;反響; The scene evokes an emotional resonance in many viewers.
就台灣人來看,還頗能有心領神會的靈犀相通。 It’s a milieu that Taiwanese can identify with.
milieu 【法】周圍環境(尤指社會及文化方面);出身背景 The area provides a social milieu that reinforces that awareness.
這一文化遙相呼應的鄰國,如今是台灣重要的經貿夥伴,台灣第二大的海外投資地。 With its historically rooted cultural resonance with Taiwan, Vietnam has become an important economic and trading partner and is the second-largest destination for ROC overseas investment.
resonance 共鳴;反響; The scene evokes an emotional resonance in many viewers.
就台灣人來看,還頗能有心領神會的靈犀相通。 It’s a milieu that Taiwanese can identify with.
milieu 【法】周圍環境(尤指社會及文化方面);出身背景 The area provides a social milieu that reinforces that awareness.
這一文化遙相呼應的鄰國,如今是台灣重要的經貿夥伴,台灣第二大的海外投資地。 With its historically rooted cultural resonance with Taiwan, Vietnam has become an important economic and trading partner and is the second-largest destination for ROC overseas investment.
resonance 共鳴;反響; The scene evokes an emotional resonance in many viewers.