「噗通」一聲,翻身入海,你可曾親眼見過台灣海面下的世界?在那透澈湛藍的世界裡,有海龜優游、梭魚大軍成群、珊瑚搖擺、親人小丑魚等等,海面下的世界安靜、瑰麗又神秘,讓人著迷。身為全台最具規模的潛水教育機構「台灣潛水公司」有一個掛在心上的使命:Bring the ocean into your life,.....
提到這個可遇不可求的經典畫面,李景白說:「真的很爽。」 Talking about this serendipitous classic image, Tim Lee says: “It felt fantastic!”
serendipitous 意外發現(有好結果)的,湊巧的 Serendipitous surprises are the greatest pleasure of a film festival.
此次擔任《沈睡的水下巨人》節目主持人的藝人王陽明,喜歡自由潛水的他,也去過世界各地潛水。 Entertainer Sunny Wang, who is the host for Shipwrecks Taiwan, also loves freediving and has been on dives all around the world.
entertainer 專業演員;表演者 His radio programs usually involved music and interviews with visiting entertainers.
「噗通」一聲,翻身入海,你可曾親眼見過台灣海面下的世界?在那透澈湛藍的世界裡,有海龜優游、梭魚大軍成群、珊瑚搖擺、親人小丑魚等等,海面下的世界安靜、瑰麗又神秘,讓人著迷。身為全台最具規模的潛水教育機構「台灣潛水公司」有一個掛在心上的使命:Bring the ocean into your life,.....
提到這個可遇不可求的經典畫面,李景白說:「真的很爽。」 Talking about this serendipitous classic image, Tim Lee says: “It felt fantastic!”
serendipitous 意外發現(有好結果)的,湊巧的 Serendipitous surprises are the greatest pleasure of a film festival.
此次擔任《沈睡的水下巨人》節目主持人的藝人王陽明,喜歡自由潛水的他,也去過世界各地潛水。 Entertainer Sunny Wang, who is the host for Shipwrecks Taiwan, also loves freediving and has been on dives all around the world.
entertainer 專業演員;表演者 His radio programs usually involved music and interviews with visiting entertainers.
「噗通」一聲,翻身入海,你可曾親眼見過台灣海面下的世界?在那透澈湛藍的世界裡,有海龜優游、梭魚大軍成群、珊瑚搖擺、親人小丑魚等等,海面下的世界安靜、瑰麗又神秘,讓人著迷。身為全台最具規模的潛水教育機構「台灣潛水公司」有一個掛在心上的使命:Bring the ocean into your life,.....
提到這個可遇不可求的經典畫面,李景白說:「真的很爽。」 Talking about this serendipitous classic image, Tim Lee says: “It felt fantastic!”
serendipitous 意外發現(有好結果)的,湊巧的 Serendipitous surprises are the greatest pleasure of a film festival.
此次擔任《沈睡的水下巨人》節目主持人的藝人王陽明,喜歡自由潛水的他,也去過世界各地潛水。 Entertainer Sunny Wang, who is the host for Shipwrecks Taiwan, also loves freediving and has been on dives all around the world.
entertainer 專業演員;表演者 His radio programs usually involved music and interviews with visiting entertainers.