他以「發難」的動詞表示,要糾正長久以來一直以訛傳訛的錯誤資訊。 He begins by debunking some longstanding misconceptions.
debunk 揭穿;拆去……的假面具;破解 These claims have already been comprehensively debunked.
以前沒有司法制度,辦案在衙門(指的是府署),問案問不出來,晚上就在城隍廟繼續辦,裝神弄鬼,就像包公辦案一樣。 Given that in those days there was no separate judicial branch, legal cases were heard in the prefectural yamen, and if interrogations in a case yielded no result by day, at night they would be continued in the Chenghuang Temple. This added a level of mystification—the supposed intercession of otherworldly beings—that recalls the cases of Judge Bao.
otherworldly來世的;空想的;超脫塵俗的 She is an otherworldly beauty, a presence to behold.
他以「發難」的動詞表示,要糾正長久以來一直以訛傳訛的錯誤資訊。 He begins by debunking some longstanding misconceptions.
debunk 揭穿;拆去……的假面具;破解 These claims have already been comprehensively debunked.
以前沒有司法制度,辦案在衙門(指的是府署),問案問不出來,晚上就在城隍廟繼續辦,裝神弄鬼,就像包公辦案一樣。 Given that in those days there was no separate judicial branch, legal cases were heard in the prefectural yamen, and if interrogations in a case yielded no result by day, at night they would be continued in the Chenghuang Temple. This added a level of mystification—the supposed intercession of otherworldly beings—that recalls the cases of Judge Bao.
otherworldly來世的;空想的;超脫塵俗的 She is an otherworldly beauty, a presence to behold.
他以「發難」的動詞表示,要糾正長久以來一直以訛傳訛的錯誤資訊。 He begins by debunking some longstanding misconceptions.
debunk 揭穿;拆去……的假面具;破解 These claims have already been comprehensively debunked.
以前沒有司法制度,辦案在衙門(指的是府署),問案問不出來,晚上就在城隍廟繼續辦,裝神弄鬼,就像包公辦案一樣。 Given that in those days there was no separate judicial branch, legal cases were heard in the prefectural yamen, and if interrogations in a case yielded no result by day, at night they would be continued in the Chenghuang Temple. This added a level of mystification—the supposed intercession of otherworldly beings—that recalls the cases of Judge Bao.
otherworldly來世的;空想的;超脫塵俗的 She is an otherworldly beauty, a presence to behold.