你知道檳榔可以當作法器?還能占卜吉凶? Did you know that betelnuts can be used in religious rituals, and even in divination?
divination 占卜 Besides making offerings of individual betelnuts, during the ceremony the celebrant also uses a string of betelnuts as a ritual object. Further, he will even cut betelnuts in half and use them for divination.
深入探究檳榔在原住民文化中的角色,檳榔這顆小小的「文化膠囊」,藏著的故事可多到說不完呢! Look closely at the role of betelnuts in the cultures of Taiwan’s indigenous peoples, and you will find that these little “cultural capsules” are storehouses of countless stories!
capsule 膠囊 Yang Cheng-hsien, associate professor in the Department of Indigenous Development and Social Work at National Dong Hwa University, who has conducted field research in Aboriginal communities for many years, says that this small green fruit is like a “cultural capsule” where collective memories are stored.
你知道檳榔可以當作法器?還能占卜吉凶? Did you know that betelnuts can be used in religious rituals, and even in divination?
divination 占卜 Besides making offerings of individual betelnuts, during the ceremony the celebrant also uses a string of betelnuts as a ritual object. Further, he will even cut betelnuts in half and use them for divination.
深入探究檳榔在原住民文化中的角色,檳榔這顆小小的「文化膠囊」,藏著的故事可多到說不完呢! Look closely at the role of betelnuts in the cultures of Taiwan’s indigenous peoples, and you will find that these little “cultural capsules” are storehouses of countless stories!
capsule 膠囊 Yang Cheng-hsien, associate professor in the Department of Indigenous Development and Social Work at National Dong Hwa University, who has conducted field research in Aboriginal communities for many years, says that this small green fruit is like a “cultural capsule” where collective memories are stored.
你知道檳榔可以當作法器?還能占卜吉凶? Did you know that betelnuts can be used in religious rituals, and even in divination?
divination 占卜 Besides making offerings of individual betelnuts, during the ceremony the celebrant also uses a string of betelnuts as a ritual object. Further, he will even cut betelnuts in half and use them for divination.
深入探究檳榔在原住民文化中的角色,檳榔這顆小小的「文化膠囊」,藏著的故事可多到說不完呢! Look closely at the role of betelnuts in the cultures of Taiwan’s indigenous peoples, and you will find that these little “cultural capsules” are storehouses of countless stories!
capsule 膠囊 Yang Cheng-hsien, associate professor in the Department of Indigenous Development and Social Work at National Dong Hwa University, who has conducted field research in Aboriginal communities for many years, says that this small green fruit is like a “cultural capsule” where collective memories are stored.