以氣候變遷作為主軸的2023年聯合國氣候變化綱要公約締約方大會(COP28)會議,首次將會期的一日訂為「健康日」(Health Day);與會的124國簽署《氣候與健康宣言》(Declaration of Climate and Health),提醒大眾關注氣候變遷的同時,需留意隨之而來對健康的危害.......
2023年「全球綠色目的地年會」(Green Destinations Global Conference),台灣六處國家風景區管理處不僅全數入選該年度百大綠色目的地,更獲頒「2023全球百大目的地故事獎」(2023 Green Destinations Top 100 Stories),為台灣永續.....
2023年「全球綠色目的地年會」(Green Destinations Global Conference),台灣六處國家風景區管理處不僅全數入選該年度百大綠色目的地,更獲頒「2023全球百大目的地故事獎」(2023 Green Destinations Top 100 Stories),為台灣永續.....
醫院院長程毅君更分享,塑膠袋在三月已取得環保標章,未來不僅能自用,還有機會對外販售。 Hospital superintendent Cherng Yih-giun says that their newly made plastic bags received environmental certification in March and can not only be used in-house but also sold to the public.
in-house 內部的;存在(或起源)於機構內的;來自機構的 They have in-house gym facilities.
簡又新說,「這是一個很長的過程。而且在2050年達到碳中和後,我們就要進入負碳階段。」未來,世界的挑戰將會更為嚴峻。 Eugene Chien says: “This will be a lengthy process, and after reaching carbon neutrality by 2050, we will then move towards the carbon-negative stage.” The challenges will become even tougher in the future.
carbon-negative 負碳 This company offers the chance to turn bioenergy into a carbon-negative industry.
以氣候變遷作為主軸的2023年聯合國氣候變化綱要公約締約方大會(COP28)會議,首次將會期的一日訂為「健康日」(Health Day);與會的124國簽署《氣候與健康宣言》(Declaration of Climate and Health),提醒大眾關注氣候變遷的同時,需留意隨之而來對健康的危害.......
2023年「全球綠色目的地年會」(Green Destinations Global Conference),台灣六處國家風景區管理處不僅全數入選該年度百大綠色目的地,更獲頒「2023全球百大目的地故事獎」(2023 Green Destinations Top 100 Stories),為台灣永續.....
2023年「全球綠色目的地年會」(Green Destinations Global Conference),台灣六處國家風景區管理處不僅全數入選該年度百大綠色目的地,更獲頒「2023全球百大目的地故事獎」(2023 Green Destinations Top 100 Stories),為台灣永續.....
醫院院長程毅君更分享,塑膠袋在三月已取得環保標章,未來不僅能自用,還有機會對外販售。 Hospital superintendent Cherng Yih-giun says that their newly made plastic bags received environmental certification in March and can not only be used in-house but also sold to the public.
in-house 內部的;存在(或起源)於機構內的;來自機構的 They have in-house gym facilities.
簡又新說,「這是一個很長的過程。而且在2050年達到碳中和後,我們就要進入負碳階段。」未來,世界的挑戰將會更為嚴峻。 Eugene Chien says: “This will be a lengthy process, and after reaching carbon neutrality by 2050, we will then move towards the carbon-negative stage.” The challenges will become even tougher in the future.
carbon-negative 負碳 This company offers the chance to turn bioenergy into a carbon-negative industry.
以氣候變遷作為主軸的2023年聯合國氣候變化綱要公約締約方大會(COP28)會議,首次將會期的一日訂為「健康日」(Health Day);與會的124國簽署《氣候與健康宣言》(Declaration of Climate and Health),提醒大眾關注氣候變遷的同時,需留意隨之而來對健康的危害.......
2023年「全球綠色目的地年會」(Green Destinations Global Conference),台灣六處國家風景區管理處不僅全數入選該年度百大綠色目的地,更獲頒「2023全球百大目的地故事獎」(2023 Green Destinations Top 100 Stories),為台灣永續.....
2023年「全球綠色目的地年會」(Green Destinations Global Conference),台灣六處國家風景區管理處不僅全數入選該年度百大綠色目的地,更獲頒「2023全球百大目的地故事獎」(2023 Green Destinations Top 100 Stories),為台灣永續.....
醫院院長程毅君更分享,塑膠袋在三月已取得環保標章,未來不僅能自用,還有機會對外販售。 Hospital superintendent Cherng Yih-giun says that their newly made plastic bags received environmental certification in March and can not only be used in-house but also sold to the public.
in-house 內部的;存在(或起源)於機構內的;來自機構的 They have in-house gym facilities.
簡又新說,「這是一個很長的過程。而且在2050年達到碳中和後,我們就要進入負碳階段。」未來,世界的挑戰將會更為嚴峻。 Eugene Chien says: “This will be a lengthy process, and after reaching carbon neutrality by 2050, we will then move towards the carbon-negative stage.” The challenges will become even tougher in the future.
carbon-negative 負碳 This company offers the chance to turn bioenergy into a carbon-negative industry.