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發報時間: 2014-11-01 05:00:00 / 報主:臺北市立交響樂團
柴可夫斯基的愛與愁 Passion for Tchaikovsky
首席指揮:吉博.瓦格 Gilbert Varga, Principal Conductor
鋼琴:安娜.維妮斯可雅 Anna Vinnitskaya, Piano
柴可夫斯基的愛與愁 Passion for Tchaikovsky


Gilbert Varga, Principal Conductor
Anna Vinnitskaya, Piano
Taipei Symphony Orchestra

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky: Polonaise from Opera “Eugene Onegin”, Op. 24
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky: Piano Concerto No. 1 in B-flat Minor, Op. 23
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6 in B Minor, Op. 74, “Pathétique”

地點Venue:中山堂中正廳 Zhongzheng Auditorium, Zhongshan Hall


在首演第六號交響曲《悲愴》九天後,柴可夫斯基死於聖彼得堡的家中。有些音樂學家(如Milton Cross 及David Ewen)認為,柴可夫斯基對於死亡早有覺悟,而第六號交響曲正是他寫給自己的安魂曲。柴可夫斯基個性內向害羞,他的感情世界一直是個謎,但他內心豐富的情感與說不出口的悲愁都在音樂裡表露無遺。
2007 年伊莉莎白音樂大賽冠軍得主。俄國鋼琴家安娜.維妮斯可雅,將與臺北市立交響樂團首席指揮吉博.瓦格共同演出柴可夫斯基最經典最膾炙人口的作品「降B 小調第一號鋼琴協奏曲,作品23」。華麗激動的音樂下帶點淡淡哀傷,是柴可夫斯基三首鋼琴協奏曲中最常被拿來演奏的作品,由於曝光率高,也是考驗演奏家實力的作品之一。

Nine days after leading the debut performance of his last completed symphony - Symphony No. 6, Pathétique - Tchaikovsky died at home in St. Petersburg. Some musicologists, such as Milton Cross and David Ewen, believe that the composer was aware of his imminent death and wrote this last symphony as his own requiem. Tchaikovsky was a shy, introverted character. His emotional world has always remained a mystery; however, the abundance of emotion in his heart and an unspeakable melancholy are evident in his music.
In 2007, Russian pianist Anna Vinnitskaya won first prize in the Queen Elisabeth Music Competition in Brussels. Under the direction of maestro Gilbert Varga, Vinnitskaya will be performing Tchaikovsky's most popular work with the TSO — Piano Concerto No. 1 in B-flat Minor. This impassioned work of unique resplendence carries a hint of sorrow and it is the most often played of the composer's three piano concertos. Precisely because it is played so often is one reason why the piece is perfect for exhibiting the true talent of any performer.


首席指揮:吉博.瓦格 Gilbert Varga, Principal Conductor

自2013 年至今,臺北市立交響樂團與吉博.瓦格的組合已征服無數樂迷,而每場曲目也從古典到現代,橫跨歐洲及美洲,帶領樂迷倘佯在各個不同風格不同時期之音樂。2014 下半季音樂會也將由首席指揮吉博.瓦格親自領軍,帶領臺北市立交響樂團開啟別具一格的新氣象。

Since its new beginning, the collaboration between the Taipei Symphony Orchestra and Principal Conductor Gilbert Varga has been warmly received by countless fans. The presented repertoire of each concert program has included music spanning periods from the classical to the modern, as well as musical works from Europe to America. From these concert performances, music enthusiasts have been given the experience of a wide range of musical periods and styles. The second half of the 2014 concert season will also be led by Gilbert Varga himself, who with the Taipei Symphony Orchestra, will bring a fresh and unique approach to the music stage.

鋼琴:安娜.維妮斯可雅 Anna Vinnitskaya, Piano

安娜.維妮斯可雅1983 年出生在俄羅斯,曾在許多國際鋼琴大賽獲獎,2007 年她在布魯塞爾贏得依莉莎白女王鋼琴大賽首獎。2008 年她參與德國石荷州音樂節,獲得伯恩斯坦藝術成就獎。2009 年和2010年樂季,她加入為期三年的「年輕的王爾德」系列音樂會,這場特別的音樂盛會在德國多蒙特音樂廳舉行,聚集了七名野心勃勃的年輕音樂家,吸引全國樂界廣大矚目。
維妮斯可雅錄製過三張專輯,都由法國唱片公司Naïve 發行。第一張專輯於2009 年發行,收錄了拉赫曼尼諾夫、古伯杜莉娜、梅特納和普羅高菲夫的作品。這張專輯獲得法國《音叉》雜誌新專輯推薦獎,以及《經典》雜誌2009 年9 月精選 ,更榮獲MIDEM 古典音樂獎「器樂獨奏」專輯提名。第二張專輯,維妮斯可雅以獨奏身分與柏林德意志交響樂團合作發行首張樂團錄音專輯,由吉博.瓦格擔任指揮。2011 年10 月,維妮斯可雅以此張專輯獲得德國「回聲」大獎。第三張專輯,收錄拉威爾的鋼琴作品。這張專輯獲得《留聲機》雜誌以及《音叉》雜誌主編推薦。

Anna Vinnitskaya was born in 1983 in Novorossiysk, Russia. She has won several international piano competitions. Among her awards are the first prize at the Queen Elisabeth Competition in Brussels (2007) and the “Leonard Bernstein Award” of the Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival(2008). Since the beginning of the 2009/2010 season she is taking part in the concert series “Junge Wilde” at the Konzerthaus Dortmund for the duration of three years. This special series, presenting seven young artists who pursue ambitious careers, attracts great attention nationwide.
Anna Vinnitskaya has been recording three CDs–all three published by the French label Naïve. The first CD featuring works by Rachmaninov, Gubaidulina, Medtner and Prokofiev was published in 2009. This recording was awarded the “Diapason d'Or Nouveauté” as well as the “Choc du Mois” by Classica Magazine. Furthermore, it was nominated for a Midem-Classical Award(category “Instrumental Solo”). In October 2010, this highly successful CD was followed by another: Anna Vinnitskaya's first orchestral recording as the soloist of the Deutsches Sinfonieorchester Berlin under the baton of Gilbert Varga. Anna Vinnitskaya received the “ECHO Klassik” award in October 2011 for this recording.
In February 2012 Anna Vinnitskaya's third CD, that is dedicated to piano works of Maurice Ravel, was published. It was awarded with the “Gramophone Magazine Editor's Choice” and the “Diapason d'Or” .

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