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發報時間: 2014-06-19 11:00:00 / 報主:臺北市立交響樂團
首席指揮 吉博‧瓦格 Gilbert Varga, Principal Conductor
鋼琴:戴佐‧朗基 Dezső Ránki, Piano
大提琴:簡荿玄 Janet Chien, Cello
小提琴:姜智譯 Roger Chih-I Chiang, Violin





體驗中歐四國(Visegrád Group)的文化與藝術


首席指揮:吉博‧ 瓦格 Gilbert Varga, Principal Conductor
鋼琴:戴佐‧ 朗基 Dezső Ránki, Piano
小提琴:姜智譯 Roger Chih-I Chiang, Violin
大提琴:簡荿玄 Janet Chien, Cello
臺北市立交響樂團 Taipei Symphony Orchestra

Vladimír Godár: Barcarolle
Béla Bartók: Piano Concerto No. 3 in E Major, Sz. 119, BB 127
Karol Szymanowski: Violin Concerto No. 1, Op. 35
德弗札克:降D 大調隨想詼諧曲,作品66
Antonín Dvořák: Scherzo Capriccioso in D-flat Major,Op. 66, B.131

演出時間103年6月21日 星期六 晚上7:30

演出地點:臺北市中山堂中正廳 Zhongzheng Auditorium, Zhongshan Hall



且看兩位匈牙利籍的首席指揮及鋼琴家Dezső Ránk攜手同臺帶領大家翱翔於匈牙利的巴爾托克、斯洛伐克的高達、波蘭的席曼諾夫斯基及捷克的德佛亞克,一同體驗高堡四國( Visegrád Group)的文化藝術。

Dvořák holds an extraordinary place in music history because of the Slavonic Dances, and in his compositions you can almost always feel that liveliness and passion of the Slavic spirit.
Both Dvořák and Bartók eventually developed their musical careers in the vast 'melting pot' of America. The music of Black Americans and jazz had a huge impact on Dvořák. Similarly, when Bartók wrote his Piano Concerto No. 3 toward the end of his life in the U.S., aside from using Hungarian folk melodies, you can also hear hints of jazz in the piece. The style of the piece is pure and simple in its approach, while also including a dash of elegance in the mix, but you cannot hear anything pointing to the fact that the composer would never actually be able to finish the work.
Contemporary Slovak composer Godar uses a modern approach to ancient boat chants in Barcarole, cleverly coming up with idiosyncratic instrumentation to represent its mellifluous mystery.
Two talented musicians of Hungarian descent on one stage, TSO principal conductor Varga and pianist Dezső Ránk join forces as they lead us in flight through music by Hungarian composer Bartok, Slovak composer Godar, Polish composer Szymanowski and Czech composer Dvorak, allowing us to experience some of the greatest artistic culture of the Central European states of the Visegrad Group.

首席指揮 吉博‧瓦格 Gilbert Varga, Principal Conductor

吉博‧瓦格(Gilbert Varga),知名匈牙利小提琴家提伯‧瓦格(Tibor Varga)之子,曾分別追隨三位風格迥異的指揮大師學習:法蘭柯‧費拉拉(Franco Ferrara)、塞吉‧傑利畢達克(Sergiu Celibidache)與查爾斯‧布魯克(Charles Bruck)。一上臺即充分展露權威的他,卻是以細膩雅緻的指揮技巧聞名於世,並曾以常任指揮或客席指揮的身分與世界許多重要樂團合作演出。

Gilbert Varga, son of the celebrated Hungarian violinist Tibor Varga, studied under three very different and distinctive maestros: Franco Ferrara, Sergiu Celibidache and Charles Bruck. A commanding and authoritative figure on the podium, Varga is renowned for his elegant baton technique, and has held positions with and guest-conducted many of the major orchestras throughout the world.
In North America, Varga regularly guest conducts the symphony orchestras of Houston, St. Louis, Atlanta, Baltimore, Milwaukee, Minnesota, Utah and Nashville amongst others and in 13-14 makes his debut with the orchestras of Kansas City and San Diego. In Europe, Varga works regularly with the major orchestras of Berlin, Leipzig, Frankfurt, Cologne, Budapest, Porto, Brussels and Glasgow amongst others. In May 2013 Varga was appointed Principal Conductor of the Taipei Symphony Orchestra, an appointment that comes at an exciting time for the orchestra as the city of Taipei embarks upon a journey to build the orchestra its own concert hall, a process in which Varga will be heavily involved as Consultant.

鋼琴:戴佐‧朗基 Dezső Ránki, Piano

匈牙利鋼琴家 戴佐朗基(Dezső Ránki)和席夫(Andras Schiff)、柯西斯(Zoltan Kocsis)三人並稱匈牙利三小傑,戴佐朗基師事卡多薩(Pál Kadosa)與拉多什(Ferenc Rados),演奏風格富於抒情性。戴佐朗基也常與他的妻子艾迪特.克露根常同台演出雙鋼琴或四手聯彈,戴佐朗基在舒曼國際比賽中獲第一名從此開始到各地巡迴演出。經歷包括米蘭、巴黎、義大利拉維納、倫敦威格摩爾音樂廳、馬德里、哥廷根、布達佩斯等。他在同輩匈牙利鋼琴家中聲譽卓著,以對古典樂、浪漫樂派及後浪漫樂派作品精湛的詮釋聞名。

Dezső Ránki was born in Budapest in 1951 and is regarded as one of the most prominent Hungarian pianists of his generation, known for his excellent interpretations of the classical, romantic and late romantic repertory.
Ránki’s first international success was the first prize he won at the Zwickenau Schumann Piano Competition. Since then, he regularly performs in the most important venues in Europe, Japan and the United States with great orchestras such as Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, the London Philharmonic Orchestra, the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, the Orchestre National in Paris and the Tokyo NHK. He has worked with several renowned conductors such as Sir George Solti, Kurt Sanderling, Lorin Maazel, Frans Brüggen, Edo de Waart, Ivan Fischer, Roberto Benzi, Muhai Tang, Jeffrey Tate, Zubin Mehta, Kirill Kondrasjin, Sándor Végh, Yehudi Menuhin and Vaclav Neumann.

大提琴:簡荿玄 Janet Chien, Cello

幼時即在音樂方面展露才華,隨名師蕭茲與楊小佩學習鋼琴,十歲拜入已故大提琴名家張寬容教授門下,四年內即兩度獲得全國比賽首獎。十五歲即以教育部資賦優異生資格負笈美國,進入茱麗亞音樂院大學先修班深造,師事傳奇大師夏培洛(Harvey Shapiro),並以特優成績在四年內越級取得學士及碩士文憑。

A native of Taiwan, Cellist Janet Chien first began her music training on the piano, at age ten, she was introduced to the cello, and quickly showed affinity with the instrument. After winning first prize in the Taiwan National Music competition first in the children’s division, and later in the junior’s division as well, Miss Chien was selected by the Educational Bureau’s Artistic Young Talent Program to study abroad.
At age 15, she entered the world-famous Juilliard School as a scholarship student, later completed both Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in 4 years, under the tutelage of the legendary cellist Harvey Shapiro.
In 1989 Miss Chien was invited to join the Taipei Symphony Orchestra as Solo Principal Cellist, a position she has since held. She frequently made solo appearances with the orchestra, collaborating with conductors such as Vladimir Ziva, Peter Vronsky, and the former Music Director of the orchestra, Felix Chiu-Sen Chen. In 1990 she was invited to the first Pacific Music Festival, working with Maestro Leonard Bernstein and Yutaka Sato as one of the cello principals.

小提琴:姜智譯 Roger Chih-I Chiang, Violin

臺北市立交響樂團首席及臺北市立交響樂團附設室內樂團指揮。自幼受劉賢灼老師啟蒙,後經由謝中平、饒加林、廖年賦及簡名彥等教授指導。1994年榮獲第九屆臺北市立交響樂團協奏曲大賽優勝。先後畢業於國立藝專(現為臺灣藝術大學)及臺北藝術大學音樂研究所。曾兩度與指揮大師Sergiu Comissiona與亞洲青年管弦樂團巡迴世界各地演出,亦經常受邀擔任臺北世紀交響樂團、新北市立交響樂團、歐亞管弦樂團以及臺北愛樂青年管弦樂團之客座首席,為臺灣當今最活躍的小提琴家之一。

Roger Chih-I Chiang is concertmaster of the Taipei Symphony Orchestra and principal conductor of the TSO Chamber Orchestra. As a child, he was inspired by his teacher Hsien-Chuo Liu, and later studied with Chung-Ping Hsieh, Chia-Lin Rao, Nien-Fu Liao and Ming-Yen Chien. In 1994, Chiang won the TSO Violin Concerto Competition. After graduating from National Taiwan University of Arts and National Taipei University of the Arts' Institute of Musicology, he toured the world with the Asian Youth Orchestra under the direction of maestro Sergiu Comissiona. He has often been invited to serve as guest concertmaster for Taipei Century Symphony Orchestra, New Taipei City Symphony Orchestra, Eurasia Chamber Orchestra and Taipei Philharmonic Youth Orchestra, making him one of Taiwan's most active violinists.
Chiang started playing with the TSO in 1998, and at the age of 26 he became the TSO's concertmaster in 2001, making him the youngest concertmaster in a professional symphony in Taiwan at the time. He is often invited to perform violin concertos as featured soloist with Taipei Century Symphony Orchestra, New Taipei City Symphony Orchestra, Kaohsiung Symphony Orchestra, Taipei Chinese Orchestra, Beijing Symphony Orchestra, and regularly holds solo recitals at the National Concert Hall. Chiang's performances are always well received by critics and attain numerous accolades from audiences.


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