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發報時間: 2014-09-19 16:00:00 / 報主:臺北市立交響樂團
[公益聯播]徵 課輔人員
偉大的舒伯特 Schubert “The Great”
指揮:里昂‧波特斯坦 Leon Botstein, Conductor
大提琴:伊斯塔凡‧瓦爾代 István Várdai, Cello
偉大的舒伯特 Schubert “The Great”

於臺北時間9月13日獲得2014年第63屆德國慕尼黑ARD大賽大提琴首獎的大提琴家伊斯塔凡‧瓦爾代(István Várdai)將獻上臺灣首演(Taiwan Debut)!


Leon Botstein, Conductor
István Várdai, Cello
Taipei Symphony Orchestra


Felix Mendelssohn: Calm sea and Prosperous Voyage, Op. 27
Robert Schumann: Cello Concerto in A Minor, Op. 129
Franz Schubert: Symphony No. 9 in C Major, D. 944,“ The Great”

 演出時間Time:10月3日(週五) 19:30

 地點Venue: 國家音樂廳 National Concert Hall


1828 年舒伯特寫下「第九號交響曲」之後於維也納病逝。同年孟德爾頌根據歌德兩首短詩,寫下他的第四首序曲平靜的海與快樂的航行。而最年幼的舒曼,有一次在維也納拜訪了舒伯特的哥哥費迪南.舒伯特,費迪南給他看了幾首舒伯特的遺作。舒曼當即看中了C 大調第九號交響曲,並決定讓它重見天日。1839 年3 月21 日這部作品在孟德爾頌的指揮下在萊比錫首演。這三位浪漫樂派的大師,在舒伯特偉大的牽引下,竟然齊聚一堂。

In 1828, Franz Schubert passed away in Vienna after finishing “Symphony No.9”(also known as “The Great”). Later that same year, Felix Mendelssohn composed his forth overture “Calm Sea and Prosperous Voyage”. After meeting Schubert's brother, Ferdinand, Robert Schumann, youngest of the three composers in this program, was shown some of Schubert's posthumous works; he immediately decided to revitalize “The Great” and share it with the rest of the world. On March 21st, 1839, “The Great” premiered in Leipzig under the baton of Mendelssohn. That night, three of the greatest composers of the romantic era came together as one in “The Great”.

指揮:里昂‧波特斯坦 Leon Botstein, Conductor

里昂.波特斯坦自1992 年以來即擔任美國交響樂團的音樂總監和首席指揮,他同時也是耶路撒冷交響樂團的桂冠指揮。他是Summerscape 音樂節和巴德音樂節的創辦人及聯合藝術總監。
波特斯坦先生是The Musical Quarterly 音樂季刊的編輯以及許多文章和書籍的作者。並受邀到加州大學柏克萊分校為久負盛名的Tanner 講座開講。他在音樂上的貢獻,已讓其獲得許多獎項,包括:美國藝術學院獎、哈佛大學百週年紀念獎和奧地利一等十字榮譽徽章。2009 年他也獲頒卡內基基金會的學術領袖獎,並入選為美國哲學學會會員。

Leon Botstein has been Music Director and Principal Conductor of the American Symphony Orchestra since 1992, and is Conductor Laureate of the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra where he served as Music Director. He is also the founder and co-artistic director of the Summerscape Festival and the Bard Music Festival.
Mr. Botstein is the editor of The Musical Quarterly and the author of numerous articles and books. This year he gave the prestigious Tanner Lectures in Berkeley, CA. For his contributions to music he has received the award of the American Academy of Arts and Letters and Harvard University's prestigious Centennial Award, as well as the Cross of Honor, First Class from the government of Austria. He is a 2009 recipient of the Carnegie Foundation's Academic Leadership Award and was recently inducted into the American Philosophical Society.

大提琴:伊斯塔凡‧瓦爾代 István Várdai, Cello

28 歲的匈牙利大提琴家-伊斯塔凡.瓦爾代,甫獲得2014年第63屆德國慕尼黑ARD國際音樂大賽大提琴首獎,曾榮獲2012 年樂界著名的萬寶龍青年音樂家大獎,2009 年瓦爾代獲頒青年先驅獎最佳年輕音樂家。並於2008 年贏得第63 屆日內瓦國際音樂大賽、2007 年柴可夫斯基音樂大賽第三名、2006 年獲得艾曼紐.傅爾曼大提琴大賽特別獎、奧地利第13 屆國際布拉姆斯音樂大賽首獎。瓦爾代也是大衛包佩國際音樂大賽2000 年、2003 年和2004 年連續三屆的首獎得主。
瓦爾代陸續赴紐約、倫敦、巴黎等地演出,均大獲好評。瓦爾代也與許多名音樂家、樂團及音樂節合作。2010 年,瓦爾代首度在卡內基音樂廳和維也納音樂廳登台,並參與克隆堡音樂學院的「世界室內樂音樂節」,受邀演出的音樂家也包括知名小提琴家基東.克萊曼、匈牙利鋼琴家安德拉斯.席夫和中提琴家尤里.巴許密特。

István Várdai, the 28 year old Hungarian cellist was honoured with several prestigious international prizes: in 2008 he won the 63th Geneva International Music Competition, and additional special prizes as well: Audience Prize, “Pierre Fournier” Prize, “Coup de Coeur Breguet” Prize. He took the third prize of the International Tchaikovsky Music Competition, Moscow in 2007. In 2006 he was awarded with the special prize of the Emanuel Feuermann Cello Competition at the Kronberg Academy and received first prize at the 13th International Brahms Competition in Austria. He was winner of the David Popper International Music Competition three times in 2000, 2003 and 2004.
In 2009 he was awarded the Junior Prima Prize as best young artist of the year, in 2012 he received the highly prestigious Prix Montblanc. His first CD containing pieces of Janácek, Prokofiev and the Elgar Cello Concerto was released in October 2009 by Harmonia Mundi. In 2010 he recorded the Cello Concerto of Johann Baptist Vanhal.
He has been invited to Santander Festival, the Gergiev Festival in France in Montpellier, the Bellerive Festival(Switzerland), the Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival, the Schwetzingen Festival and the Budapest Spring Festival. In 2010 he made his debut, among others, in Carnegie Hall and the Wiener Konzerthaus and performed with Gidon Kremer, András Schiff and Yuri Bashmet in the frame of “Chamber Music Connects the World 2010” at Kronberg Academy. In 2011, his engagements included performances with the Suisse Romande Orchestra.
From 2010 he continues his studies at the Kronberg Academy with Professor Frans Helmerson. In the past years he attended master classes of Natalia Gutman, Natalia Shakhovskaya, András Schiff and János Starker.


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