台 灣 立 報 《 教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導 》 2011-01-20─立報—教育專題深入報導─智邦公益電子報
enews.url.com.tw · April 04,2014台 灣 立 報 《 教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導 》 2011-01-20
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台 灣 立 報 《 教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導》 2011-01-20 |
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禍從口出:仇恨言論與暴力攻擊關係 引發激辯 | 本報訊 |
策劃、編譯■李威撰、謝雯伃 美國亞利桑那州土桑市8日發生6人死亡14人受傷的槍擊事件, 目前受到槍傷的民主黨眾議員吉佛茲傷勢已逐漸好轉, 雖然政治人物在檢討仇恨語言的政治歪風時, 主要仍將責任推卸給另一黨, 但也有更多人開始正視言論自由與暴力之間的關聯性問題: 若言論內容會促成暴力,言論自由是否該有限度? 這一限度又如何畫定? 美國民主黨籍眾議員吉佛茲遭槍擊一案,很快地就從土桑市(Tucson)開始,蔓延到政治話題永不停歇的美國,造成激烈的意見分歧;針對仇恨言論在這次攻擊中扮演的角色為何,還有美國該以何種適切手段回應仇恨言論高漲的情勢,雙方各執一詞。 In a town where politics never rests, the shooting of U.S. congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords quickly opened a sharp divide on the role of inflamed rhetoric (1) in the assault and on the proper response to its growth. ■在亞利桑那州土桑市,7歲小女孩卡莉.威爾森(Cali Wilson)於16日在吉佛茲辦公室的海報上畫著彩虹。(圖文/路透) 儘管華府的政治人物在案發後不分黨派,都誓言至少暫時停止口舌之爭,亞利桑那州槍擊案仍激起了一陣狂潮,各界對美國有時過熱的政治言論紛加指責和訓誡。 The Arizona attack ignited a flood of finger-pointing (2) and pontificating on the sometimes overheated (3) state of U.S. political discourse, even as politicians largely vowed at least a temporary halt to the battle of words in Washington. 部分自由派的評論者和部落客質疑,原因可能在於去年選舉時,副總統候選人培林等保守派共和黨人及茶黨候選人,創造出滋養暴力的政治氣候。 Some liberal commentators and bloggers questioned whether last year's election rhetoric from conservative Republicans like Sarah Palin and Tea Party candidates created a climate that bred violence. 培林是2008年副總統候選人,並可能再度角逐白宮大位。她為了反對徹底修正所費不貲的健保體制,與總統歐巴馬發生激烈對抗,後來她要求保守派選民「將子彈再次上膛(reload)」,不要退縮(retreat)。 Palin, the 2008 vice presidential candidate and a potential White House contender, urged conservatives to "reload," not retreat, after a fierce debate over President Obama's plans to overhaul the hugely expensive healthcare system (4). 去年培林在美國地圖上,用槍枝準星圖案標示出20名支持健保法的民主黨議員選區,希望選民在11月選舉中,以這些人為目標。 She posted a map with gunsight cross-hairs on the districts of 20 Democrats -- including Giffords -- to be targeted in November's elections. ▲一對情侶於12日注視著為受害者所成立的臨時紀念所。(圖文/路透) 「在不論槍手動機為何的情況下,討論政治仇恨言論和實際暴力行為之間的關連,這是合理的臆測。」《大西洋月刊》的專欄作家法洛斯表示。 "It is legitimate to discuss whether there is a connection between that tone and actual outbursts of violence, whatever the motivations of this killer turn out to be," said James Fallows in the Atlantic. 茶黨支持的內華達州參議員候選人安格爾在選前曾暗示,若選舉結果不如人意,她的選民將對美國國會採取「憲法第二修正案補救辦法」;美國憲法第二修正案中提及,民眾有權攜帶並持有武器。安格爾的發言,彷彿暗示以武力來影響或改變選舉結果。 Tea Party favorite Sharron Angle, a Nevada Republican Senate candidate, threatened "Second Amendment remedies" against Congress if it did not change its ways -- a reference to the constitutional amendment on the right to bear arms. 「不過,這麼過度的語言和象徵,要發展成讓一名民選官員替一個在政治場合中開槍的謀殺者負責,要發展很長一段時間。」評論家庫茲在線上刊物《The Daily Beast》上提到。 "But it's a long stretch from such excessive language and symbols to holding a public official accountable for a murderer who opens fire on a political gathering." said Howard Kurtz of the online publication, The Daily Beast. 有些自由派評論者表示,亞利桑那槍擊事件是美國政治仇恨累積上升的頂點。這股仇恨情緒自總統歐巴馬2008年打贏總統選戰,成為第一名非裔美國總統時,就開始了。 Some liberal commentators said the Arizona shooting incident was the culmination of a rise in political hatred that started during Obama's 2008 campaign that made him the first black U.S. president. 「事實上,針對民選官員的威脅和蓄意攻擊行為,有日益增長的趨勢。」克魯曼在《紐約時報》上表示。「在過去的日子裡,勢必會有人要把這樣的敵對仇恨情緒帶到下個階段。現在,真的有人這麼做了。」 "There has, in fact, been a rising tide of threats and vandalism (5) aimed at elected officials," said Paul Krugman in the New York Times. "One of these days, someone was bound to take it to the next level. And now someone has." (路透Reuters) 關鍵字詞Key Words 1. rhetoric (n.) 修辭、辭令 2. finger-pointing (n.) 指責 3. overheated (a.) 過熱的 4. healthcare system (n.) 醫療保健制度 5. vandalism (n.) 恣意破壞公私財的行為 |
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