1.英國是世界紅茶的中心,日本綠茶在生產與文化層面,可以說在世界居主導地位,台灣烏龍茶則在全世界無出其右者。 Britain is the world’s most discerning market for black teas, whereas Japan takes the lead with the production and cultural appreciation of green teas. Taiwan, meanwhile, reigns supreme when it comes to oolong teas.
◎discerning 有識別力的 Our mission is to marry innovative companies with discerning consumers.
2.師傅知其然卻不知其所以然。 The master knew it as a truism of tea processing but didn’t know the reason behind it.
A recent report in the local newspaper supports that truism.
1.英國是世界紅茶的中心,日本綠茶在生產與文化層面,可以說在世界居主導地位,台灣烏龍茶則在全世界無出其右者。 Britain is the world’s most discerning market for black teas, whereas Japan takes the lead with the production and cultural appreciation of green teas. Taiwan, meanwhile, reigns supreme when it comes to oolong teas.
◎discerning 有識別力的 Our mission is to marry innovative companies with discerning consumers.
2.師傅知其然卻不知其所以然。 The master knew it as a truism of tea processing but didn’t know the reason behind it.
A recent report in the local newspaper supports that truism.
1.英國是世界紅茶的中心,日本綠茶在生產與文化層面,可以說在世界居主導地位,台灣烏龍茶則在全世界無出其右者。 Britain is the world’s most discerning market for black teas, whereas Japan takes the lead with the production and cultural appreciation of green teas. Taiwan, meanwhile, reigns supreme when it comes to oolong teas.
◎discerning 有識別力的 Our mission is to marry innovative companies with discerning consumers.
2.師傅知其然卻不知其所以然。 The master knew it as a truism of tea processing but didn’t know the reason behind it.
A recent report in the local newspaper supports that truism.