1. 導覽員為了讓遊客了解這裡在70多年前,曾發生嚴重的抗議事件,請遊客甲扮演二二八事件中賣私菸的婦人,遊客乙扮演取締私菸的警察,旁白就由導覽員負責。 To help visitors understand the political upheavals that took place here morethan seven decades ago, the tour guide asks them to reenact the incident thatset off the February 28 Incident, with one visitor playing the role of a womanselling contraband cigarettes and another playing the role of the policeofficer who confronted her, while the narrator provides a theatrical prologue.
◎ prologue 開場白 The film opened with a thrilling prologue. ◎ narrate 旁白 Audrey is going to narrate this non-fiction play. ◎ monologue獨白 Thistheatrical monologue by a famous actor, touching and intriguing.
2. 最受遊客歡迎的第二名路線是富有歷史底蘊的台南老城區,從赤嵌樓、林百貨到台灣文學館,三步一小廟,五步一大廟,導覽員帶遊客喝冬瓜茶、拜拜,在神明面前擲筊求問婚姻或健康,對外國人充滿了吸引力。 The second most popular route for tourists is through theold town of Tainan, which is rich in history. From Fort Provintia and theHayashi Department Store to the National Museum of Taiwan Literature, the routeis practically packed with temples large and small, and along the way, theguides take tourists to drink winter melon tea, worship, and cast moon blocksto ask for advice about marriage or health, activities which have a particulardraw for foreign visitors.
◎ cast moon blocks 擲筊 He designs an App of “Cast Moon Blocks”, showing atraditional culture in modern communication. |