冬天吃燒仙草,還要撒上乾花生,最對味。 In winter, a thick, velvety brew of semisolid xiancao, sprinkled with peanuts, really hits the spot.
velvety 天鵝絨般柔軟光滑的;(酒)醇和的;可口的
A classic hybrid tea with rich, dark velvety crimson flowers.
以此鋪設通路到台中500多個檳榔攤,足見其行銷的頭腦。 In this way, Qiushui Tea came to be distributed through more than 500 betel nut kiosks across Taichung, testifying to Luo Hanping’s business acumen.
acumen 銳敏;聰明 His engineering acumen and attention to detail was extremely valuable.
冬天吃燒仙草,還要撒上乾花生,最對味。 In winter, a thick, velvety brew of semisolid xiancao, sprinkled with peanuts, really hits the spot.
velvety 天鵝絨般柔軟光滑的;(酒)醇和的;可口的
A classic hybrid tea with rich, dark velvety crimson flowers.
以此鋪設通路到台中500多個檳榔攤,足見其行銷的頭腦。 In this way, Qiushui Tea came to be distributed through more than 500 betel nut kiosks across Taichung, testifying to Luo Hanping’s business acumen.
acumen 銳敏;聰明 His engineering acumen and attention to detail was extremely valuable.
冬天吃燒仙草,還要撒上乾花生,最對味。 In winter, a thick, velvety brew of semisolid xiancao, sprinkled with peanuts, really hits the spot.
velvety 天鵝絨般柔軟光滑的;(酒)醇和的;可口的
A classic hybrid tea with rich, dark velvety crimson flowers.
以此鋪設通路到台中500多個檳榔攤,足見其行銷的頭腦。 In this way, Qiushui Tea came to be distributed through more than 500 betel nut kiosks across Taichung, testifying to Luo Hanping’s business acumen.
acumen 銳敏;聰明 His engineering acumen and attention to detail was extremely valuable.