我們也在此邂逅了在地居民、以「深海魚」為筆名的鐵道攝影師賴國華。賴國華說,當年一度傳出林鐵廢線的消息,作為當地人的他不捨朝夕共處的鐵道就此消失,為了留下紀錄,才開始拿起相機。 Here we encounter Lai Guohua, a local resident and train photographer, who publishes under the pseudonym “Deep Sea Fish.” Lai recalls that it was the news that a section of the forest railway was going to be abandoned that prompted him to pick up a camera and make a record for posterity.
posterity 後裔,子孫;後代 This wise precaution preserved the Garden for posterity .
尤其是冒著煙的蒸汽火車,雖然只維持著工業0的水平,無疑是林鐵線上最引人注目的明星了。 In particular the steam engines with their plumes of vapor, relics from the first industrial revolution, grab visitors’ attention.
a plume of 羽狀物. Silver plumes of snow lay across the peaks.
我們也在此邂逅了在地居民、以「深海魚」為筆名的鐵道攝影師賴國華。賴國華說,當年一度傳出林鐵廢線的消息,作為當地人的他不捨朝夕共處的鐵道就此消失,為了留下紀錄,才開始拿起相機。 Here we encounter Lai Guohua, a local resident and train photographer, who publishes under the pseudonym “Deep Sea Fish.” Lai recalls that it was the news that a section of the forest railway was going to be abandoned that prompted him to pick up a camera and make a record for posterity.
posterity 後裔,子孫;後代 This wise precaution preserved the Garden for posterity .
尤其是冒著煙的蒸汽火車,雖然只維持著工業0的水平,無疑是林鐵線上最引人注目的明星了。 In particular the steam engines with their plumes of vapor, relics from the first industrial revolution, grab visitors’ attention.
a plume of 羽狀物. Silver plumes of snow lay across the peaks.
我們也在此邂逅了在地居民、以「深海魚」為筆名的鐵道攝影師賴國華。賴國華說,當年一度傳出林鐵廢線的消息,作為當地人的他不捨朝夕共處的鐵道就此消失,為了留下紀錄,才開始拿起相機。 Here we encounter Lai Guohua, a local resident and train photographer, who publishes under the pseudonym “Deep Sea Fish.” Lai recalls that it was the news that a section of the forest railway was going to be abandoned that prompted him to pick up a camera and make a record for posterity.
posterity 後裔,子孫;後代 This wise precaution preserved the Garden for posterity .
尤其是冒著煙的蒸汽火車,雖然只維持著工業0的水平,無疑是林鐵線上最引人注目的明星了。 In particular the steam engines with their plumes of vapor, relics from the first industrial revolution, grab visitors’ attention.
a plume of 羽狀物. Silver plumes of snow lay across the peaks.