因此監控畫面的演算法須配合實際路況。 Accordingly, algorithms for analyzing surveillance images must be tailored to the actual situation on the ground.
tailor to 修改;量身改造 The information is tailored to each specific target group.
因為印度人常把汽車當作騎機車般地鑽來鑽去,公路上雖是三個車道,卻形成六條車線。 Because many car drivers in India weave in and out of traffic like motorcyclists, although there are only three lanes marked on the highways, there are in fact six lines of vehicles.
weave in and out of 迂回曲折繞道前進 Don't change lanes unexpectedly or weave in and out of slow-moving traffic.
因此監控畫面的演算法須配合實際路況。 Accordingly, algorithms for analyzing surveillance images must be tailored to the actual situation on the ground.
tailor to 修改;量身改造 The information is tailored to each specific target group.
因為印度人常把汽車當作騎機車般地鑽來鑽去,公路上雖是三個車道,卻形成六條車線。 Because many car drivers in India weave in and out of traffic like motorcyclists, although there are only three lanes marked on the highways, there are in fact six lines of vehicles.
weave in and out of 迂回曲折繞道前進 Don't change lanes unexpectedly or weave in and out of slow-moving traffic.
因此監控畫面的演算法須配合實際路況。 Accordingly, algorithms for analyzing surveillance images must be tailored to the actual situation on the ground.
tailor to 修改;量身改造 The information is tailored to each specific target group.
因為印度人常把汽車當作騎機車般地鑽來鑽去,公路上雖是三個車道,卻形成六條車線。 Because many car drivers in India weave in and out of traffic like motorcyclists, although there are only three lanes marked on the highways, there are in fact six lines of vehicles.
weave in and out of 迂回曲折繞道前進 Don't change lanes unexpectedly or weave in and out of slow-moving traffic.