愚蠢年代與災難的開始─蠻野心足Wild at Heart─智邦公益電子報
enews.url.com.tw · October 02,2017垃圾上癮的社會How We Became a Society of Gluttonous Junk Food Addicts
我們知道這種食物以糖尿病、心臟病、及癌症的方式,漸漸殺害我們,但是因為我們都上了癮,所以我們停不下來,而且食品業正是藥頭。即便我們能 全身而退(幾乎不可能),不過我們的土地依舊受到摧殘,我們的水源依舊被毒害,我們的金錢依舊被用來補助這些破壞行為,我們的公共健康因為細菌和病毒的禍 害而遭受風險。
We know this food is killing us slowly with diabetes, heart disease and cancer. But we can't stop because we are addicts, and the food industry is the pusher. Even if can completely opt out (which is almost impossible), it's still our land that is being ravaged, our water and air that is being poisoned, our dollars that are subsidizing the destruction, our public health that is at risk from bacterial and viral plagues.
Changing our perilous food system means making choices -- not to shop for a greener planet, but to collectively dismantle the nexus of factory farming, food corporations and the political system that enables them. It's a tall order, but it's the only option left on the menu.(Read More)
更令人膽戰心驚的大安大甲溪聯合運用輸水工程Plan for Taan, Tachia River diversion needs improved evaluation of serious risk
台灣每年仍不可避免的會有颱風豪雨陸續造訪,在氣候變異日益極端的趨勢之下,如莫拉克颱風所帶來每年發生機率為二百五十分之一的降雨量,難保不會在短短數年內再度在中部山區重演。而大安大甲溪越域引水工程所經之處及其下游,人口密度遠高於曾文水庫越域引水所經區域,其工程設計方式,在防災(包括釀災與受災)上,能否承受此種暴雨洪水?尤其在大甲溪上游,台電的青山電廠復建工程計畫,預計亦以鑽炸方式開挖五.六公里的隧道, 並在中橫四十‧五K的大甲溪高灘地堆置高達四十四萬立方米剩餘土石方,本計畫可有因應本次八八水災所降暴雨之影響及一併將該青山電廠復建工程堆置土石方對本案的關聯影響重新檢討評估? (全文閱讀)
The Taan River-Tachia River Combined Use Water Transport Project (大安大甲溪水源聯合運用輸水工程計) aims to divert 1.5 million tons of water per day from the Tachia River in Taichung County, ostensibly to meet the predicted public water needs of the greater Taichung area. The water will be diverted northwards into a water treatment plant and an irrigation channel in Houli, Taichung, and across the Tachia River to a second treatment plant at the Liyutan (artificial) Reservoir in Miaoli County, via a series of tunnels and pipes. Construction is expected to take four years.
At the meeting on 26 August, lawyer Thomas Jhan (詹順貴) of the Primordial Law Firm (元貞聯合法律事務所 ) in Taipei, who acted on the EIA committee from 2005 to 2007, referred to the Tsengwen Interbasin Tranfer (IBT) Project in Chiayi County, southern Taiwan, which is believed may have been at least partly responsible for the deadly mudslide that buried Shiaolin Village a month ago, a matter currently under investigation. With one mouth of the tunnel of the Taan/Tachia IBT being situated only two hundred metres upstream of the Shihkang Dam, which breached during the magnitude 7.6 earthquake that occurred on 21 September 1999, and with around ten known geological faults and sheer zones within the project area, Jhan said the Taan-Tachia River project appeared to be even more dangerous than the Tsengwen project.
Meanwhile, Wild at Heart Legal Defense Association submitted comments challenging the poor display of understanding and consideration for river ecology by the proponents. (Read More)
- 再度探討大甲溪流域問題 文/張豐年
- 治理水患,抑或製造另一災難? 文/張豐年、鐘丁茂、文魯彬
- 關於「曾文越域引水案」之聲明-警告中華民國政府 文/陳玉峰
- Interbasin water transfers and water scarcity in a changing world - a solution or a pipedream?