教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2009-05-14》─立報—教育專題深入報導─智邦公益電子報
enews.url.com.tw · April 04,2014教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2009-05-14》
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教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2009-05-14》 |
本期內容 | |
◎國際專題:和解之旅:教宗的阿拉伯之行 | |
◎少年教宗納粹背景 刺痛以色列人 |
國際專題:和解之旅:教宗的阿拉伯之行 | |
策劃、編譯■謝雯(人予) | |
天主教教宗本篤16世這次的中東朝聖之旅,被賦予多重意義,除了參訪聖地之外,教宗本人也不斷在演說中釋放和解訊息,希望各族群、宗教能夠寬恕過去,相互理解,追求和平的大同世界。教宗此行,遇見穆斯林、二次世界大戰猶太生還者和同志平權人士頻頻發聲,希望教廷能聆聽不同的意見。儘管各地抗議批評聲浪不斷,相互的對話和聆聽已經為和解之路鋪下了基石。 | |
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少年教宗納粹背景 刺痛以色列人 | |
以色列國會發言人12日抨擊原籍德國的教宗本篤16世,對猶太人在納粹大屠殺時所受到的苦難表現得過度冷靜。 一名以色列報紙的專欄作家形容,教宗在猶太教聖地「西牆」和伊斯蘭教聖地「圓頂聖殿」祈禱時,表情十分「內斂,甚至有些冷漠」。這兩處是在以巴衝突核心地帶,耶路撒冷中的聖地。 以色列國會發言人李佛林強調,教宗青少年時曾加入希特勒青年團和德國軍隊,嚴責教宗11日在以色列為6百萬在大屠殺中喪命的猶太人所建紀念館中進行的演說。 李佛林告訴以色列廣播公司:「他來這裡和我們說的話,好像他是一個歷史學家一樣。他就像局外人,講著一件根本不應該發生的事。你能怎麼做,他也是那些加害人的一份子呀!」 在大屠殺紀念館所舉行的儀式中,教宗用了「恐怖的『大浩劫』(Shoah,大屠殺的希伯來文說法) 」這樣的字,然而,部分猶太宗教領袖對此感到失望,他們覺得教宗應該要以德國人和基督徒的身份,為種族滅絕道歉。 當被問到以色列方面對教宗在大屠殺紀念館演講的批評,教廷發言人龍巴迪神父表示,過去教宗已經針對他的國籍問題發言過很多次了,其中最著名的是2006年,教宗參訪奧茲維辛集中營的演說。 龍巴迪神父表示:「教宗並不認為,他每一次在每一場演講中,都要重覆他對大屠殺悲劇的看法。」 首席拉比 以色列首席拉比梅斯加則為教宗辯護。他說,他確信,現任教宗認同前任教宗若望保祿2世9年前在猶太教聖地「西牆」所留下的祈禱文。若望保祿2世的祈禱文中,祈求上帝能悲憫寬恕猶太人在數世紀來,所受的苦難。 西牆是羅馬時代,猶太教聖殿的遺址。教宗本篤16世在塞進西牆牆縫中的小紙條上,寫著「你在地上一切臣民所受的苦難」這樣概略的詞句,同時祈求和平降臨中東。 李佛林表示:「至於教宗聖座,我們不能忽略他所承擔的歷史負擔。他曾經是加入希特勒青年團的德國年輕人,也曾加入希特勒的軍隊;他曾經是大屠殺的工具。」 在教宗未當選前的自傳《地上的鹽:世紀末的基督教與天主教會:與彼得席瓦德的訪談》一書中,時任樞機主教的拉晉澤(教宗原名)寫道,他是為了就讀神學院才加入希特勒青年團,在完成的宗教教育後,就再也沒有參與了。 教宗表示,他和其他神學院學生一同被徵召進入防空部隊;服役的時間從1943年的8月到1944年的9月。之後,拉晉澤服務於步兵團,從事「相對較無害」的軍事服務。一名同情他遭遇的長官放他回家,在途中他被美軍俘虜。 在圓頂聖殿清真寺,教宗會晤了巴勒斯坦的穆斯林教士長「穆夫提」,雙方回溯了猶太教、伊斯蘭教和基督教的共同根源。 圓頂聖殿清真寺,位在這三個一神教經典共同記載,亞伯拉罕準備要將他的兒子獻祭給上帝的所在地。在亞伯拉罕將要動刀之際,一名天使停住了他的手。所羅門王和他的後繼者在這個地點搭建了一座猶太教神殿。羅馬人夷平了第二座神殿,猶太人從此開始流離的命運。 西元7世紀,伊斯蘭教的征服者在同一個地點建造了第一座圓頂清真寺,因為穆斯林認為此處是穆罕默德升天的地方。自從以色列軍隊1967年佔領耶路撒冷舊城之後,圓頂清真寺附近的地區,包括阿克薩清真寺和穆斯林所認為的「聖庇護所」,就一直是衝突的重心地帶。 2000年,當時的以色列領導人夏隆親率大約千名的以色列安全部隊,親訪耶路撒冷的「聖殿山」,激怒了巴勒斯坦人民,引起了長達好幾年的血腥抗議,巴勒斯坦人則稱其為「抗暴行動」(Intifada)。夏隆後來則成了以色列總理。 在與以色列的首席拉比們會晤之後,教宗前往耶穌在被釘上十字架前享用最後的晚餐的地點祈禱。基督教徒相信,此處也是他復活的地方。此處讓耶路撒冷成為基督徒心目中重要的聖地。 教宗在12日稍晚,會在客西馬尼園為上千名信徒主持彌撒。客西馬尼園據說是基督被猶大出賣、被捕的地點。 在約旦停留3日後,教宗在11日抵達以色列。教宗意圖弭平猶太人和穆斯林之間的歧見,但以色列方面對他演說表示失望;同時,教宗在耶路撒冷與當地各宗教領袖會面時,一名穆斯林教士發表了激烈的反以色列言論,此舉激怒了教廷和以色列雙方。 (路透) The speaker of Israel's parliament accused German-born Pope Benedict on Tuesday of showing detachment from Jewish suffering in the Nazi Holocaust, adding to criticism that has marked his Holy Land pilgrimage. The pontiff, described by one Israeli newspaper columnist as coming across as "restrained, almost cold," prayed at Judaism's Western Wall and visited Islam's Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem holy sites at the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Citing what he called Benedict's teenage membership in the Hitler Youth and German military service, Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin berated the pope over his address on Monday at Israel's memorial to the six million Jews killed in the Holocaust. "He came and told us as if he were a historian, someone looking in from the sidelines, about things that should not have happened. And what can you do? He was a part of them," Rivlin told Israel Radio. At the Yad Vashem ceremony, the pope spoke of the "horrific tragedy of the Shoah," the Hebrew term for the Holocaust, but disappointed some Jewish religious leaders who said he should have apologized as a German and a Christian for the genocide. Asked about the criticism of the Yad Vashem speech, Rev. Federico Lombardi, the Vatican spokesman, said the pope had addressed the issue of his nationality many times in the past, notably during a visit to the Auschwitz death camp in 2006. "He did not think that every time he has to repeat in every speech all the points about the tragedy of the Holocaust," Lombardi said. CHIEF RABBI In what appeared to be an attempt to rally to the pope's defense, Israeli Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger said he was certain the pontiff subscribed to the prayer Pope John Paul II placed in the Western Wall nine years ago in which he asked for God's forgiveness for suffering caused to Jews over the centuries. In the prayer he slotted into a stone crevice of the remnant of the Roman-era Jewish Temple complex, Pope Benedict mentioned in general terms "the suffering and the pain of all your people throughout the world" and called for peace in the Middle East. Rivlin said that "with all due respect to the Holy See, we cannot ignore the burden he bears, as a young German who joined the Hitler Youth and as a person who joined Hitler's army, which was an instrument in the extermination." In an autobiography, "Salt of the Earth," the future pope, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, wrote that he was registered in the Hitler Youth by his seminary, and never went back to the group after ending his religious studies there. He said that along with other seminarians he was conscripted into an anti-aircraft unit, serving from August 1943 to September 1944. Afterward, following what he called a "relatively harmless" service in the infantry, he was sent home by a sympathetic officer and taken prisoner by U.S. forces. At the Dome of the Rock, the pope met the Grand Mufti, the Palestinians' senior Muslim cleric, and recalled the common roots of Judaism, Islam and Christianity. The Dome stands at the spot where all three great monotheistic religions believe Abraham prepared to sacrifice his son to God, before an angel stayed his hand. King Solomon and his successors built Jewish temples there before the Romans razed the Second Temple in 70 AD and Jews scattered in exile. In the 7th century, Islamic conquerors built the first Dome on the spot, where Muslims also believe Mohammad ascended to heaven. The area around, including the al-Aqsa mosque and known to Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary, has been a focus of tensions since Israeli forces captured Jerusalem's Old City in 1967. When Israeli leader Ariel Sharon walked through what is known to Jews as the Temple Mount in 2000, Palestinian anger turned into several years of bloody uprising, or Intifada, against occupation. Sharon went on to become prime minister. After meeting Israel's chief rabbis, the pope prayed at the site of Jesus' Last Supper before his crucifixion, and Christians believe his resurrection; the focus of the city's importance for them. The pontiff was to say mass for thousands of worshippers at the Garden of Gethsemane later in the day. Arriving on Monday after three days in Jordan, Pope Benedict found his efforts to heal differences with Jews and Muslims challenged by both Israeli disappointment and by a fiery anti-Israel address, delivered in his presence by a Palestinian Muslim cleric, which annoyed both the Vatican and Israelis. (Editing by Alastair Macdonald and Matthew Jones) (Reuters) |
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