教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2010-02-25》─立報—教育專題深入報導─智邦公益電子報
enews.url.com.tw · April 04,2014教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2010-02-25》
教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導《2010-02-25》
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◎尼日政變 必要之惡? | |
◎政變 或許為尼日帶來民主未來 | |
◎軍事執政團關鍵人物 |
尼日政變 必要之惡? | |
策劃、編譯■謝雯(人予) | |
西非國家尼日18日發生政變。 軍隊罷黜了主導修憲、延長個人任期而引起撻伐的總統譚加。 面對政局巨變,尼日人民卻依舊平靜度日, 絲毫不激情的態度隱含著對軍隊的支持和民主的渴望。 國際都在等待,尼日是否能盡速推動民主選舉,以檢視這樣的政變是否為必要之惡; 同時評判,發動政變的軍隊,是國際公敵,抑或國際英雄? |
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政變 或許為尼日帶來民主未來 | |
國際輿論雖然對於尼日軍事執政團推翻不受歡迎的領導人譚加(Mamadou Tandja)一事紛表譴責,然而這次政變或許能夠提供這個西非國家邁向民主選舉的最好機會。 The overthrow 1 of Niger's pariah leader Mamadou Tandja has been condemned internationally as undemocratic, but it could provide the west African country with its best chance for elections. 尼日早因數個月來的政爭飽受挫折,發動尼日政變的軍事執政團由於行動迅速,同時持續保持低調,反倒贏得了各方讚賞和重振尼日政局的時間。 Months of frustrations over political wrangling 2, a clinical operation and remaining low key since last Thursday's takeover have won the army praise and some time. 然而,如何讓這個西非產鈾國能夠回到正軌,仍是個棘手問題。 Still, working out how to get the West African uranium exporter back on the rails will be more tricky. 在首都尼阿美(Niamey)熙來攘往的大市集中,人們很快就回到自己的攤位上叫賣蠟染服飾、二手鞋和獨輪車上的水果及可樂果,對軍事執政團行動的支持幾乎不言而喻。 Deep in the warrens of Niamey's Grand Marche, where people were soon back at their stands hawking piles of printed wax cloth, secondhand shoes and wheelbarrows of fruit and cola nuts, support for the military's action is almost unequivocal. 在18日的政變中,譚加被免職,這反映了自2009年譚加主導修憲、延長任期後所造成的緊張情勢。譚加主導的修憲延後了原定今年底要舉辦的選舉,將之至少往後延3年。 Tandja was removed on Thursday in response tension caused by changes he made to the uranium-producing country's constitution in 2009 to extend his rule, effectively delaying elections due this year by at least three years. 「這次政變是你會捫心自問『或許真的有用意良善的政變存在』的例子之一。」一名不願具名的地區事務分析師表示。「雖然這真的決定在主事的軍事執政團意向是否良善。」 "This is one of those cases where you ask yourself if there's such a thing as a good coup 3 ," said a regional analyst who asked not to be identified. "Though it really depends on the junta's intentions." 尼日豐富的石油和礦藏吸引了數十億美元的外資,在此地所發生的政治危機,只是非洲多年來身陷政變或選舉延遲造成民主政治阻礙的案例之一。 The crisis in Niger, whose oil and mineral wealth has attracted billions of dollars in foreign investment, is one of many in a region plagued by coups and delayed elections which have proved obstacles to democratic civilian rule. 來自自稱「民主復興最高委員會」(Supreme Council for the Restoration of Democracy,CSRD)軍事執政團的軍人,18日以一聲槍響為信號,衝進總統府,隨後扣留總統譚加,並中止尼日憲法。 Fighters from the junta, which calls itself the Supreme Council for the Restoration of Democracy (CSRD), stormed the presidential palace on Thursday in a hail of gunfire before detaining Tandja and suspending the constitution. 非洲聯盟(African Union)和西非國家經濟共同體(ECOWAS)等非洲兩大地區集團,以及之前殖民尼日的法國,都旋即譴責這次政變,然而美國表示,美方仍在觀察推翻譚加一事。 Two regional bodies, the African Union and ECOWAS, and Niger's former colonial ruler France, quickly condemned the coup while the United States said it could not defend Tandja's violent overthrow. 「很明顯地,眾人皆知,我們不能以任何形式,來為這種本質為暴力的行為辯護,不過我們認為,這次政變強調了尼日需要一個通往選舉和組成新政府的進程。」美國國務院發言人克勞里(P.J. Crowley)18日表示。 "Clearly, we do not in any way, shape or form, you know, defend violence of this nature, but clearly we think this underscores that Niger needs to move ahead with the elections and the formation of a new government," U.S. State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said on Thursday. 領導政變的軍事執政團下一步怎麼走相當重要。 The junta's next move will be important. 巨額投資 HUGE INVESTMENTS 近年來,尼日吸引了巨額的外資,包含法國核電公司艾爾瓦(Areva)12億美元(約新台幣385億元)的鈾礦開採計畫,和中國石油天然氣集團公司(China National Petroleum Corp)50億美元(約新台幣1千6百億元)的石油開採計畫。 Niger has attracted huge investments in recent years, including a $1.2 billion uranium mining project by France's Areva and a $5 billion oil project by China's China National Petroleum Corp. 「國際投資對尼日政府稅收大約有10%的貢獻,各投資國必須要等到尼日新領導人出現,了解他的性格之後,才能決定應如何採取對策。不過,國際投資者仍會要求尼日新政府提出一個重建憲政維護和民主的計畫。」「全球洞察組織」(IHS Global Insight)在19日發表的演說中提到。 "The international community, accounting for around 10 percent of government revenue, must wait to know the character of Niger's new rulers before deciding on its next course of action, but they will demand a programme for the return of constitutionalism and democracy," IHS Global Insight said in a research note Friday. 尼日人民對轉變到民治階段有無限期望;軍方資料顯示,兩名軍事執政團的成員在1999年的軍事政變中也扮演重要角色,當時的政變帶來了選舉,為譚加的執政鋪路,當時的選舉被觀察員形容為自由且公平。 Raising hopes of a transition to civilian rule, military sources have said two of the junta's members played a role in a 1999 coup that paved the way for the elections that brought Tandja to power, described by observers as free and fair. 「從民主復興最高委員會的背景來看,可能表示在短至中期內他們會帶領尼日回到憲政體制中。」IHS表示。 "The CSRD pedigree could mean a return to constitutionalism within the short to medium term," IHS said. 絕大多數人認為尼日軍隊紀律相當森嚴,比起其他西非國家,像是一年多前被軍事集團奪權的幾內亞來說,更有可能去維持憲政秩序。 The Niger military is widely regarded as well-disciplined and more likely to uphold the constitutional order than those of other west African countries such as Guinea, where a junta seized power more than a year ago. 「他們可不是幾內亞軍事執政團領導人卡瑪拉(Moussa Dadis Camara)。他們更專業。」英國智庫皇家國際事務研究所(Chatham House)的非洲事務主任維尼斯(Alex Vines)表示。 "This is not Dadis Camara. They are more professional," said Alex Vines, head of the Africa programme at the London think tank 4 Chatham House, referring to Guinea's military chief. 「這次政變讓人憂喜參半。發生政變的確令人相當不舒服,但是如果這只是選舉前的短期過渡,那麼倒是無可厚非。」他補充說道。 "It is a bittersweet thing. It is uncomfortable to have a coup but if it is a short-term platform for elections, that could be OK," he added. 即使軍事集團所要求的是舉行民主選舉,然而,分析師表示,這次政變還是立下了不良的先例。 Even if the junta calls elections, however, analysts say the coup sets a bad precedent 5. 「茅利塔尼亞2005年也發生過一次政變,那次政變也被普遍認為是一場用意良善的政變,後續也的確出現了民主選舉。不過3年後又出現了另一次政變。」美國華府戰略暨國際研究中心的非洲議題分析師庫克(Jennifer Cooke)表示。 "There was a coup in Mauritania in 2005 that was widely seen as a good coup and was followed by elections. But there was another coup three years later," said Jennifer Cooke, Africa analyst at Washington's Center for Strategic International Studies. 她進一步說明:「雖然這次政變解決了當下面臨的問題,但它也為了未來解決憲法缺陷議題時,立下一個先例。」 "While a coup like this solves the immediate problem, it also sets a precedent for future shortcuts around the constitution," she said. (路透REUTERS) |
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軍事執政團關鍵人物 | |
尼日一個軍事執政團18日發動軍事政變,罷黜總統譚加(Mamadou Tandja),暫時中止這個西非產鈾國家的憲法,政變過後尼日首都街頭一片平靜。 下列是策劃這次政變的軍事執政團關鍵人物介紹: 領導人:空軍少校吉博Salou Djibo 軍事執政團領導人吉博,曾服役於駐象牙海岸和剛果民主共合國的聯合國部隊,他在尼日並不出名,首都尼阿美的人民幾乎都沒有聽過他的名號。 吉博今年49歲,根據軍方資料,他曾在象牙海岸的布瓦客(Bouake)接受軍官訓練,也在摩洛哥和中國等地接受特別訓練。 吉博曾擔任聯合國駐象牙海岸和平維持部隊和聯合國駐剛果民主共和國特派團(MONUC)的軍事觀察員。政變發生時,他於尼阿美坐鎮指揮軍隊。 吉博有5名子女,屬於哲爾瑪-桑海族,該族群是尼日僅次於豪桑族的第2大族。 「貝利上校」:希馬杜上校Colonel Djibril Hamidou 在這次策劃政變的軍事執政團中,希馬杜可能是名氣最大的一位,他別名「貝利上校」,這是來自於他擔任尼日足球聯盟主席時所贏得的稱號。 希馬杜上校同時也是1999年政變,罷黜軍事強人馬納沙上校(Colonel Ibrahim Bare Mainassara)的關鍵人物,當時的政變推動了尼日選舉,譚加即於該次選舉中勝出,踏上執政之路。 一般來說,國際觀察員均認為尼日1999年政變後的選舉大致上為自由公平的競爭。 在這次政變發生時,希馬杜是尼阿美第一區的軍事指揮官。 起事者:哈魯納上校Colonel Abdoulaye Adamou Harouna 2009年10月才升上上校的哈魯納,在政變中領著軍隊直搗總統府。 哈魯納的弟弟,被稱為「吉布列」的一名上尉也參與了這次的政變行動,吉布列同時為軍事執政團公開宣讀過幾次公告。 據軍方資料顯示,哈魯納執掌了西非國家經濟共同體(ECOWAS)後備軍的尼日部隊,當中包含了507名士兵和2個武裝師。 和希馬杜一樣,哈魯納也參與了1999年的政變,他是當時政變領導人的副官。 據報導,去年11月初,西非國家經濟共同體的領導人,頻頻訪問先前擔任尼日駐象牙海岸軍營指揮官的哈魯納。 (路透) |
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