台 灣 立 報 《 教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導 》 2010-09-02─立報—教育專題深入報導─智邦公益電子報
enews.url.com.tw · April 04,2014台 灣 立 報 《 教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導 》 2010-09-02
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台 灣 立 報 《 教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導》 2010-09-02 |
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防狼車廂有效嗎? 女性專用車廂 各國爭相仿效 | 本報訊 |
策劃、編譯■成怡夏、李威撰 印尼雅加達8月19日推出女性專屬的火車車廂後,獲得許多女性支持。但部分外界人士卻將這項政策,與印尼是伊斯蘭國家聯想在一起,因此很自然地將女性包廂設計當成宗教性別區隔的產品。然而,印尼人自己如何看待這件事?是宗教干預政策?還是別有其它原因?印尼雅加達的女性專用車廂於本週開始啟用,印尼是全世界穆斯林人口最多的國家,此舉是要防範女性在擁擠的通勤列車上遭到偷摸及性騷擾。Women-only train carriages (1) were launched this week in Jakarta in Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim country, in an attempt to avert groping and sexual harassment (2) on packed commuter (3) trains.提供女性專屬服務的城市日益增多,雅加達是目前最新加入的城市之一。在雅加達,女性乘客可以選擇搭乘有橘色及粉紅色座椅的頭尾兩節車廂。Women can choose to board the female-only, orange and pink-seated carriages at the front and rear of trains in Jakarta, the latest in a growing number of cities to offer women-only services.印尼國營鐵路營運單位PT Kereta Api Indonesia(KAI)表示,它們收到關於性騷擾的抱怨並不多,但是該公司注意到,許多女性會避免搭乘擁擠的列車。一名PT KAI的官員向路透電視表示:「女性專用車廂的目的是讓女性感到舒服自在。」The state-owned (4) railway operator, PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI), said it had not received many complaints about sexual harassment but the company had noticed that many women avoided densely-packed trains. "The women-only carriages are aimed to make women feel comfortable," an official at PT KAI told Reuters Television.PT KAI目前提供20個女性專用車廂,並計畫在未來3個月增加更多這種專用車廂。PT KAI is now providing 20 female-only carriages and plans to add more in the next three months.一名要前往茂物市的女性通勤者對這種新車廂感到高興,這位僅屬名丹尼莎的通勤者告訴路透電視:「我感覺受到尊重,你也許察覺到,性騷擾總發生在擁擠的車廂裡。」One female commuter headed for Bogor city was pleased with the new carriages. "I feel respected. As you may be aware, sexual harassment took place on packed trains," the commuter, giving her name just as Dennisa, told Reuters Television.這些列車是由日本製造,是連接雅加達四個郊區城市唯一的快捷大眾交通工具。一天50萬的通勤者中,女性幾乎就占了一半。The trains, manufactured in Japan, are the only fast public transport service between the four city suburbs connecting Jakarta. Women account for almost half of the 500,000 commuters a day.日本在2000年的耶誕假期率先引進女性專屬車廂,藉此來杜絕性騷擾事件。目前,東京及大阪這兩個日本最大的城市有提供該項服務。Female-only carriages on trains were first introduced in the festive (5), year-end season in Japan in 2000 as a way to stop sexual harassment. These carriages are now offeredin Tokyo and Osaka, Japan's two biggest cities.從那時開始,女性專用車廂就在國際間散播開來,包括印度、馬來西亞、台灣和巴西。Since then the popularity of women-only carriages has spread internationally with countries including India, Malaysia, Taiwan and Brazil also operating women-only carriages.(路透Reuters)■2008年7月在洪都拉斯的德古西加巴,女性通勤者們搭乘女性專用巴士。公車每一趟的費用為4.5洪都拉斯幣(約美金0.25元),市政廳提供該項巴士服務的目的是為了降低對女性的犯罪。(圖文/路透)關鍵字詞Key Words1. carriage(n.) 火車車廂2. sexual harassment(n.) 性騷擾3. commuter(n.) 通勤者4. state-owned (a.) 國有的5. festive(a.) 耶誕節的 |
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