台 灣 立 報 《 教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導 》 2011-04-28─立報—教育專題深入報導─智邦公益電子報
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台 灣 立 報 《 教 育 專 題 深 入 報 導》 2011-04-28 |
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「證件拿出來」 :亞利桑那反移民法周年 政策尚無定調 | 本報訊 |
策劃、編譯■謝雯伃、李威撰 美國聯邦政府在移民改革法案上遲遲沒有行動,讓部分州政府轉而從本州的移民法做起; 亞利桑那州率先於去年簽署反移民法,內容之嚴苛引起全國激烈討論。 這一年間,有些州仿效亞利桑那州的立法,也有些州採取較寬容的態度, 美國對移民的複雜心理,從各州不同版本的移民法可見一斑。 ▲美國民眾於2010年4月25日在亞利桑納州議會外頭參加抗議,反對參院第1070號法案。(圖文/路透) 上週,西班牙裔行動人士加林多,在亞利桑那州議會外參與抗議行動。身為西裔人士,他深切了解,當亞利桑那這個沙漠之州從一年前開始實施具爭議性的移民法之後,產生了何種衝擊。 Protesting outside the Arizona legislature this week, Hispanic activist Carlos Galindo was clear about the impact of the desert state's controversial immigration crackdown made into law one year ago. 「移民法讓亞利桑那兩極化,產生了分歧。」51歲的加林多表示。他是一名電台脫口秀節目主持人。在移民法實施週年將至之際,他定時造訪議會大樓,與成群示威者一同在亞利桑那州議會前靜坐抗議。在抗議民眾周圍,環繞著戒慎監管他們的警察。 "It has polarized Arizona," said Galindo, 51, a talk-radio host sitting with protesters who, along with police who watch over them, have become a fixture outside the Capitol as the anniversary approaches. 2010 年4月23日,共和黨籍亞利桑那州州長布魯爾正式簽署這項實為打擊非法移民的移民法案。該法案在全美居民間形成了相當大的爭議。然而,法案有些關鍵條款受美國聯邦法官攔阻,並未生效。 Controversy is one of the few things Americans can agree on in discussing the crackdown on illegal immigrants, which was signed into law by Arizona's Republican governor Jan Brewer on April 23, 2010. But some key provisions (1) remain blocked by a U.S. federal judge from taking effect. 由於美國聯邦政府遲遲無法處理美墨邊界的安全漏洞問題,讓民眾感到挫折,亞利桑那因而尋求制定該州自主的移民法。亞利桑那州移民法實施之後,全美譁然,而非法移民問題亦躍上檯面成為當務之急,從各州議會到各家餐桌都可見對此話題的激烈討論。 Fueled by frustration at the U.S. federal government's failure to secure the state's porous (2) border with Mexico, the law sent shock waves around the country and moved illegal immigration to the front burner as an issue for often bitter debate from legislatures to family homes. 「無庸置疑地,亞利桑那移民法激起大眾對於非法移民議題的討論。」民調專家暨亞利桑那州立大學政治科學家梅瑞爾,如此評價該法案對美國社會所產生的衝擊。 "It has stimulated awareness and discussion on the illegal immigration issue, there's no question about that," said Bruce Merrill, a pollster and political scientist at Arizona State University, assessing its impact. 全國民調顯示,多數美國人支持這項要將46萬非法移民驅離亞利桑那州、並遏止美墨邊境人口偷渡及毒品走私的法案。 National polls showed the law, which sought to drive 460,000 illegal immigrants from the desert state and curb the smuggling of people and drugs over the porous border from Mexico, was backed by a majority of Americans. 不過,反對者表示,當中一項允許並要求地方警察檢查任何嫌疑人移民身分的條款,在美國並不合法,且有可能會造成對西班牙裔美國人的騷擾。 But opponents said a provision enabling and requiring local police officers to check the immigration status of anyone they suspect was unlawfully in the country would lead to the harassment of Hispanic-Americans. 聯邦法官波頓已透過判決攔阻上述權力及其他條款。波頓表示,移民事務屬聯邦政府管轄,而非各州事務。 That power was one of several provisions of the law blocked by a judge who argued that immigration matters were the federal government's responsibility, not the states'. 部分州打頭陣STATES TAKE THE LEAD 美國總統歐巴馬反對這項法案,不過支持推動大規模的移民法改革,其中包括更嚴格的邊境安檢,同時啟動移民合法化的行動。依照歐巴馬的版本,若目前預估的1千1百萬非法移民繳付罰款、學習英文,並提出申請,將可能可獲得美國公民權。 President Barack Obama opposed the law but supports a comprehensive immigration reform -- including tougher border security and a shot at citizenship for many of an estimated 11 million illegal immigrants if they pay a fine, learn English and go to the back of the line to apply. 在上週一場與企業領袖、宗教團體和其他利益攸關者的會面中,歐巴馬重申廣泛改革移民法的要求。 At a meeting with business leaders, faith groups and other stakeholders (3) this week, Obama reiterated his call for broad reform. 不過,歐巴馬移民法改革仍卡在聯邦立法的階段。日前美國國會表決《夢想法案》,亦即讓幼時即來到美國的年輕人在限定條件下取得合法地位的一項法案,就造成民主黨在國會面對共和黨的強烈杯葛。 But legislation is stalled at the federal level. Even passage of the so-called "Dream Act," giving legal status to some youngsters brought to the United States as children, has evaded Democrats facing stiff Republican opposition in Congress. 日前亞利桑那州參議院院長皮爾斯在州議會中表示,亞利桑那反移民法「是相當巨大的成功」。皮爾斯是激進的保守主義者,主導亞利桑那州反移民法的實施。 At the Arizona legislature earlier this week, Senate President Russell Pearce -- a fiery conservative who led the effort in crafting the state's immigration crackdown -- said the law has been a "huge, huge success." 他表示,隨著部分措施已付諸實行,亞利桑那州已驅逐了至少10萬名非法移民離開美墨邊界,同時已然下降的犯罪率及州監獄收容人口人數也持續減少。 With several measures of the law in effect, he said it has contributed to driving at least 100,000 illegal immigrants from the Mexico border state as well as to dips in already falling crime rates and the state's prison population. 皮爾斯也大力讚揚這項被稱為「SB 1070」的法案,因全美有超過20個州的共和黨議員也開始推動相似的法案,雖然說各州推行進度不一。 He also credits the law, dubbed "SB 1070," with inspiring Republicans in more than 20 U.S. states to pursue similar measures -- although results so far have been patchy. 經濟上的失敗AN ECONOMIC BLACK EYE 根據全美移民論壇,在加州、科羅拉多州、愛荷華州、堪薩斯州、肯塔基州、密西西比州、內布拉斯加州、新罕普夏州、南達科達州以及懷俄明州,與亞利桑那移民法類似的法案則在議會闖關失敗。 Arizona-style legislation has been tossed or failed to advance in California, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Hampshire, South Dakota and Wyoming, according to the National Immigration Forum. 「很明顯地,各州都想要更進一步討論這項議題,不過今年,由於要等候法院判決裁定,或是無限期延期,表決時程因而延遲。」全美州議會聯合會的移民議題分析師摩爾斯表示。 "States clearly wanted to debate the issue further, but they are finding that they are suspending discussion this year pending court decisions or just deferring it indefinitely," said Ann Morse, immigration analyst at the National Conference of State Legislatures. 根據一項調查顯示,就連在亞利桑那州當地,對州移民法的修正狂熱,也有漸漸退燒的現象。這是由於SB 1070法案造成了各界激烈辯論,帶來許多示威和杯葛活動,對這個以大峽谷聞名的觀光地,造成了約1億4千萬美元的觀光及規費損失。亞利桑那州也因此成為全國脫口秀嘲弄的箭靶,被戲稱為「證件拿出來」的那一州。 There are also signs that enthusiasm for state immigration remedies is waning (4) in Arizona itself, following the bitter controversy surrounding SB 1070, which cost the Grand Canyon state an estimated $140 million in lost tourism and convention revenue due to boycotts and protests, according to one survey, and made it the butt of talk show jibes as the "show-your-papers" state. 今年3月,由共和黨所主導的亞利桑那州州議會投票否決了5項移民法案,其中包括一項反對非法移民子女出生公民權的措施。亞利桑那州60名行政長官曾聯合上呈陳情信給議會,表示若拒絕給予非法移民子女公民權,會造成偌大商業損失。 The Republican-controlled state Senate voted down five immigration bills in March, including a measure that sought to provoke a challenge to birthright (5) citizenship for the children of illegal immigrants, after 60 Arizona chief executives sent a letter to lawmakers warning the laws would hurt business. 「亞利桑那州必須要處理自身的經濟危機……然後重新成為人們想要造訪的地方。」民主黨州參議員席內瑪表示。席內瑪反對亞利桑那移民法以及SB 1070法案,希望亞利桑那州能夠終止這項移民政策所造成的爭論。 "Arizona needs to get rid of our economic black eye ... and get back to where people want to come to our state," said Kyrsten Sinema, a Democratic state senator who opposed the bills and SB 1070, and now hopes that the state can put the row over immigration behind it. 然而,皮爾斯表示,還是要以某些方法來處理非法移民問題。「我們不能成為一個沒有律法的國家,忽略非法移民所造成的傷害和毀滅。」 Pearce, though, says something had to be done about illegal immigration. "You can't become a lawless nation and ignore the damage and destruction." (路透Reuters) Key Words 1. provision (n.) 規定 2. porous (a.) 有洞可滲透的 3. stakeholder (n.) 利害相關者 4. wane (n.) 減弱、衰退 5. birthright (n.) 與生俱來的權利 |
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