張文村表示,針對不實圖的片的防範,國外已經有一些新創公司專門處理這類業務。他舉例說明:「有些人為了詐領汽車保險金而偽造照片,保險公司就需要一套技術來辨別。」 Chang Wen-tsun notes that there are already some overseas startups that specialize in identifying fake photos. For example, he says, “some people doctor photos to make fraudulent insurance claims, so insurers need tools to spot fakes.”
doctor 竄改(文件賬目等) She was accused of doctoring the accounts.
團隊會進而通知相關單位去了解情況,以達到事前防治。 The team then informs the appropriate organizations of its findings for them to take action and nip misinformation in the bud.
nip something in the bud 即早制止、防患於未然 This separatist movement must be nipped in the bud.
閱讀光華,不斷電! 自由‧快速‧輕閱讀
光華網站已全面改為雲端閱讀版, 適用各式數位載具, 精彩內容隨時取讀,方便快速。
張文村表示,針對不實圖的片的防範,國外已經有一些新創公司專門處理這類業務。他舉例說明:「有些人為了詐領汽車保險金而偽造照片,保險公司就需要一套技術來辨別。」 Chang Wen-tsun notes that there are already some overseas startups that specialize in identifying fake photos. For example, he says, “some people doctor photos to make fraudulent insurance claims, so insurers need tools to spot fakes.”
doctor 竄改(文件賬目等) She was accused of doctoring the accounts.
團隊會進而通知相關單位去了解情況,以達到事前防治。 The team then informs the appropriate organizations of its findings for them to take action and nip misinformation in the bud.
nip something in the bud 即早制止、防患於未然 This separatist movement must be nipped in the bud.
張文村表示,針對不實圖的片的防範,國外已經有一些新創公司專門處理這類業務。他舉例說明:「有些人為了詐領汽車保險金而偽造照片,保險公司就需要一套技術來辨別。」 Chang Wen-tsun notes that there are already some overseas startups that specialize in identifying fake photos. For example, he says, “some people doctor photos to make fraudulent insurance claims, so insurers need tools to spot fakes.”
doctor 竄改(文件賬目等) She was accused of doctoring the accounts.
團隊會進而通知相關單位去了解情況,以達到事前防治。 The team then informs the appropriate organizations of its findings for them to take action and nip misinformation in the bud.
nip something in the bud 即早制止、防患於未然 This separatist movement must be nipped in the bud.
閱讀光華,不斷電! 自由‧快速‧輕閱讀
光華網站已全面改為雲端閱讀版, 適用各式數位載具, 精彩內容隨時取讀,方便快速。
張文村表示,針對不實圖的片的防範,國外已經有一些新創公司專門處理這類業務。他舉例說明:「有些人為了詐領汽車保險金而偽造照片,保險公司就需要一套技術來辨別。」 Chang Wen-tsun notes that there are already some overseas startups that specialize in identifying fake photos. For example, he says, “some people doctor photos to make fraudulent insurance claims, so insurers need tools to spot fakes.”
doctor 竄改(文件賬目等) She was accused of doctoring the accounts.
團隊會進而通知相關單位去了解情況,以達到事前防治。 The team then informs the appropriate organizations of its findings for them to take action and nip misinformation in the bud.
nip something in the bud 即早制止、防患於未然 This separatist movement must be nipped in the bud.
張文村表示,針對不實圖的片的防範,國外已經有一些新創公司專門處理這類業務。他舉例說明:「有些人為了詐領汽車保險金而偽造照片,保險公司就需要一套技術來辨別。」 Chang Wen-tsun notes that there are already some overseas startups that specialize in identifying fake photos. For example, he says, “some people doctor photos to make fraudulent insurance claims, so insurers need tools to spot fakes.”
doctor 竄改(文件賬目等) She was accused of doctoring the accounts.
團隊會進而通知相關單位去了解情況,以達到事前防治。 The team then informs the appropriate organizations of its findings for them to take action and nip misinformation in the bud.
nip something in the bud 即早制止、防患於未然 This separatist movement must be nipped in the bud.
閱讀光華,不斷電! 自由‧快速‧輕閱讀
光華網站已全面改為雲端閱讀版, 適用各式數位載具, 精彩內容隨時取讀,方便快速。
張文村表示,針對不實圖的片的防範,國外已經有一些新創公司專門處理這類業務。他舉例說明:「有些人為了詐領汽車保險金而偽造照片,保險公司就需要一套技術來辨別。」 Chang Wen-tsun notes that there are already some overseas startups that specialize in identifying fake photos. For example, he says, “some people doctor photos to make fraudulent insurance claims, so insurers need tools to spot fakes.”
doctor 竄改(文件賬目等) She was accused of doctoring the accounts.
團隊會進而通知相關單位去了解情況,以達到事前防治。 The team then informs the appropriate organizations of its findings for them to take action and nip misinformation in the bud.
nip something in the bud 即早制止、防患於未然 This separatist movement must be nipped in the bud.