因傷癱瘓的歌手李珮菁努力不懈地復健,影帝常楓年近百歲的瀟灑,在導演蔡明亮運用長鏡頭所展現的畫面裡,靜靜地訴說著令人感動的電影美學。 Lee Pei-jing, a wheelchair-using singer who has been working hard to regain control of her legs, and Chang Feng, a debonair actor who is nearly 100 years old, quietly present their own stories in filmmaker Tsai Ming-liang’s heart wrenchingly beautiful long takes.
debonair 溫文爾雅的 He was still the popular, boyish, debonair hero.
雖然受到疫情影響而被迫延宕,今(2022)年仍計劃在挪威,繼續用台灣的電影,說台灣的故事,讓歐洲人更認識台灣。 Though the plan has been disrupted by Covid-19, this year the festival is on track to be held in Norway, where it will continue to introduce European audiences to Taiwan through film.
on track 順利進行中;如預期 The country’s recovery is still on track.
閱讀光華,不斷電! 自由‧快速‧輕閱讀
光華網站已全面改為雲端閱讀版, 適用各式數位載具, 精彩內容隨時取讀,方便快速。
因傷癱瘓的歌手李珮菁努力不懈地復健,影帝常楓年近百歲的瀟灑,在導演蔡明亮運用長鏡頭所展現的畫面裡,靜靜地訴說著令人感動的電影美學。 Lee Pei-jing, a wheelchair-using singer who has been working hard to regain control of her legs, and Chang Feng, a debonair actor who is nearly 100 years old, quietly present their own stories in filmmaker Tsai Ming-liang’s heart wrenchingly beautiful long takes.
debonair 溫文爾雅的 He was still the popular, boyish, debonair hero.
雖然受到疫情影響而被迫延宕,今(2022)年仍計劃在挪威,繼續用台灣的電影,說台灣的故事,讓歐洲人更認識台灣。 Though the plan has been disrupted by Covid-19, this year the festival is on track to be held in Norway, where it will continue to introduce European audiences to Taiwan through film.
on track 順利進行中;如預期 The country’s recovery is still on track.
因傷癱瘓的歌手李珮菁努力不懈地復健,影帝常楓年近百歲的瀟灑,在導演蔡明亮運用長鏡頭所展現的畫面裡,靜靜地訴說著令人感動的電影美學。 Lee Pei-jing, a wheelchair-using singer who has been working hard to regain control of her legs, and Chang Feng, a debonair actor who is nearly 100 years old, quietly present their own stories in filmmaker Tsai Ming-liang’s heart wrenchingly beautiful long takes.
debonair 溫文爾雅的 He was still the popular, boyish, debonair hero.
雖然受到疫情影響而被迫延宕,今(2022)年仍計劃在挪威,繼續用台灣的電影,說台灣的故事,讓歐洲人更認識台灣。 Though the plan has been disrupted by Covid-19, this year the festival is on track to be held in Norway, where it will continue to introduce European audiences to Taiwan through film.
on track 順利進行中;如預期 The country’s recovery is still on track.
閱讀光華,不斷電! 自由‧快速‧輕閱讀
光華網站已全面改為雲端閱讀版, 適用各式數位載具, 精彩內容隨時取讀,方便快速。
因傷癱瘓的歌手李珮菁努力不懈地復健,影帝常楓年近百歲的瀟灑,在導演蔡明亮運用長鏡頭所展現的畫面裡,靜靜地訴說著令人感動的電影美學。 Lee Pei-jing, a wheelchair-using singer who has been working hard to regain control of her legs, and Chang Feng, a debonair actor who is nearly 100 years old, quietly present their own stories in filmmaker Tsai Ming-liang’s heart wrenchingly beautiful long takes.
debonair 溫文爾雅的 He was still the popular, boyish, debonair hero.
雖然受到疫情影響而被迫延宕,今(2022)年仍計劃在挪威,繼續用台灣的電影,說台灣的故事,讓歐洲人更認識台灣。 Though the plan has been disrupted by Covid-19, this year the festival is on track to be held in Norway, where it will continue to introduce European audiences to Taiwan through film.
on track 順利進行中;如預期 The country’s recovery is still on track.
因傷癱瘓的歌手李珮菁努力不懈地復健,影帝常楓年近百歲的瀟灑,在導演蔡明亮運用長鏡頭所展現的畫面裡,靜靜地訴說著令人感動的電影美學。 Lee Pei-jing, a wheelchair-using singer who has been working hard to regain control of her legs, and Chang Feng, a debonair actor who is nearly 100 years old, quietly present their own stories in filmmaker Tsai Ming-liang’s heart wrenchingly beautiful long takes.
debonair 溫文爾雅的 He was still the popular, boyish, debonair hero.
雖然受到疫情影響而被迫延宕,今(2022)年仍計劃在挪威,繼續用台灣的電影,說台灣的故事,讓歐洲人更認識台灣。 Though the plan has been disrupted by Covid-19, this year the festival is on track to be held in Norway, where it will continue to introduce European audiences to Taiwan through film.
on track 順利進行中;如預期 The country’s recovery is still on track.
閱讀光華,不斷電! 自由‧快速‧輕閱讀
光華網站已全面改為雲端閱讀版, 適用各式數位載具, 精彩內容隨時取讀,方便快速。
因傷癱瘓的歌手李珮菁努力不懈地復健,影帝常楓年近百歲的瀟灑,在導演蔡明亮運用長鏡頭所展現的畫面裡,靜靜地訴說著令人感動的電影美學。 Lee Pei-jing, a wheelchair-using singer who has been working hard to regain control of her legs, and Chang Feng, a debonair actor who is nearly 100 years old, quietly present their own stories in filmmaker Tsai Ming-liang’s heart wrenchingly beautiful long takes.
debonair 溫文爾雅的 He was still the popular, boyish, debonair hero.
雖然受到疫情影響而被迫延宕,今(2022)年仍計劃在挪威,繼續用台灣的電影,說台灣的故事,讓歐洲人更認識台灣。 Though the plan has been disrupted by Covid-19, this year the festival is on track to be held in Norway, where it will continue to introduce European audiences to Taiwan through film.
on track 順利進行中;如預期 The country’s recovery is still on track.