1.台灣的養豬產業在慘痛的經驗中建立起生物防治的觀念。 Following this harsh experience, Taiwan’s swine-raising industry adopted concepts of biosecurity.
◎swine n.豬;豬玀 Taiwan has also successfully prevented African swine fever (ASF) from impacting its pig farming sector.
2.如今,台灣在豬隻疾病的防治更上層樓。 Now, Taiwan’s efforts to prevent diseases in hogs are taking another step forward.
◎hog n.[C]豬;【美】長大的食用豬;【英】閹過的肉用公豬 In 1995 Chen’s father took out a loan from a farmers’ association to construct pig sheds, where he raised 100–200 female breeding hogs.
1.台灣的養豬產業在慘痛的經驗中建立起生物防治的觀念。 Following this harsh experience, Taiwan’s swine-raising industry adopted concepts of biosecurity.
◎swine n.豬;豬玀 Taiwan has also successfully prevented African swine fever (ASF) from impacting its pig farming sector.
2.如今,台灣在豬隻疾病的防治更上層樓。 Now, Taiwan’s efforts to prevent diseases in hogs are taking another step forward.
◎hog n.[C]豬;【美】長大的食用豬;【英】閹過的肉用公豬 In 1995 Chen’s father took out a loan from a farmers’ association to construct pig sheds, where he raised 100–200 female breeding hogs.
1.台灣的養豬產業在慘痛的經驗中建立起生物防治的觀念。 Following this harsh experience, Taiwan’s swine-raising industry adopted concepts of biosecurity.
◎swine n.豬;豬玀 Taiwan has also successfully prevented African swine fever (ASF) from impacting its pig farming sector.
2.如今,台灣在豬隻疾病的防治更上層樓。 Now, Taiwan’s efforts to prevent diseases in hogs are taking another step forward.
◎hog n.[C]豬;【美】長大的食用豬;【英】閹過的肉用公豬 In 1995 Chen’s father took out a loan from a farmers’ association to construct pig sheds, where he raised 100–200 female breeding hogs.