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發報時間: 2014-05-28 05:00:00 / 報主:臺北市立交響樂團
費德里歐 Fidelio
指 揮:大勝秀也 Shuya Okatsu, Conductor
導演暨演唱指導:曾道雄 Dau-Hsiong Tseng, Director / Coach
女高音:林慈音 Grace Lin, Leonore
男高音:孔孝誠 Siao Cheng Kong, Florestan
男中音:林中光 Chung-Kuang Lin, Don Pizarro
男低音:羅俊穎 Julian Lo, Rocco
男高音:洪宜德 Yi-Te Hung, Jaquino
女高音:李郁茹 Yu-Ju Lee, Marzelline
男低音:姚盈任 Ying-Jen Yao, Don Fernando
臺北市立交響樂團附設合唱團 Taipei Symphony Orchestra Chorus
臺北歌劇合唱團 Taipei Opera Chorus
費德里歐 Fidelio

那千萬不要錯過由專業歌劇名指揮大勝秀也(Shuya Okatsu)

中山堂中正廳 Zhongzheng Auditorium, Zhongshan Hall

指 揮:大勝秀也 Shuya Okatsu, Conductor
導演暨演唱指導:曾道雄 Dau-Hsiong Tseng, Director / Coach
女高音:林慈音 Grace Lin, Leonore
男高音:孔孝誠 Siao Cheng Kong, Florestan
男中音:林中光 Chung-Kuang Lin, Don Pizarro
男低音:羅俊穎 Julian Lo, Rocco
男高音:洪宜德 Yi-Te Hung, Jaquino
女高音:李郁茹 Yu-Ju Lee, Marzelline
男低音:姚盈任 Ying-Jen Yao, Don Fernando
臺北市立交響樂團 Taipei Symphony Orchestra
臺北市立交響樂團附設合唱團Taipei Symphony Orchestra Chorus
台北歌劇合唱團 Taipei Opera Chorus

演出曲目 Program
貝多芬:費德里歐 Ludwig van Beethoven: "Fidelio"

指 揮:大勝秀也 Shuya Okatsu, Conductor

出生於日本東京,1983 年從日本歌劇基金會出道,已是國際知名音樂家爭相指名合作的大勝秀也,近期在莫斯科波修瓦劇院指揮歌劇《托斯卡》,首次演出即大獲成功。他的演出曲目囊括眾多重要的歌劇及交響作品。曾受波士頓交響樂團藝術總監小澤征爾欽點擔任助理指揮,亦曾任波恩歌劇院首席指揮、瑞典馬爾默劇院首席指揮、貝爾格勒愛樂管弦樂團首席指揮。未來的演出計畫包括愛知縣藝術劇場《卡門》、東京新國家劇院《玫瑰騎士》、群馬交響樂團「普羅高菲夫第六號交響曲」、瑞典馬爾默歌劇院「約翰‧ 亞當斯」《聖嬰》。

Placido Domingo, Mirella Freni, Sheryl Milnes, Eva Marton, Rune Kollo, Francisco Araisa, Ingvar Wixell, Seiji Ozawa, Dennis Russel Davies – this is only a few of well-renowned artists who collaborated with Shuya Okatsu. In 1994, the Bonn State Opera promoted Okatsu to the post of Principal Conductor. And in 1996 he was engaged as a Chief-Conductor at Malmö Music Theatre, Sweden. In December 2002 Mr. Shuya Okatsu was appointed Principal conductor at the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra. Mr. Okatsu’s future engagements includes performances of Carmen, Rosenkavalier, Prokofiev 6th Symphony and John.

導演暨演唱指導:曾道雄 Dau-Hsiong Tseng, Director / Coach

曾道雄是彰化田中人,畢業於臺灣師範大學音樂系與馬德里皇家音樂院,主修聲樂,師事戴序倫教授,副修鋼琴與豎笛,並與蕭滋教授學習指揮。他曾先後在洛杉磯加州大學與Jan Popper學習歌劇藝術,1980年在義大利 Siena 參加大師Franco Ferrara 的指揮研習營。

The renowned Taiwanese baritone. Prof Tseng, has been recognized for his breadth of achievement in opera, song and education. Born in Chang-hwa, Taiwan, he studied with Robert Scholz and Paul Dai at the National Taiwan Normal University, and Franco Navarette and Maria de Los Angeles at the Royal Madrid Music Conservatory. Latter, he further studied in Los Angeles University, under the guidance of Dr. Jan Propper for opera and singing and Maria Carta for opera directing.
Prof. Tseng has worked closely with musicians in Asia. All the musicians and artistes who have worked with him appreciated his fine conducting, profound musical knowledge and educational enthusiasm.

女高音:林慈音 Grace Lin, Leonore

林慈音取得英國皇家音樂院(Royal Academy of Music)特優演唱文憑以及英國皇家音樂院音樂學士學位,國立藝專音樂科畢業。自2000年返台以來,於表演舞台上表現傑出。


Grace Lin graduated from the Royal Academy in Music in London with performance diploma with distinction. Since coming back to Taiwan in 2000, she has engaged in various performances and has become one of the most sought-after singers in the country.


男高音:孔孝誠 Siao Cheng Kong, Florestan


After finishing the Opera Workshop founded by the National Theatre and Concert Hall, up and coming Taiwanese vocalist Siao Cheng Kong has become quite a rising star on the national stage. In collaboration with the National Symphony Orchestra, Taipei Symphony Orchestra, National Chinese Orchestra, and the Taipei Philharmonic Youth Orchestra, Kong has worked many world-esteemed artists.

男中音:林中光 Chung-Kuang Lin, Don Pizarro

國立臺灣師範大學音樂學系藝術學博士、東海大學音樂研究所碩士,UCSB Vocal Institute結業並獲Excellence證書。主修聲樂曾師事陳思照、王凱蔚、E. Lanza、E. Mannion、W. Scheidt、R. Döling、李秀芬及陳榮貴等諸位教授,博士論文由陳漢金教授指導。現為國立台中教育大學音樂學系兼任助理教授、成大校友合唱團及青韵合唱團之聲樂指導、巴哈靈感音樂學習中心歌劇講座講師並為聲樂家協會基本會員。

Baritone Chung-Kuang Lin is one of the most famous singers in Taiwan. He often works with many  orchestras in Taiwan, such as National Symphony Orchestra, National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra and Taipei City Symphony Orchestral, etc.

男低音:羅俊穎 Julian Lo, Rocco

男低音羅俊穎畢業於東吳大學音樂系研究所碩士班。 2005年於「全日本演奏家協會」主辦之第二屆歌劇詠嘆調大賽中獲得首獎,並獲頒「年度新人獎」。隨後考入日本「藤原歌劇團」(The Fujiwara Opera Company & The Japan Opera Foundation)成為正式團員。

Julian Lo (Bass) Graduated from Taiwan Soochow University with a Master degree in Music. Lo won the first prize in an opera competition of Japan Performers Association in 2004 and started his professional singing career in Japan. He then became a main member of Fujiwara Opera Company and Japan Opera Foundation. 

男高音:洪宜德 Yi-Te Hung, Jaquino


A native of Taiwan, Tenor Yi-Te Hung has received the first prize of Taiwan National Vocal Competition in 2004 and second prize of Taipei German Lieder Competition in 2001. He was also selected by Taipei Philharmonic Foundation as one of the Young Artists in 2002. 

女高音:李郁茹 Yu-Ju Lee, Marzelline

畢業於國立臺北藝術大學、臺灣師範大學研究所、現就讀輔仁大學博士班,曾師事張娟娟老師、蔡冰瑛老師、Lorraine Nawa Jones、林惠珍教授、陳允宜教授,現師事林玉卿教授。

Graduarted from National Taiwan Normal University, LEE Yu-ju is currently enrolled at Fu-Jen University, studying with LIN Yu-chin.

男低音:姚盈任 Ying-Jen Yao, Don Fernando


Ying-Jen Yao was borned in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. He received his master degree for voice from the Tunghai University.He has studied with Chung-Fa Wang and Jung-Kuang Chen, currently he studies with Syou Fen Lee.He was awarded several prizes, including 2007newartinc’s young artist prize, 2005Association of Vocal Artists of R.O.C’s young artist prize, 2004 Taipei Philharmonic Foundation for Culture and Education’s young artist prize,and 2003Third Prize of 1st Chung Shan Singing Competition.

臺北市立交響樂團附設合唱團 Taipei Symphony Orchestra Chorus


The Taipei Symphony Orchestra Chorus (TSOC) was formed in April 1993 and celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. The TSOC’s main purpose is to promote exquisite musical cultures, improve people’s quality of life, and expand the orchestra’s repertoire to make it a more complete ensemble. During the time that Felix Chen served as the orchestra’s director, Wu Shou-ling served as assistant principal conductor, and was involved in planning, enrolling students and training conducting students, while Mo Chi-hui served as the principal piano teacher. Apart from having members in the TSOC that majored in music, many of the group’s members are amateur musicians with backgrounds in various vocations.

臺北歌劇合唱團 Taipei Opera Chorus




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